La educación del pueblo indígena Kogui : una mirada intercultural y dialógica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Doctorado en Educación y Sociedad
Desde tiempos ancestrales, la diversidad, representada por los pueblos indígenas de América Latina, ha sido una realidad discriminada y vista como un problema más que una oportunidad para enriquecer el conocimiento y la sociedad de la cual hacen parte. En Colombia, el pueblo indígena Kogui localizado en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, no ha sido la excepción, éstos han sufrido el desplazamiento forzado causado por las violaciones a los derechos humanos, pero más grave aún, es el avasallamiento educativo que el Estado ha promovido e implementado a través de sistemas educativos nacionalizados, dominantes y asimilacionistas que no validan los saberes, quehaceres, y poderes de culturas minoritarias, desconociendo entre otros, la pertinencia pedagógica, las cosmovisiones y los derechos como sujetos de los indígenas, que a la postre han acentuado los problemas de exclusión y desigualdad.
Since ancient times, diversity, represented by the indigenous peoples of Latin America, has been a reality discriminated against and seen as a problem rather than an opportunity to enrich the knowledge and society of which they are a part. In Colombia, the Kogui indigenous people located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, has not been the exception, they have suffered the forced displacement caused by human rights violations, but more serious, is the educational enslavement that the State has promoted and implemented through nationalized, dominant and assimilationist education systems that do not validate the knowledge, tasks, and powers of minority cultures, ignoring, among others, the pedagogical relevance, the cosmovisions and the rights as subjects of the indigenous people, which in the end they have accentuated the problems of exclusion and inequality. In virtue of this, this doctoral thesis aims to: Visualize from the intercultural perspective and a dialogical methodology, the pedagogical, cultural and ethnic elements that resignify the education of the Kogui people within the framework of an indigenous education system in the Palmor , Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, in order to improve intercultural dialogue and knowledge of the educational specificities of this ethnic group. Methodologically, the research corresponds to a descriptive study, with a mixed approach; Dialogical methodology was used as a methodological resource, for which we went to integrate the dialogical proposals of four researchers to expand the intercultural dialogue, which was called, integrated intercultural dialogic methodology-MDII-, which is not presented as a new methodology but as a pedagogical route for these studies. The research was developed in six phases: 1. Group work, which favored the interaction direct and symbolic dialogic with the educational community of the selected Kogui people, in a period of one (1) year with four (4) meetings in situ (eight days each meeting) and the identification of investigative categories; postulating four: a) The historical memory of the Kogui culture and its incidence in the school, b) The cultural daily life and its incidence as a didactic resource, c) The intercultural processes and their incidence in the curriculum, and d) The knowledge, doings and powers of the indigenous teacher; 2. Development of instruments and information collection; 3. Systematization with the software ATLAS.ti, for the validity and reliability a mixed triangulation was carried out (kogui community, theoretical referents and the researcher's position), also, quantitative information was graphed; 3. The analysis of the results and perceptions investigated (chapter 4); 4. Conclusions and recommendations (chapter 5) and 6. The final document.
Since ancient times, diversity, represented by the indigenous peoples of Latin America, has been a reality discriminated against and seen as a problem rather than an opportunity to enrich the knowledge and society of which they are a part. In Colombia, the Kogui indigenous people located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, has not been the exception, they have suffered the forced displacement caused by human rights violations, but more serious, is the educational enslavement that the State has promoted and implemented through nationalized, dominant and assimilationist education systems that do not validate the knowledge, tasks, and powers of minority cultures, ignoring, among others, the pedagogical relevance, the cosmovisions and the rights as subjects of the indigenous people, which in the end they have accentuated the problems of exclusion and inequality. In virtue of this, this doctoral thesis aims to: Visualize from the intercultural perspective and a dialogical methodology, the pedagogical, cultural and ethnic elements that resignify the education of the Kogui people within the framework of an indigenous education system in the Palmor , Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, in order to improve intercultural dialogue and knowledge of the educational specificities of this ethnic group. Methodologically, the research corresponds to a descriptive study, with a mixed approach; Dialogical methodology was used as a methodological resource, for which we went to integrate the dialogical proposals of four researchers to expand the intercultural dialogue, which was called, integrated intercultural dialogic methodology-MDII-, which is not presented as a new methodology but as a pedagogical route for these studies. The research was developed in six phases: 1. Group work, which favored the interaction direct and symbolic dialogic with the educational community of the selected Kogui people, in a period of one (1) year with four (4) meetings in situ (eight days each meeting) and the identification of investigative categories; postulating four: a) The historical memory of the Kogui culture and its incidence in the school, b) The cultural daily life and its incidence as a didactic resource, c) The intercultural processes and their incidence in the curriculum, and d) The knowledge, doings and powers of the indigenous teacher; 2. Development of instruments and information collection; 3. Systematization with the software ATLAS.ti, for the validity and reliability a mixed triangulation was carried out (kogui community, theoretical referents and the researcher's position), also, quantitative information was graphed; 3. The analysis of the results and perceptions investigated (chapter 4); 4. Conclusions and recommendations (chapter 5) and 6. The final document.
Palabras clave
Pueblo Kogui, Educación intercultural, Metodología dialógica, Kogui people, Intercultural education, Dialogical methodology, Indígenas - Educación, Indígenas de Colombia - Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Educación comparada, Conflicto cultural, Indians - Education, Indians of South America - Colombia - Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Comparative education, Culture conflict