Determinación de curvas de eliminación de huevos de nematodos gastrointestinales en heces de equinos de la sabana de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
El presente estudio abarcó los municipios de La Calera, Sibaté, Zipaquirá, Cajicá, Tabio y Tenjo, donde se evaluaron 180 equinos pertenecientes a 9 fincas de cada municipio, es decir, 45 animales por municipio. En cada predio, se recolectaron 5 muestras de materia fecal, directamente de los potreros, y que habían sido deyectadas recientemente en un tiempo menor a una hora, es decir se trabajó con 45 muestras por municipio para un total de 180 muestras en toda la sabana. Estas se analizaron en el laboratorio de la Clínica de la Universidad de la Salle (Sede La Floresta), mediante la técnica de Mc Master. Con ello, se obtuvieron, los conteos de huevos por gramo de cada muestra, los promedios de cada predio, perteneciente a cada uno de los municipios de la Sabana de Bogotá mensualmente, esto con el fin de establecer la curva de eliminación de huevos por gramo de parásitos gastrointestinales (Strongylus, oxiuros y parascaris) en equinos de la sabana de Bogotá durante 6 meses. Se utilizó el programa Statistix para calcular la estadística descriptiva, la correlación entre las variables climáticas (Temperatura, Precipitación Pluvial Pluvial, Brillo Solar y Humedad Relativa), y cada parasito; se establecieron las curvas de eliminación de huevos por gramo de materia fecal de nematodos gastrointestinales del orden Strongylida y los géneros Strongylus, parascaris y oxyuris.
The present study I included the municipalities of The Calera, Sibaté, Zipaquirá, Cajicá, Tabio and Tenjo, where there was evaluated 180 horses belonging to 9 estates of every municipality, that is to say, 45 animals for municipality. In every land, there will be gathered 5 samples of fecal matter, directly of the herdsmen, and that have been To evacuate recently in a minor time an hour, that is to say one was employed with 45 samples for municipality for a whole of 180 samples at the whole sheet. These will be analyzed in the laboratory of the Clinic of the University La Salle, by means of Mc Master's technology (skill). With it, there will be obtained, the counts of eggs for gram of every sample, the averages of every land, belonging to each of the municipalities of the Sheet of Bogotá monthly, this in order to establish the curve of elimination of eggs for gram of gastrointestinal parasites (Strongylus, Oxiurus and parascaris) in equine of the sheet of Bogotá for 6 months. I used the program Statistix to calculate the descriptive statistics, the correlation between (among) the climatic variables (Temperature, rainfall, solar Sheen and relative dampness), and every parasite; there were established the curves of elimination of eggs by gram of fecal matter of nematodos gastrointestinal of the order Strongylida and the kinds (genres) Strongylus, Parascaris and Oxyuris.
The present study I included the municipalities of The Calera, Sibaté, Zipaquirá, Cajicá, Tabio and Tenjo, where there was evaluated 180 horses belonging to 9 estates of every municipality, that is to say, 45 animals for municipality. In every land, there will be gathered 5 samples of fecal matter, directly of the herdsmen, and that have been To evacuate recently in a minor time an hour, that is to say one was employed with 45 samples for municipality for a whole of 180 samples at the whole sheet. These will be analyzed in the laboratory of the Clinic of the University La Salle, by means of Mc Master's technology (skill). With it, there will be obtained, the counts of eggs for gram of every sample, the averages of every land, belonging to each of the municipalities of the Sheet of Bogotá monthly, this in order to establish the curve of elimination of eggs for gram of gastrointestinal parasites (Strongylus, Oxiurus and parascaris) in equine of the sheet of Bogotá for 6 months. I used the program Statistix to calculate the descriptive statistics, the correlation between (among) the climatic variables (Temperature, rainfall, solar Sheen and relative dampness), and every parasite; there were established the curves of elimination of eggs by gram of fecal matter of nematodos gastrointestinal of the order Strongylida and the kinds (genres) Strongylus, Parascaris and Oxyuris.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades gastrointestinales en equinos, Caballos, Parásitos gastrointestinales, Gastroenterología veterinaria