Una mirada aproximativa a las percepciones y expectativas de las y los estudiantes sobre formación integral y el bienestar universitario lasallista. Universidad de La Salle, sede Chapinero 2011
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
La presente investigación, se realizó, con el propósito de indagar sobre las percepciones y expectativas que tienen las y los estudiantes sobre formación integral y el bienestar universitario Lasallista. Para ello se siguió una metodología bimodal, que permitió visibilizar las voces de las y los estudiantes, donde se destaca el reconocimiento que estas y estos le dan al bienestar universitario como parte fundamental para su permanencia y culminación de la carrera y el desarrollo de la calidad de vida. Se debe mencionar que a partir de los resultados obtenidos a lo largo del proceso investigativo, se realizaron las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones de este estudio, lo cual permitirá la exploración de nuevos horizontes en torno a futuras investigaciones sobre esta temática.
The present investigation was realized, with the purpose of inquire about the perceptions and expectations that the students have about the integral formation and the Lasallista university welfare. In this sense identify the grade of satisfaction, needs and suggestions in front of the university welfare, been relevant the visibility of the students voices, where it found, principally, the recognition that they give to the university welfare as a fundamental part for the culmination of the career and de development of the quality life. It’s important to mention that from the obtained results along the investigation process; it realized the respective conclusions and recommendations of this study, which will allow explore the new horizons around future investigations about this topic.
The present investigation was realized, with the purpose of inquire about the perceptions and expectations that the students have about the integral formation and the Lasallista university welfare. In this sense identify the grade of satisfaction, needs and suggestions in front of the university welfare, been relevant the visibility of the students voices, where it found, principally, the recognition that they give to the university welfare as a fundamental part for the culmination of the career and de development of the quality life. It’s important to mention that from the obtained results along the investigation process; it realized the respective conclusions and recommendations of this study, which will allow explore the new horizons around future investigations about this topic.
Palabras clave
Estudiantes universitarios, Formación profesional, Trabajo social, Calidad de vida