Estandarización de la merma de pollo de engorde durante el proceso productivo desde el inicio del cargue en granja hasta finalizar el desprese en la planta de beneficio
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El objetivo del presente estudio fue estandarizar las mermas de pollo de engorde durante el proceso productivo desde el inicio del cargue en granja hasta finalizar el desprese en planta de beneficio, la investigación se llevo a cabo en las granjas de Guayabetal, Villeta, Nocaima, Quetame y en una planta de beneficio ubicada en Bogotá D.C., se emplearon 104 machos de la línea Ross 308 por cada uno de los galpones de las diferentes granjas, los datos recolectados se tomaron directamente en campo para posteriormente realizar su análisis técnico, estadístico y económico, el proyecto se ejecuto en dos fases, la primera fase se realizo en las granjas, hasta llegar a la planta de beneficio. Y la segunda fase se realizo desde la llegada de las aves a la planta hasta la finalización del desprese del producto final. Para el análisis de la información con las variables tiempo y peso, se utilizo estadística descriptiva, mediante un programa estadístico (Statgraphics), el cual facilita interpretar los resultados del proyecto, indicando si hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa o no. Se encontró que en la primera fase experimental en términos de transporte existen condiciones y variables adversas que influyeron en el porcentaje de pérdida de peso de las aves, en cuanto a la segunda fase experimental, las pérdidas económicas representativas corresponde a procesos incorrectos en etapas como desangre, hidratación y desprese. Lo cual conllevo a un porcentaje alto de pérdidas de peso.
The aim of this study was to standardize the broiler losses during the production process from the beginning of loading at the farm until the end of dispersers. benefit plan, the research was carried out on farms in Guayabetal, Villeta, Nocaima, Quetame and a processing plant located in Bogotá DC, we used 104 male Ross 308 line for each of the warehouses of the different farms, the data collected were taken directly in the field to conduct further technical analysis, statistical and economic The project will run in two phases, the first phase was carried out on farms, up to the mill. The second phase was carried out since the arrival of birds to the plant until the end of the final product dispersers. Information to determine time and weight variables, descriptive statistics, using a statistical program (Statgraphics) which allowed to interpret the results of the project, such as analysis of variance which indicates whether there was a statistically significant difference or no difference . We found that in the first experimental phase in terms of travel there are adverse conditions and variables that influence the percentage weight loss of birds, As for the second experimental phase the economic losses incurred in high cost and were not some correct process in stages as bleeding, hydration and dispersers. Which leads to a high percentage of weight loss.
The aim of this study was to standardize the broiler losses during the production process from the beginning of loading at the farm until the end of dispersers. benefit plan, the research was carried out on farms in Guayabetal, Villeta, Nocaima, Quetame and a processing plant located in Bogotá DC, we used 104 male Ross 308 line for each of the warehouses of the different farms, the data collected were taken directly in the field to conduct further technical analysis, statistical and economic The project will run in two phases, the first phase was carried out on farms, up to the mill. The second phase was carried out since the arrival of birds to the plant until the end of the final product dispersers. Information to determine time and weight variables, descriptive statistics, using a statistical program (Statgraphics) which allowed to interpret the results of the project, such as analysis of variance which indicates whether there was a statistically significant difference or no difference . We found that in the first experimental phase in terms of travel there are adverse conditions and variables that influence the percentage weight loss of birds, As for the second experimental phase the economic losses incurred in high cost and were not some correct process in stages as bleeding, hydration and dispersers. Which leads to a high percentage of weight loss.
Palabras clave
Cría de pollos de engorde, Pollos de engorde, Aspectos económicos, Transporte de animales