Aislamiento, ubicación e identificación de la colonización de las bacterias situadas en intestino delgado, ciegos y colon en el ciclo completo de pollos de engorde de la línea COBB
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Este trabajo consistió en aislar e identificar la presencia o ausencia de los diferentes microorganismos que se encuentran en el tracto gastrointestinal de los pollos de engorde de la línea COBB, durante los 42 días de vida. El trabajo se realizó en la Granja de Moldavia de la empresa “Avícola Campestre”, ubicada en la vereda Bagazal, en el Municipio de Villeta, Departamento de Cundinamarca. La parte de laboratorio se desarrolló por un Médico Veterinario en acompañamiento del tesista y las muestras se realizaron en el Laboratorio del ICA sede Bogotá, todo el proceso de aislamiento e identificación de las diferentes bacterias en el tracto gastrointestinal de las aves, cumpliendo con la respectiva normatividad del caso. La granja cuenta con una población estimada de 250.000 pollos de la línea COBB, en la granja se realiza todo el ciclo productivo, desde la etapa de iniciación, levante y engorde, se suministró alimento comercial marca Itacol®, se utilizaron las instalaciones, temperatura, plan vacunal y tabla de consumo en gramos, con las mismas condiciones de manejo de la granja. Para este estudio se tomó una muestra del 0.2% (30 aves) en las diferentes etapas de vida, el cual se dividirá en 3 etapas: Iniciación (semana 1 y 2), Levante (semana 3 y 4) Engorde (semana 5 y 6), cada uno comprendido por 10 aves por etapa. Los pollos fueron sacrificados en cámara con dióxido de carbono (cámara hermética), para conservar los lineamientos Bioéticas en cuanto a sacrificio de animales de investigación. Una vez sacrificados los pollos se pesaban y se les extraía el sistema digestivo. Posteriormente este se separaba en sus diferentes secciones intestinales. Se realizó la toma de muestras microbiológicas (materia fecal) con hisopos estériles en cada una de las secciones para el trabajo: Intestino delgado (Duodeno, yeyuno e íleon), ciegos y colon en las diferentes etapas productivas (Iniciación, Levante y Engorde). Una vez tomadas las muestras se procedió a sembrarlas en los medios de cultivo: Plate Count (Bacteria Entéricas), EMB (Coliformes Totales), ROGOSA (Bacterias Acido Lácticas), OGY (Hongos y Levaduras), Bismuto Sulfito (BS) y caldo enriquecido selectivo de Tetrationato con el fin de promover el crecimiento de Salmonella para su posterior identificación en el medio Bismuto Sulfito. Una vez cumplido los tiempos en horas y de temperatura de siembra de los microorganismos en los diferentes medios de cultivo, se procedió a realizar las respectivas lecturas de cada uno de los medios de cultivo. Analizando cada tratamiento por separado en cada uno de las etapas de vida de los animales. Las muestras se sembraron por triplicado. Para el desarrollo de la recolección de los datos de la identificación de bacterias presentes en el tracto gastrointestinal de las aves en sus diferentes etapas, se escogieron las técnicas rápidas de API® y de CRISTAL® para la identificación bioquímica de bacterias Gram positivas y Gram negativas respectivamente. El procedimiento para estos procesos se realizaba obteniendo colonias puras de las cajas de petri de cada una de los medios de cultivo donde se encontraban los microorganismos y se realizaba el respectivo procedimiento según indicaciones del proveedor. Una vez hecha la respectiva prueba estas se organizaban en el computador con el software respectivo y se obtenían los resultados en porcentajes indicados. Para el medio de cultivo de Rogosa el aislamiento y la identificación de bacterias acido lácticas muestra que en todas las secciones del intestino hay la presencia de las mismas, sin embargo es importante resaltar que la mayor concentración de esta se ubica en la parte del íleon, estas fueron identificadas por medio del kit de diagnóstico rápido API® para entéricos fermentadores. De los aislamientos primarios y obtenidos con las pruebas se pudo establecer que se presentó el 75% (Bacterias Acido Lácticas) y el 25% de otras bacterias con un nivel de confianza promedio de 0.97. Dentro de este estudio de investigación las bacterias acido lácticas que más predominaron en el intestino son los Lactobacilos Spp, seguidas por Lactococus. Los Lactobacilos encontrados en el intestino delgado, sección íleon está conformada por: Lactobacilos Acidophilus (55%), Lactobacilos Lactis (22%), Leuconostoc Spp (10%), Lactobacilos Plantarum (5%), otras (18%). Se pudo establecer no hubo presencia ni en medios de cultivo ni por pruebas bioquímicas tradicionales, ni por BBL Cristal de Salmonella spp, el cual indica que este es un microorganismo que con el buen uso de bioseguridad, calidad del agua y del alimento se puede mantener las concentraciones bajas de la misma. En cuanto a los hongos y levaduras hubo un buen crecimiento de las mismas sobre todo de Sacharomyces, esto debido a los probioticos colocados en el agua en la primera semana de vida
This work was to isolate and identify the presence or absence of different microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract of broilers COBB line, within 42 days of life. The work was carried out in Moldova's Farm Country Poultry Company, located in the village Bagazal, in the town of Villeta, Cundinamarca Department. The lab portion was developed by a veterinarian in support of the thesis student and the samples were performed in the laboratory of the ICA in Bogotá, the whole process of isolation and identification of different bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of birds, in compliance with the respective regulations of the case. The farm has an estimated population of 250,000 COBB line chickens on the farm is done throughout the production cycle, from the initiation stage, lift and fattening, commercial food was supplied Itacol® brand, we used the facilities, temperature, vaccination plan and board consumption in grams, with the same conditions of farm management. For this study a sample of 0.2% (30 birds) at different stages of life, which is divided into 3 stages: initiation (week 1 and 2), Levant (weeks 3 and 4) Fattening (week 5 and 6), each comprised of 10 birds per stage. The chickens were slaughtered in cold carbon dioxide (sealed chamber) to conserve Bioethical guidelines as to the sacrifice of research animals. Once slaughtered chickens were weighed and were extracted from the digestive system. Later this would separate into its various intestinal sections. We performed microbiological sampling (stool) with sterile swabs in each of the sections to work: small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), cecum and colon at different production stages (initiation, Levant and fattening). Once taken the samples proceeded to plant them in the following culture media: Plate Count (Enteric Bacteria), EMB (total coliforms), ROGOSA (lactic acid bacteria), OGY (fungi and yeasts), Bismuth Sulfite (BS) and tetrathionate selective enrichment broth in order to promote the growth of Salmonella for identification in the middle Bismuth Sulfite. Once completed in hours of time and temperature of seed microorganisms in different culture media, we proceeded to perform the respective readings of each of the culture media. Analyzing each treatment separately in each of the stages of animal life. The samples were plated in triplicate. For the development of data collection for the identification of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of birds at different stages were selected rapid methods and API ® CRISTAL ® for biochemical identification of Gram positive and Gram negative respectively. The procedure for obtaining these processes was made of pure colonies in petri dishes of culture media where microorganisms were performed and the respective procedure as directed by the supplier. Once the respective test these were organized into the computer with the respective software and obtained the results in percentages indicated. . For the culture medium of Rogosa isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria shows that in all sections of the intestine is the presence of the same, however it is important to note that the highest concentration of this is located in the ileum, These were identified through rapid diagnostic kit for enteric fermenters API ®. Primary isolates and evidence obtained it was established that was presented on 75% (lactic acid bacteria) and 25% of other bacteria with an average confidence level of 0.97. Within this research study lactic acid bacteria most prevalent in the intestine are Lactobacillus spp, followed by Lactococcus. Lactobacilli found in the small intestine, ileum section consists of Lactobacillos Spp. Lactobacillus Acidophilus (55%), Lactobacillus lactis (22%), Leuconostoc spp (10%), Lactobacillus plantarum (5%), other (18%). It was established there was no presence or in culture media or by traditional biochemical tests for Salmonella spp, which indicates that this is a microorganism that with the proper use of biosecurity, water quality and food can be kept low concentrations of same. As for fungi and yeasts had a good growth of Saccharomyces them especially, this due to probiotics placed in the water in the first week of life.
This work was to isolate and identify the presence or absence of different microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract of broilers COBB line, within 42 days of life. The work was carried out in Moldova's Farm Country Poultry Company, located in the village Bagazal, in the town of Villeta, Cundinamarca Department. The lab portion was developed by a veterinarian in support of the thesis student and the samples were performed in the laboratory of the ICA in Bogotá, the whole process of isolation and identification of different bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of birds, in compliance with the respective regulations of the case. The farm has an estimated population of 250,000 COBB line chickens on the farm is done throughout the production cycle, from the initiation stage, lift and fattening, commercial food was supplied Itacol® brand, we used the facilities, temperature, vaccination plan and board consumption in grams, with the same conditions of farm management. For this study a sample of 0.2% (30 birds) at different stages of life, which is divided into 3 stages: initiation (week 1 and 2), Levant (weeks 3 and 4) Fattening (week 5 and 6), each comprised of 10 birds per stage. The chickens were slaughtered in cold carbon dioxide (sealed chamber) to conserve Bioethical guidelines as to the sacrifice of research animals. Once slaughtered chickens were weighed and were extracted from the digestive system. Later this would separate into its various intestinal sections. We performed microbiological sampling (stool) with sterile swabs in each of the sections to work: small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), cecum and colon at different production stages (initiation, Levant and fattening). Once taken the samples proceeded to plant them in the following culture media: Plate Count (Enteric Bacteria), EMB (total coliforms), ROGOSA (lactic acid bacteria), OGY (fungi and yeasts), Bismuth Sulfite (BS) and tetrathionate selective enrichment broth in order to promote the growth of Salmonella for identification in the middle Bismuth Sulfite. Once completed in hours of time and temperature of seed microorganisms in different culture media, we proceeded to perform the respective readings of each of the culture media. Analyzing each treatment separately in each of the stages of animal life. The samples were plated in triplicate. For the development of data collection for the identification of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of birds at different stages were selected rapid methods and API ® CRISTAL ® for biochemical identification of Gram positive and Gram negative respectively. The procedure for obtaining these processes was made of pure colonies in petri dishes of culture media where microorganisms were performed and the respective procedure as directed by the supplier. Once the respective test these were organized into the computer with the respective software and obtained the results in percentages indicated. . For the culture medium of Rogosa isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria shows that in all sections of the intestine is the presence of the same, however it is important to note that the highest concentration of this is located in the ileum, These were identified through rapid diagnostic kit for enteric fermenters API ®. Primary isolates and evidence obtained it was established that was presented on 75% (lactic acid bacteria) and 25% of other bacteria with an average confidence level of 0.97. Within this research study lactic acid bacteria most prevalent in the intestine are Lactobacillus spp, followed by Lactococcus. Lactobacilli found in the small intestine, ileum section consists of Lactobacillos Spp. Lactobacillus Acidophilus (55%), Lactobacillus lactis (22%), Leuconostoc spp (10%), Lactobacillus plantarum (5%), other (18%). It was established there was no presence or in culture media or by traditional biochemical tests for Salmonella spp, which indicates that this is a microorganism that with the proper use of biosecurity, water quality and food can be kept low concentrations of same. As for fungi and yeasts had a good growth of Saccharomyces them especially, this due to probiotics placed in the water in the first week of life.
Palabras clave
Aves de corral, Enfermedades, Avicultura, Control de aves de corral, Pollos de engorde