Implementación de una herramienta de programación y simulación de un manipulador robótico utilizando realidad virtual
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería en Automatización
En la actualidad el uso de robots manipuladores va aumentando con el crecimiento de la industria, en donde se remplaza el trabajo manual repetitivo por estos mecanismos, si se quiere estar a la vanguardia con el crecimiento industrial surge la necesidad de crear herramientas tecnologías para facilitar la programación de robots en entornos industriales. Ayudando a que el usuario no requiera conocimiento profundo de programación de robots manipuladores. Este proyecto contempla el desarrollo de la herramienta computacional de realidad virtual en Unity 3D, construido a partir de modelos CAD incluidos en un espacio virtual computarizado, la programación de las funcionalidades se realiza en lenguaje C Sharp, las cuales facilitan la programación de un manipulador robótico de 6 grados de libertad (Yaskawa Motoman HP20D), el usuario se involucra en ambiente de trabajo creado virtualmente de una manera semi-inmersiva, empleando como periféricos de interacción un sensor mioeléctrico con características de posicionamiento en el espacio, unos lentes de realidad virtual para simular el entorno y como principio básico la programación guiada del robot. Se logra como principal resultado una aplicación en realidad virtual, en la que un usuario programador controla y almacena puntos en el espacio donde dirige el efector final del robot en mención, construyendo trayectorias ejecutadas por el mismo, para luego ser simuladas y finalmente generar el archivo es exportado al controlador del robot real. Como aporte al desarrollo tecnológico, este trabajo proporciona un punto de partida para realizar investigaciones futuras en el campo de programación guiada y/o imitación, debido a que la herramienta facilita un entorno virtual que representa el espacio de trabajo en cual el usuario especifica las trayectorias, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones que podría tener en su entorno real, para ser ejecutadas posteriormente en el robot real
At present, the use of robotic manipulators goes with the growth of the industry, where manual repetitive work can be replaced by these mechanisms, if it wants to be at the forefront with industrial growth, it arises the need of create technological tools to facilitate the programming of robots in industrial environments. Helping the user does not require deep knowledge of programming of robotic manipulators. This project regard the development of the computational tool of virtual reality in Unity 3D, built from CAD models included in a computerized virtual space, the programming of the functionalities is done in C Sharp language, which facilitates the programming of a robotic manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom (Yaskawa Motoman HP20D), the user was involved in the work environment created virtually in a semi-immersive way, using as interaction peripherals a myoelectric sensor with positioning features in space, virtual reality lenses for simulate the environment and as the basic principle the guided programming of the robot. The main result is an application in virtual reality, in which a programmer user controls and stores points in the space where he directs the end effector of the robot in question, building trajectories executed by it, to be simulated and finally generate the file that is exported to the real robot controller. As a contribution to technological development, this work provides a starting point for future research in the field of guided programming and / or imitation, because the tool facilitates a virtual environment that represents the workspace in which the user specifies the trajectories , taking in consideration the limitations that could have in their real environment, to be executed later on the real robot
At present, the use of robotic manipulators goes with the growth of the industry, where manual repetitive work can be replaced by these mechanisms, if it wants to be at the forefront with industrial growth, it arises the need of create technological tools to facilitate the programming of robots in industrial environments. Helping the user does not require deep knowledge of programming of robotic manipulators. This project regard the development of the computational tool of virtual reality in Unity 3D, built from CAD models included in a computerized virtual space, the programming of the functionalities is done in C Sharp language, which facilitates the programming of a robotic manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom (Yaskawa Motoman HP20D), the user was involved in the work environment created virtually in a semi-immersive way, using as interaction peripherals a myoelectric sensor with positioning features in space, virtual reality lenses for simulate the environment and as the basic principle the guided programming of the robot. The main result is an application in virtual reality, in which a programmer user controls and stores points in the space where he directs the end effector of the robot in question, building trajectories executed by it, to be simulated and finally generate the file that is exported to the real robot controller. As a contribution to technological development, this work provides a starting point for future research in the field of guided programming and / or imitation, because the tool facilitates a virtual environment that represents the workspace in which the user specifies the trajectories , taking in consideration the limitations that could have in their real environment, to be executed later on the real robot
Palabras clave
Programación, Robótica, Realidad virtual, Unity 3D, Sensor mioeléctrico, Industria del robot, Robots industriales, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Robots industrial