Impacto del manejo pre-inseminación de cerdas de reemplazo en la granja La Fazenda sobre parámetros productivos
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los parámetros productivos y reproductivos de las hembras de reemplazo manejadas en corral comparada con las hembras de reemplazo en Jaula. El grupo de cerdas en Jaula y corral tuvieron un acostumbramiento de 15 días pre-inseminación con una densidad de 1.2m2 /hembra y 1m2 /hembra en corrales de 19 hembras, respectivamente. Los registros fueron tomados en la granja La Fazenda y consistieron en ganancia de peso, peso al día 180, peso a la monta, edad de monta, número de celos, numero de lechones nacidos totales, nacidos vivos, nacidos muertos, nacidos fetos y momias. Los datos se analizaron a través de estadística descriptiva y análisis de varianza. Se encontró una mayor ganancia de peso en las cerdas en corral comparada con las cerdas en jaula, adicionalmente, la media del número de lechones nacidos muertos, fetos y momias no fueron diferentes entre los tratamientos. Estos resultados permiten deducir que las hembras tratadas en corral pre-inseminación tienen un mayor potencial productivo y reproductivo manteniendo un mejor nivel de bienestar animal comparadas con las cerdas en jaula.
Evaluate the productive and reproductive parameters of gilts in pen and housing, was the aim of this study. The group of gilts in cage and pen had a habituation 15 day pre-insemination with a density of 1.2m2 /female and 1m2 /female in pens with 19 gilts, respectively. Records were taken at Fazenda farm and consisted of weight gain, 180-day weight, weight and age at first service, observed estrous, number of total born piglets born alive, stillborn, born fetuses and mummies. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Greater weight gain was found for gilts in pens compared with cage. Additionally, the average number of piglets born dead, fetuses and mummies were not different between treatments. These results infer that pre-insemination for females in pens have a more productive and reproductive potential while maintaining a higher level of animal welfare compared with gilts in pens
Evaluate the productive and reproductive parameters of gilts in pen and housing, was the aim of this study. The group of gilts in cage and pen had a habituation 15 day pre-insemination with a density of 1.2m2 /female and 1m2 /female in pens with 19 gilts, respectively. Records were taken at Fazenda farm and consisted of weight gain, 180-day weight, weight and age at first service, observed estrous, number of total born piglets born alive, stillborn, born fetuses and mummies. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Greater weight gain was found for gilts in pens compared with cage. Additionally, the average number of piglets born dead, fetuses and mummies were not different between treatments. These results infer that pre-insemination for females in pens have a more productive and reproductive potential while maintaining a higher level of animal welfare compared with gilts in pens
Palabras clave
Calidad de la carne de cerdo, Inseminación artificial en cerdos, Mejoramiento de la especie, Cría de cerdos