Efectos de la detección del factor de concepción temprana en la reproducción y producción de ganado bovino lechero
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
El estudio se realizó en el departamento de Cundinamarca (Colombia), fincas El Imperio y El Tabor a 20 Kms. De Santa Fe de Bogotá, por la vía que conduce hacia Medellín. Se encuentran a 2600 m.s.n.m; cuya temperatura promedio es de 15 . C, con una humedad relativa del 74%. En el trabajo se utilizaron animales de la raza Holstein, hembras de primer parto en adelante, con un peso promedio de 500 Kgs; a las cuales se les practico la prueba diagnostica del factor de concepción temprana FCT. El estudio realizado fué comparativo, durante sesenta días, de tres muestreos realizados con los quince animales en los días tres, nueve y quince post inseminación, efectuando a los sesenta días la palpación rectal de estos. Todos los animales gozaban de condiciones nutricionales similares. Los resultados estadísticos presentados fueron satisfactorios, dado que la respuesta del test FCT y su comportamiento en las pruebas mostraron evidencia de la presencia de concepción o no para las muestras de cada una de las vacas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las diferentes épocas de muestreo que indica un comportamiento similar en los resultados lo cual a través de las correlaciones determinan la coherencia en la detección por parte del test. Las pérdidas financieras a causa de los días abiertos que se presentan constantemente en las explotaciones pondrían fuera de contexto a cualquier explotación lechera del país.
The study was performed in the Cundinamarca Department (Colombia), at El Imperio and El Tabor farms at 20 Kms. from Santa Fe de Bogota, in the road to the city of Medellin. They are located at 2600 m.s.n.m; average temperature is of 15.C, with a relative humidity of 74%. Holstein race animals were used in the study, first delivery females and so on with an average weight of 500Kg. to which early conception detection diagnosis test ECF was carried out. A comparative study was conducted during sixty days of three samples performed on fifteen animals on days three, nine and fifteen of post insemination, making rectal palpation of them sixty days later. All the animals enjoyed similar nutritional conditions.. Statistical results shown were acceptable, given that the answer to the ECF test and their behavior in tests showed the conception or not conception in the evidence of each one of the cows samples. Not too many significant differences were found among the different sampling times indicating a similar behavior in results which through co-relationships determine coherence in detection by the test. Financial lost on opened days that are shown constantly in explotations could be outside of the context of any milk explotation in the country.
The study was performed in the Cundinamarca Department (Colombia), at El Imperio and El Tabor farms at 20 Kms. from Santa Fe de Bogota, in the road to the city of Medellin. They are located at 2600 m.s.n.m; average temperature is of 15.C, with a relative humidity of 74%. Holstein race animals were used in the study, first delivery females and so on with an average weight of 500Kg. to which early conception detection diagnosis test ECF was carried out. A comparative study was conducted during sixty days of three samples performed on fifteen animals on days three, nine and fifteen of post insemination, making rectal palpation of them sixty days later. All the animals enjoyed similar nutritional conditions.. Statistical results shown were acceptable, given that the answer to the ECF test and their behavior in tests showed the conception or not conception in the evidence of each one of the cows samples. Not too many significant differences were found among the different sampling times indicating a similar behavior in results which through co-relationships determine coherence in detection by the test. Financial lost on opened days that are shown constantly in explotations could be outside of the context of any milk explotation in the country.
Palabras clave
Reproducción en vacas, Fecundación en vacas, Infertilidad en vacas