Eficacia de Arthrospira platensis (Cyanophyceae: oscillatoriaceae) como alternativa a las dietas actuales en la crianza de larvas de Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann 1820 (Diptera: culicidae)
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas. Biología
En este proyecto se evalúa la eficacia de un cultivo de Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina), sobre la supervivencia y productividad de larvas de Anopheles albimanus, mosquito causante de la malaria. Para lo anterior se sometieron 360 larvas por un periodo de 25 días a este tratamiento y se comparó con dos tratamientos, uno basado en Tetramin ® y otro en comida para perro marca Pedigree®. Se dividieron en grupos de 60, 40 y 20 larvas, y se cuantificó la mortalidad diaria. El tratamiento control basado en comida para perro demostró una supervivencia y productividad alta comparada con Tetramin ®, el cual no logró una supervivencia aceptable, debido seguramente a la rápida formación de películas de grasa que limitaron la respiración de las larvas. Se encontraron indicios de aletargamiento en el crecimiento larval en los grupos de larvas alimentados con cianobacterias el cual podría estar relacionado con una aparente carencia de carbohidratos solubles en la dieta, un efecto tóxico debido a altas concentraciones de productos nitrogenados o una incapacidad de las larvas para digerir los nutrientes. No obstante, aunque la supervivencia fue superior con este tratamiento que con los restantes, las larvas fueron incapaces en su mayoría de superar el segundo estadio de su ciclo larval, siendo un indicio de que este alimento podría no ser indicado para la crianza en cautiverio de esta especie de mosquito.
This project evaluates the efficacy of a culture of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina), on the survival and productivity of larvae of Anopheles albimanus, a mosquito that causes malaria. For the above, 360 larvae were submitted for a period of 25 days to this treatment and was compared with two treatments, one based on Tetramin® and another on dog food brand Pedigree®. They were divided into groups of 60, 40 and 20 larvae, and daily mortality was quantified. The control treatment based on dog food showed a high survival and productivity compared to Tetramin®, which did not achieve an acceptable survival, probably due to the rapid formation of fat films that limited the breathing of the larvae. Clues of lethargy were found in larval growth in groups of cyanobacteria-fed larvae which could be related to an apparent lack of soluble carbohydrates in the diet, a toxic effect due to high concentrations of nitrogenous products or an inability of larvae to digest nutrients. However, although survival was higher with this treatment than with the rest, the larvae were mostly unable to overcome the second stage of their larval cycle, being an indication that this food might not be indicated for captive breeding of this species of mosquito.
This project evaluates the efficacy of a culture of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina), on the survival and productivity of larvae of Anopheles albimanus, a mosquito that causes malaria. For the above, 360 larvae were submitted for a period of 25 days to this treatment and was compared with two treatments, one based on Tetramin® and another on dog food brand Pedigree®. They were divided into groups of 60, 40 and 20 larvae, and daily mortality was quantified. The control treatment based on dog food showed a high survival and productivity compared to Tetramin®, which did not achieve an acceptable survival, probably due to the rapid formation of fat films that limited the breathing of the larvae. Clues of lethargy were found in larval growth in groups of cyanobacteria-fed larvae which could be related to an apparent lack of soluble carbohydrates in the diet, a toxic effect due to high concentrations of nitrogenous products or an inability of larvae to digest nutrients. However, although survival was higher with this treatment than with the rest, the larvae were mostly unable to overcome the second stage of their larval cycle, being an indication that this food might not be indicated for captive breeding of this species of mosquito.
Palabras clave
Anopheles albimanus, Arthrospira platensis, Supervivencia, Productividad, Ciclo de vida