Teaching strategies to promote the students’ oral participation in virtual ELT classes. An emotional and motivational approach under the pandemic frame
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
Esta investigación cualitativa nació a partir de la observación de la forma en la que la participación oral de los estudiantes ha bajado considerablemente desde que la pandemia y la virtualización de las clases ELT empezaron, el objetivo principal al que se apunta en este trabajo es encontrar las estrategias de enseñanza más apropiadas que pueden ser usadas para promover la participación oral de los estudiantes, considerando los aspectos emocionales y motivacionales en clases virtuales de ELT. Con esa meta en mente, el estudio fue aplicado al centro de lenguas de la Universidad de La Salle, en donde 8 estudiantes y 3 profesores fueron participantes voluntarios. Para fines de la investigación, un análisis cualitativo descriptivo fue aplicado por medio del uso de las técnicas de análisis de contenido, estadísticas descriptivas, y triangulación por instrumentos. Concluimos que hay muchas estrategias de enseñanza diferentes y considerables que pueden promover la participación oral del estudiante en sus clases virtuales de ELT; estas no están limitadas pero sí deben ser aplicadas bajo las consideraciones del docente en cuanto a los parámetros, grupo y circunstancias en que se aplican; sin embargo, si hay algunas prácticas clave, como las actividades basadas en juegos, la participación del alumno y el refuerzo positivo, que se destacaron como facilitadoras de la práctica docente.
This qualitative research came out of observing how the student’s oral participation has dropped considerably since the pandemic and the virtualization of ELT classes started, the main objective being targeted in this work is to find the most appropriate teaching strategies that can be used to promote the student’s oral participation considering the emotional and motivational factors in virtual ELT classes. With that aim in mind, the study was applied to the language center of De La Salle University, where 8 students and 3 teachers were participants. For the research purposes, a qualitative descriptive analysis was applied using techniques such as content analysis, descriptive statistics, and instrument triangulation. We concluded that there are a lot of different and sizeable teaching strategies that could promote the student’s oral participation in their virtual ELT classes; they are not limited but they do need to be applied under the teacher’s considerations regarding the parameters, group, and circumstances in which they are applied; there are, however, some key practices such as game-based activities, learner engagement, and positive reinforcement, that were highlighted as facilitators of the teaching practice.
This qualitative research came out of observing how the student’s oral participation has dropped considerably since the pandemic and the virtualization of ELT classes started, the main objective being targeted in this work is to find the most appropriate teaching strategies that can be used to promote the student’s oral participation considering the emotional and motivational factors in virtual ELT classes. With that aim in mind, the study was applied to the language center of De La Salle University, where 8 students and 3 teachers were participants. For the research purposes, a qualitative descriptive analysis was applied using techniques such as content analysis, descriptive statistics, and instrument triangulation. We concluded that there are a lot of different and sizeable teaching strategies that could promote the student’s oral participation in their virtual ELT classes; they are not limited but they do need to be applied under the teacher’s considerations regarding the parameters, group, and circumstances in which they are applied; there are, however, some key practices such as game-based activities, learner engagement, and positive reinforcement, that were highlighted as facilitators of the teaching practice.
Palabras clave
Virtualización, Estrategias de enseñanza, Participación oral, Factores emocionales, Factores motivacionales, Enseñanza de lengua inglesa