Niños, niñas y jóvenes víctimas del conflicto armado en seis regiones de Colombia. Aportes a la construcción de la memoria histórica
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
Colombia ha sufrido los horrores de un conflicto armado prolongado y degradado, al punto de involucrar a los niños, niñas y jóvenes en esta lógica bélica. Ellos y ellas, mujeres, indígenas, afrocolombianos y/o campesinos, crecen en medio de esta tensa situación o fueron forzados a participar directa o indirectamente en éste, víctimas de grupos insurgentes o bandas criminales, son reclutados para servir de mensajeros, de informantes y otras actividades violentas al interior de estos grupos o son víctimas de desplazamiento, intimidación y otras formas de hostigamiento en sus lugares de origen. Este informe presenta los resultados de la investigación que tuvo como objetivo aportar a la construcción de memoria histórica de la situación de los niños víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia, a través de la reconstrucción y análisis de seis historias de vida de niños, niñas y jóvenes que estuvieron vinculados a grupos armados (Bacrim) o que habitan zonas de alto conflicto. La investigación da cuenta de sus lugares de origen, de las trayectorias de vida, de los efectos diferenciales y de los discursos que sobre el conflicto armado han construido. Como investigación cualitativa acudió a la historia de vida y a la cartografía social como instrumentos fundamentales para acceder a los informantes y a sus relatos. Los aportes del análisis de discurso de Van Dijk fueron fundamentales para interpretar la información.
Colombia has suffered the horrors of a prolonged and degraded armed conflict, to the point of involving children and young people in this military conflict. They, men and women, ladies, indigenous, Afro-Colombians and/or farmers, grow amid this tense situation or were forced to participate directly or indirectly in it, victims of insurgent groups and criminal bands, are recruited to serve as messengers, informants and other violent activities inside of these groups or they are victims of displacement, intimidation and other forms of harassment in their native regions. This report presents the results of an investigation in which the objective was to support the construction of historical memory to the situation of child victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, through the reconstruction and analysis of six life stories of children and youth people who were associated with armed groups (Bacrim) or living in areas of high military conflict. This research tells their places of origin, the trajectories of life, the differential effects and the speeches about the armed conflict have built. As qualitative research came up to a life history and a social mapping as key tools for accessing informants and their stories. The contributions from the discourse analysis of Van Dijk were fundamental to interpret the information.
Colombia has suffered the horrors of a prolonged and degraded armed conflict, to the point of involving children and young people in this military conflict. They, men and women, ladies, indigenous, Afro-Colombians and/or farmers, grow amid this tense situation or were forced to participate directly or indirectly in it, victims of insurgent groups and criminal bands, are recruited to serve as messengers, informants and other violent activities inside of these groups or they are victims of displacement, intimidation and other forms of harassment in their native regions. This report presents the results of an investigation in which the objective was to support the construction of historical memory to the situation of child victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, through the reconstruction and analysis of six life stories of children and youth people who were associated with armed groups (Bacrim) or living in areas of high military conflict. This research tells their places of origin, the trajectories of life, the differential effects and the speeches about the armed conflict have built. As qualitative research came up to a life history and a social mapping as key tools for accessing informants and their stories. The contributions from the discourse analysis of Van Dijk were fundamental to interpret the information.
Palabras clave
Conflicto armado, Víctimas de guerra, Desplazados por la violencia