Descripción de las creencias de los maestros de inglés al indagar sobre sus prácticas docentes
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
Este proyecto de investigación se llevó a cabo con 10 docentes de inglés de diferentes niveles educativos para indagar la manera en que las creencias de los profesores de inglés inciden en su práctica pedagógica. Los objetivos buscan indagar sobre las creencias construidas en el campo laboral de un profesor de inglés, relacionar el concepto de creencias con elementos asociados a la identidad, profesionalismo y experiencia de los profesores de inglés e identificar las consecuencias de las creencias de los profesores de inglés y su incidencia en la enseñanza. El proyecto se desarrolló teniendo en cuenta el enfoque cualitativo y el caso tipo intrínseco; se recurrió a la entrevista como principal instrumento de investigación ya que esta permitió describir las creencias y experiencias de los docentes de inglés entrevistados en diferentes niveles e instituciones de la ciudad. Como resultados se muestra que las creencias construidas por los maestros de inglés a través de su práctica docente inciden activamente en su labor ya que éstas alimentan las prácticas y características de los maestros de tal manera que las planeaciones, actividades y procedimientos didácticos y evaluativos pasan por este ambiente de elaboraciones personales
This research project was conducted with 10 English professors from different educational levels to investigate how the beliefs of English influence teachers in pedagogical practice of the language? the overall objective guided me in gathering information to determine the influence of beliefs on teaching and learning this foreign language. In addition to this the following specific objectives were set: investigate the beliefs constructed in the labor field of an English professor, relate the concept of beliefs with elements associated with identity, professionalism and the experience of English professors and identify the consequences of the beliefs of English professors and its impact on teaching. The project was developed taking into account the qualitative approach and method of research was the study of intrinsic type case ; resorted to the interview as the main research tool since this allowed describe the beliefs and experiences of English professors interviewed at different levels and institutions around the city. As results of this project, we conclude that beliefs built by English teachers through their teaching actively influence their work, because beliefs feeding practices and characteristics of teachers so that the planning, activities and educational and evaluation procedures go through this personal working elaborations
This research project was conducted with 10 English professors from different educational levels to investigate how the beliefs of English influence teachers in pedagogical practice of the language? the overall objective guided me in gathering information to determine the influence of beliefs on teaching and learning this foreign language. In addition to this the following specific objectives were set: investigate the beliefs constructed in the labor field of an English professor, relate the concept of beliefs with elements associated with identity, professionalism and the experience of English professors and identify the consequences of the beliefs of English professors and its impact on teaching. The project was developed taking into account the qualitative approach and method of research was the study of intrinsic type case ; resorted to the interview as the main research tool since this allowed describe the beliefs and experiences of English professors interviewed at different levels and institutions around the city. As results of this project, we conclude that beliefs built by English teachers through their teaching actively influence their work, because beliefs feeding practices and characteristics of teachers so that the planning, activities and educational and evaluation procedures go through this personal working elaborations
Palabras clave
Creencias, Experiencia y práctica docente, Enseñanza del inglés, Beliefs, Experience and teaching practice, English teaching