Formulación del plan de uso eficiente y ahorro del agua en la Universidad de La Salle, Sede Candelaria
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la formulación del plan de uso eficiente y ahorro del agua en la Universidad de La Salle, sede Candelaria, el cual se desarrolló en tres fases, la primera correspondió al diagnóstico en el cual se logró conocer la situación actual con respecto a la oferta y demanda del recurso hídrico, también se obtuvo el valor facturado y consumo en cada una de las actividades. La segunda fase se basó en el diseño de los programas donde se establecieron unas metas y estrategias para disminuir el consumo actual y la tercera fase, es el plan de acción donde se elaboró la estimación de costos de los programas diseñados en la etapa anterior; finalmente se obtuvo que la actividad que genera mayor consumo de agua, es el uso de los sanitarios, seguido por los lavamanos, también se identificó que el uso del agua es directamente proporcional al número de personas y que existen diferentes estrategias para disminuir el consumo del recurso
This project aims to formulate the plan for the efficient use and saving of water at the Salle University, Candelaria headquarters, which was developed in phases threes, the first phase corresponded to the diagnosis in which it was possible to know the current situation with respect to the supply and demand of the water resource, the invoiced value and consumption in each of the activities was also obtained. The second phase was based on the design of the programs where goals and strategies were established to reduce current consumption and the third phase is the action plan where the cost estimate of the programs designed in the previous stage was elaborated, Finally, it was obtained that the activity that generates the highest water consumption is the use of toilets, followed by sinks, it was also identified that water use is directly proportional to the number of people and that there are different strategies to reduce the consumption of the resource
This project aims to formulate the plan for the efficient use and saving of water at the Salle University, Candelaria headquarters, which was developed in phases threes, the first phase corresponded to the diagnosis in which it was possible to know the current situation with respect to the supply and demand of the water resource, the invoiced value and consumption in each of the activities was also obtained. The second phase was based on the design of the programs where goals and strategies were established to reduce current consumption and the third phase is the action plan where the cost estimate of the programs designed in the previous stage was elaborated, Finally, it was obtained that the activity that generates the highest water consumption is the use of toilets, followed by sinks, it was also identified that water use is directly proportional to the number of people and that there are different strategies to reduce the consumption of the resource
Palabras clave
Formulación del plan de uso eficiente, Ahorro del agua, Universidad de La Salle, Sede Candelaria