Valorización de arenas residuales provenientes de la actividad de fundición, a partir de su incorporación en el proceso del vidrio
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
El propósito del presente proyecto, es determinar alternativas para el aprovechamiento de residuos peligrosos que se generan por la actividad de fundición con interés principal en el proceso del vidrio. La implementación de dichas alternativas, amplía las posibilidades para que el sector de interés pueda contemplarlas con el ánimo de favorecer la gestión de sus residuos ante la dificultad de su disposición, los costos asociados y los impactos ambientales generados. Esta investigación confrontó la calidad de las arenas residuales como agente constitutivo del vidrio a partir de su caracterización físico-química, los análisis y pruebas pertinentes para tal fin. En este aspecto tiene un papel relevante, el apoyo de la industria vidriera como sector en el que se aplicara esta alternativa de aprovechamiento, fundamentada en la valorización. El estudio contribuye a la reducción de la contaminación generada por la actividad de fundición, los problemas asociados al acopio temporal en sus áreas, la optimización del ciclo de vida de subproductos y al cumplimiento de los requerimientos legales de la autoridad ambiental en materia de residuos peligrosos. El desarrollo del proyecto contó con el apoyo directo de Fundicom S.A. y Favidrio S.A. empresas representativas de la actividad de fundición y la producción de vidrio, localizadas en los municipios de Mosquera y Madrid - Cundinamarca respectivamente y que en la actualidad no son ajenas a la realidad objeto de análisis
The intention of the present project, is to determine alternative for the advantage of dangerous wastes that are generated by the activity of smelting with main interest in the process of the glass. The implementation of these alternatives, extends the possibilities so that the interest sector can contemplate them with the spirit to favor the management of its remainders before the generated difficulty of its disposition, costs associate and environmental impacts. This investigation confronted the quality of residual sands like constituent agent of the glass from this characterization physical-chemistry, the pertinent analyses and tests for such aim. In this aspect it has an excellent paper, the support of the industry show window like sector in which this alternative of advantage, based was applied in the valuation. The study contributes to the reduction of contamination generated by the smelting activity, the problems associated to the temporary storing in its areas, the optimization of the service life of by-products and to the fulfillment of the legal requirements of the environmental authority in the matter of dangerous wastes. The development of the project counted on the direct support of Fundicom S.A. y Favidrio S.A. representative companies of the smelting activity and the glass production, located in the municipalities of Mosquera and Madrid - Cundinamarca respectively and that at the present time are not other people's to the reality analysis object
The intention of the present project, is to determine alternative for the advantage of dangerous wastes that are generated by the activity of smelting with main interest in the process of the glass. The implementation of these alternatives, extends the possibilities so that the interest sector can contemplate them with the spirit to favor the management of its remainders before the generated difficulty of its disposition, costs associate and environmental impacts. This investigation confronted the quality of residual sands like constituent agent of the glass from this characterization physical-chemistry, the pertinent analyses and tests for such aim. In this aspect it has an excellent paper, the support of the industry show window like sector in which this alternative of advantage, based was applied in the valuation. The study contributes to the reduction of contamination generated by the smelting activity, the problems associated to the temporary storing in its areas, the optimization of the service life of by-products and to the fulfillment of the legal requirements of the environmental authority in the matter of dangerous wastes. The development of the project counted on the direct support of Fundicom S.A. y Favidrio S.A. representative companies of the smelting activity and the glass production, located in the municipalities of Mosquera and Madrid - Cundinamarca respectively and that at the present time are not other people's to the reality analysis object
Palabras clave
Arenas de moldeo, Tesis y disertaciones académicas, Materiales de construcción