Estrategias pedagógicas que promueven la atención de educandos con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH)
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia
Esta investigación se abordó desde el macroproyecto dirigido a la pedagogía crítica como potenciadora de las estrategias pedagógicas en el aula y sigue la línea de investigación de saber educativo, pedagógico y didáctico. Así mismo, propone la importancia de marcar al docente como sujeto reflexivo y transformador en la vida de los estudiantes con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). También, plantea un docente promotor en la construcción de fundamentos pedagógicos y planteamientos conceptuales desde la elaboración de estrategias pedagógicas que nacen de la experiencia y mirada crítica del quehacer docente en el aula regular. Es por eso, que desde el punto de vista conceptual se estudian los principales fundamentos sobre el TDAH. De manera que, este proyecto aporta a los docentes una propuesta de estrategias pedagógicas que permite reconocer desde el ámbito académico a los estudiantes con posible TDAH. De la misma manera, se exponen y abordan los planteamientos de formación docente, teoría crítica, pedagogía crítica y estrategias pedagógicas. Estos fundamentos sustentan la investigación y delimitan el camino hacia las estrategias que se proponen para estos docentes. por lo cual, se intenta ajustar y unificar los conceptos y teorías mencionadas desde una realidad escolar y educativa, además de generar un cambio en el estereotipo adverso, construido alrededor de las características que señalan a cada uno de estos estudiantes.
This research is addressed from the macro-project aimed at critical pedagogy as an enabler of pedagogical strategies in the classroom and follows the line of educational research, pedagogical and didactic knowledge. Likewise, it proposes the importance of framing the teacher as a reflective and transformative subject in the lives of students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Also, it proposes a teacher as a developer in the construction of pedagogical foundations and conceptual approaches from the elaboration of pedagogical strategies that are born of the experience and critical look of the teaching activity in the regular classroom. That is why, from the conceptual point of view we study the main foundations of ADHD. Thus, this project provides teachers with a proposal for pedagogical strategies that allow students with possible ADHD to be recognized from the academic field. In the same way, the approaches of teacher training, critical theory, critical pedagogy and pedagogical strategies are exposed and addressed. These foundations support the research and define the path towards the strategies proposed for these teachers. Therefore, we try to adjust and unify the concepts and theories mentioned from a school and educational reality. In addition, it generates a change in the inappropriate stereotype, built around the characteristics that point to each of these students.
This research is addressed from the macro-project aimed at critical pedagogy as an enabler of pedagogical strategies in the classroom and follows the line of educational research, pedagogical and didactic knowledge. Likewise, it proposes the importance of framing the teacher as a reflective and transformative subject in the lives of students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Also, it proposes a teacher as a developer in the construction of pedagogical foundations and conceptual approaches from the elaboration of pedagogical strategies that are born of the experience and critical look of the teaching activity in the regular classroom. That is why, from the conceptual point of view we study the main foundations of ADHD. Thus, this project provides teachers with a proposal for pedagogical strategies that allow students with possible ADHD to be recognized from the academic field. In the same way, the approaches of teacher training, critical theory, critical pedagogy and pedagogical strategies are exposed and addressed. These foundations support the research and define the path towards the strategies proposed for these teachers. Therefore, we try to adjust and unify the concepts and theories mentioned from a school and educational reality. In addition, it generates a change in the inappropriate stereotype, built around the characteristics that point to each of these students.
Palabras clave
Pedagogía crítica, Estrategias pedagógicas, Formación docente, TDAH