Percepción de los beneficios del programa de erradicación de fiebre aftosa en bovinos en la costa atlántica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El impacto epidemiológico pone en evidencia el efecto económico que ejerce a nivel mundial, estimando así, que los brotes de las enfermedades en animales representa una amenaza significativa desde el punto de vista serológico y las medidas que se deben tomar para su debido control y erradicación. Interpretando la cadena de valor de la ganadería, se ve la importancia de realizar un estudio dentro de un marco de revisión histórica y de opinión, identificando los posibles beneficios de un análisis de impacto directo o indirecto. De manera tal, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo basado en una recopilación histórica de los programas ejecutados a través del tiempo y de los entes de control involucrados a nivel global, regional y nacional. De igual manera, se realizó entrevistas semi-estructuras con el método de epidemiologia participativa a ganaderos, entidades locales y plantas de sacrificio. Logrando percibir un ambiente sanitario que a pesar de ser de carácter obligatorio refleja un gremio ganadero preocupado por la prevención de su hato como beneficio directo, unas entidades nacionales dispuestas a dar su mayor esfuerzo en pro de la efectividad del programa y en plantas de sacrificio, encuentran insuficiente los esfuerzos del gobiernos para lograr certificación. En conclusión, se aprecia por un lado la estrecha relación entre la epidemiología de la enfermedad y el comportamiento económico de la misma; y por otro lado, la importancia que esta ejerce para un país como Colombia, agropecuario y poco exportador para poder empezar a abrirse a nuevos mercados sin tener que llegar a simplificar que parte de la cadena se ve más beneficiada.
The epidemiological impact highlights the economic effect that worldwide, estimating so that outbreaks of animal diseases pose a significant threat from serologically and measures to be taken for appropriate control and eradication. Interpreting the value chain of livestock, the importance of conducting a study within a framework of historical review and opinion, identifying the potential benefits of impact analysis is direct or indirect So, a retrospective study based on a historical collection of programs implemented over time and control entities involved on a global, regional and national level was performed. Similarly, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the method of participatory epidemiology to farmers, local authorities and slaughter plants. Achieving a sanitary environment perceive that despite being mandatory guild reflects a rancher concerned about preventing their herd as a direct benefit, a national entities willing to give their best efforts towards the program's effectiveness and slaughter plants are inadequate government efforts to achieve certification. In conclusion, it is seen on the one hand the close relationship between the epidemiology of the disease and the economic behavior of the same; and secondly, the importance of this exercise for a country like Colombia, Agriculture and exporter little to start opening new markets without having to reach simplify that part of the chain is most benefited.
The epidemiological impact highlights the economic effect that worldwide, estimating so that outbreaks of animal diseases pose a significant threat from serologically and measures to be taken for appropriate control and eradication. Interpreting the value chain of livestock, the importance of conducting a study within a framework of historical review and opinion, identifying the potential benefits of impact analysis is direct or indirect So, a retrospective study based on a historical collection of programs implemented over time and control entities involved on a global, regional and national level was performed. Similarly, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the method of participatory epidemiology to farmers, local authorities and slaughter plants. Achieving a sanitary environment perceive that despite being mandatory guild reflects a rancher concerned about preventing their herd as a direct benefit, a national entities willing to give their best efforts towards the program's effectiveness and slaughter plants are inadequate government efforts to achieve certification. In conclusion, it is seen on the one hand the close relationship between the epidemiology of the disease and the economic behavior of the same; and secondly, the importance of this exercise for a country like Colombia, Agriculture and exporter little to start opening new markets without having to reach simplify that part of the chain is most benefited.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades en el ganado vacuno, Glosopeda, Fiebre aftosa, Epidemiología participativa