Estudio financiero del impacto de las organizaciones sindicales en la empresa pública y privada
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible - FEEDS. Especialización en Gerencia Financiera.
La presente investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, en ella se analiza los efectos de los costos laborales y las dinámicas del sindicato en la empresa Colombiana. La organización laboral es vista como generadora del gasto en las estructuras económicas, en especial se muestran los verdaderos costos financieros y el valor añadido generado en las empresas. El objetivo, es identificar los efectos de las dinámicas sindicales y empresariales en las estructuras financieras en las empresas ARGOS y ETB. Los resultados muestran que la dinámica económica empresarial no se afecta por la organización sindical. Esperamos que esta obra marque un recuerdo y deje abierto el camino para futuras investigaciones de tipo financiero, con lo que se pretende hacer una contribución a la sociedad sobre todo tipo de variables financieras que inciden en el estudio de una empresa con la realidad del país en su orden político, económico y social; se aporta a los actores en la toma de decisiones frente a los sindicatos.
Students present this work from the Specialization in Financial Management, which lets you display a quantitative research on how they affect labor costs by having a union in the Colombian company. Since these are always seen as a generator of spending in the economic structures of Colombia, so the object of the present specimens to present the true financial cost on business and if this generates any additional value to companies or failing it does is destroy value to them. We hope that this work marked a memory stop and open the way for future investigations of the financial type, which was wanted to make a contribution to society that linked all type of financial variables that influence the study of a company with reality the country in its political, economic and social order to try to improve on something economic ideology of presidents, owners and entrepreneurs who are against unions.
Students present this work from the Specialization in Financial Management, which lets you display a quantitative research on how they affect labor costs by having a union in the Colombian company. Since these are always seen as a generator of spending in the economic structures of Colombia, so the object of the present specimens to present the true financial cost on business and if this generates any additional value to companies or failing it does is destroy value to them. We hope that this work marked a memory stop and open the way for future investigations of the financial type, which was wanted to make a contribution to society that linked all type of financial variables that influence the study of a company with reality the country in its political, economic and social order to try to improve on something economic ideology of presidents, owners and entrepreneurs who are against unions.
Palabras clave
Administración de personal, Empresa de Teléfonos de Bogotá ETB, Recursos humanos - Finanzas, Sindicatos - Aspectos económicos, Sindicatos - Financiación