Análisis in-silico de candidatos como biomarcadores de conjuntivitis alérgica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Optometría
Introducción. La conjuntivitis alérgica es un proceso inflamatorio inmunológico común de la superficie anterior del ojo. Diferentes autores, describen la CA como una de las afecciones más comunes en la practica clínica y su etiología depende de diferentes factores. Algunos biomarcadores pueden medirse a partir del fluido lagrimal el cual nos brinda información del diagnóstico de la enfermedad y de su respuesta farmacológica. Dichas moléculas pueden ser estudiadas mediante análisis in-silico o bioinformáticos y dada su relevancia en la identificación de estas como biomarcadores, sería interesante describir las moléculas implicadas en la enfermedad de conjuntivitis alérgica, y con ello generar futuras investigaciones. Objetivo general. Determinar candidatos de biomarcadores proteicos de la conjuntivitis alérgica leve y severa. Metodología. Estudio in silico descriptivo y analítico en el que se analizará y se describirá la función de los biomarcadores candidatos de la conjuntivitis alérgica en su forma leve y severa a través de un análisis bioinformático utilizando programas como UniprotKB del servidor público gratuito de UniProt, NCBI (protein) y GenBank. Resultados. Dentro de los candidatos encontrados en la CA leve se encontraron 4 marcadores específicos, tales como IL-8, MIP -1, GAL -3 y EDN, en el caso de la CA severa 24 y 5 biomarcadores que se expresan en las reacciones de hipersensibilidad tanto leves como severas. Conclusiones. Se identificaron 4 biomarcadores específicos de la CA leve y 21 de la severa.
Introduction. Allergic conjunctivitis is a common inflammatory process of the anterior surface of the eye. Different authors describe AC as one of the most common conditions in clinical practice and its etiology depends on different factors. Some biomarkers can be measured from tear fluid, which provides us with information on the diagnosis of the disease and its pharmacological response. These molecules can be studied by in-silic or bioinformatic analysis and given their relevance in identifying these as biomarkers, it would be interesting to describe the molecules involved in allergic conjunctivitis disease, and thus generate future research. General objective. To determine candidates for protein biomarkers for mild and severe allergic conjunctivitis. Methodology. Descriptive and analytical in silico study in which the function of candidate biomarkers of allergic conjunctivitis in its mild and severe form will be analyzed and described through a bioinformatic analysis using bioinformatics programs such as UniprotKB from the free public server of UniProt, NCBI (protein) and GenBank. Results. Among the candidates found in mild CA we found 4 specific markers, such as IL-8, MIP - 1, GAL -3 and EDN, in the case of severe CA 24 and 5 biomarkers that are expressed in both mild and severe hypersensitivity reactions. Conclusions. Four biomarkers specific to mild CA and 21 to severe CA were identified.
Introduction. Allergic conjunctivitis is a common inflammatory process of the anterior surface of the eye. Different authors describe AC as one of the most common conditions in clinical practice and its etiology depends on different factors. Some biomarkers can be measured from tear fluid, which provides us with information on the diagnosis of the disease and its pharmacological response. These molecules can be studied by in-silic or bioinformatic analysis and given their relevance in identifying these as biomarkers, it would be interesting to describe the molecules involved in allergic conjunctivitis disease, and thus generate future research. General objective. To determine candidates for protein biomarkers for mild and severe allergic conjunctivitis. Methodology. Descriptive and analytical in silico study in which the function of candidate biomarkers of allergic conjunctivitis in its mild and severe form will be analyzed and described through a bioinformatic analysis using bioinformatics programs such as UniprotKB from the free public server of UniProt, NCBI (protein) and GenBank. Results. Among the candidates found in mild CA we found 4 specific markers, such as IL-8, MIP - 1, GAL -3 and EDN, in the case of severe CA 24 and 5 biomarkers that are expressed in both mild and severe hypersensitivity reactions. Conclusions. Four biomarkers specific to mild CA and 21 to severe CA were identified.
Palabras clave
Conjuntivitis alérgica, Biomarcadores, Análisis in-sílico, Hipersensibilidad, Bioinformática.