El conocimiento y aplicación del derecho animal como herramienta en la construcción de una medicina veterinaria integral
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
“Juro, en el nombre de Dios, cumplir la Constitución y leyes de mi patria y todas las obligaciones inherentes a la profesión de medicina de los animales.”1 Este trabajo surge como una inquietud del diario vivir, de la experiencia como estudiante y como persona, como un cuestionamiento acerca del desconocimiento que hay por parte de estudiantes, docentes y profesionales del área de la medicina veterinaria acerca de la existencia de normas legales, morales y éticas en torno a la protección y cuidado de los animales. Es una investigación que va más allá de un idealismo pues pretende ofrecer un espacio de reflexión, argumentación, crítica y discusión lógica acerca de lo que se conoce como “el derecho animal” y la aplicación que este pueda tener dentro del ejercicio profesional, buscando ampliar el conocimiento en esta área, permitiendo explorar otras dimensiones de las ciencias animales que día a día tienen un mayor progreso y que son indispensables en la construcción de una medicina integral. Es quizás la oportunidad de crear una herramienta de fácil consulta y aplicación que fortalezca de esta manera el ser, el saber y el hacer. La tendencia mundial se dirige hacia la existencia cada vez mayor de conciencia y sensibilidad, frente a los progresos científicos y tecnológicos; de esta manera surge la preocupación en la sociedad con respecto a su papel ante estos, agudizada por la crisis de valores y la trasgresión de todas las pautas de comportamiento colectivo, desde las mas elementales hasta el derecho a la vida.2 De esta manera se hace necesaria la ética normatizada, no por su acción coactiva sino como referencia para analizar y calificar la actuación del profesional frente a su realidad social, en relación con los demás. Incluir el Derecho animal como parte de la ética y la bioética dentro del campo de la formación social humanística del profesional, confirma el interés por abrir los espacios de reflexión y discusión sobre el comportamiento humano tanto personal como profesional, remarcando la responsabilidad ante los retos del desarrollo tecnocientífico y biotecnológico y la responsabilidad social y política que tenemos. Al proceder de una forma responsable, ayudaremos a que no se repitan en el futuro las equivocaciones que hemos cometido en el pasado y avanzaremos en un mundo en el que el hombre y los demás animales puedan compartir apreciablemente los beneficios de vivir en un planeta finito.3 Si bien en alguna oportunidad el tema del derecho animal llegó a asociarse únicamente con un criterio de afinidad, simpatía y sentimientos del humano hacia las demás especies, hoy en día el tema posee en sus estructuras fundacionales una articulación discursiva de carácter jurídico, filosófico, político, científico e incluso moral, que lo constituye como una de las cuestiones más polémicas y de suficiente atención de los ordenamientos jurídicos, académicos, periodísticos, sociales, etc. De acá la importancia de dar una mirada desde otro ángulo y comenzar a profundizar en el tema; este trabajo cuenta con dos grandes etapas, una de fundamentación teórica donde se encuentra una selección de material bibliográfico relevante para el estudio planteado (antecedentes históricos y fundamentación teórica del derecho animal, legislación nacional e internacional vigente, responsabilidades del médico veterinario, etc.), acompañado de una conceptualización (derecho, ejercicio profesional, bienestar, protección, etc.), así como un aporte personal que permita la aplicación en la cotidianidad. Posteriormente se empleará la entrevista de tipo semiestructurada como metodología cualitativa de investigación que permita obtener respuestas y puntos de vista del los profesionales entrevistados, realizando posteriormente la tabulación y el análisis respectivo a partir de una organización sistemática de la información y posteriormente una comparación por medio de matrices. En la segunda etapa partiendo de las bases teóricas y de los datos obtenidos se realizará un análisis comparativo de los conceptos manejados por los profesionales entrevistados y la información monográfica obtenida para elaborar una serie de recomendaciones que lleven a la implementación del derecho animal en la formación y en el ejercicio profesional. Este no pretende ser un trabajo que solo recopile temas desconocidos o poco abordados por los profesionales de las ciencias animales, por el contrario busca convertirse en un estudio argumentado que cuestione a los veterinarios acerca del conocimiento que tienen sobre la reglamentación ética – disciplinaria y jurídica, etc. existente, así como del uso que hacen de estas dentro su ejercicio cotidiano, destacando las fortalezas o debilidades que se presentan. Logrando de esta manera despertar inquietudes y estimular una conciencia acerca de lo importante que puede ser conocer, comprender y desarrollar el derecho animal, convirtiéndose de esta forma en un elemento de consulta en nuestra práctica en la clínica de pequeños animales, promoviendo así un mejor ejercicio profesional. “No podemos seguir contemplando el sufrimiento de los animales como algo lejano, ni permanecer ciegos a las muchas maneras que tenemos de causar daño en el mundo que nos rodea” Marc Bekoff
“I swear in the name of God, to adhere to the constitution and the laws of my nation, and all the obligations inherent in the veterinary profession.”4 This work has arisen out of the questioning that is derived from daily life, my experience as a student and as a person, and general interest in a perceived lack of knowledge and understanding of the legal norms, conventions and ethical practices associated with veterinary practice and the protection of animals, as held by students, professors and professionals in this area. This investigation intends to go beyond idealism, seeking to offer a reflective space for considering arguments, criticisms and discussions regarding what is known as “animal rights” and the application of this in professional practice. This work is hoping to expand the existing study offered in this field, exploring other aspects of animal science that allow us to construct a more holistic and integrated approach. I view this as an opportunity to create a tool that will facilitate the consultation and application of knowledge, and its relationship with our existence. The global tendency is directed towards greater consciousness and sensitivity with regards to scientific and technological progress; from here do we observe society’s preoccupation with its role in the face of these motors, affected also by a crisis afflicting our value system and general guidance surrounding collective behavior, encompassing rights, including the right to life. It is why we require normative ethics, not to force action but to provide a reference unto which we can analyze and plan our actions as professionals facing our social reality, and our relationship with others. Including Animal Rights as part of ethics and bio-ethics within the field of social formation of the professional confirms an interest in opening up areas of reflection and discussion regarding human personal and professional behavior, framed by our responsibilities and duties towards continued technological and biotechnological development and the social and political responsibility which we hold true. In proceeding in a manner that befits this responsibility, we will help to ensure that in the future, mistakes committed in the past are not repeated, and that we continue to advance and progress living in a world in which man and animal can live in harmony in what is a finite planet. 5 In the past it was assumed that Animal Law was associated purely with the affinity, affection and sentiment held by humans towards other species, today the issue is formulated and characterised by a judicial, philosophical, political and also moral character that constitutes an area that causes much controversy within these fields. From here the importance of a different point of view and of greater depth is permeated through this work: this paper is comprised of two fundamental parts, a strong theoretical base where a wide selection of academic material (historical precedents, animal law and International law theory, professional ethics and responsibilities) coupled with a personal viewpoint that builds on this base. Following the aforementioned structure, a semi structured interview format is developed and employed as a qualitative method of investigation that allows us to obtain answers and points of view of the professionals involved, thus allowing for the tabulation, presentation and analysis of responses, and comparisons using a wide array of matrices. The second stage will see a comparative analysis conducted of the concepts managed by the professionals interviewed, developing monographed data from which a series of recommendations can be elaborated with a view to the implementation of animal law in the professional realm. This work does not pretend to explore and compile obscure issues of analysis for veterinary professionals, on the contrary it seeks to be a measured study that questions veterinarians over their knowledge of ethics and regulation, disciplinary and judicial. It seeks to identify knowledge observed and utilised, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that arise from this practice. It is with this approach that I seek to stimulate debate and the development of increased consciousness of the importance that is developing, understanding and applying animal law, itself becoming an important element of professional practice in the clinical treatment of animals, with the aim of providing an improved professional practice. “We cannot face contemplating the continued suffering of animals as something afar, nor can we stay blind to the many ways we are able to cause damage to this world” Marc Bekoff.
“I swear in the name of God, to adhere to the constitution and the laws of my nation, and all the obligations inherent in the veterinary profession.”4 This work has arisen out of the questioning that is derived from daily life, my experience as a student and as a person, and general interest in a perceived lack of knowledge and understanding of the legal norms, conventions and ethical practices associated with veterinary practice and the protection of animals, as held by students, professors and professionals in this area. This investigation intends to go beyond idealism, seeking to offer a reflective space for considering arguments, criticisms and discussions regarding what is known as “animal rights” and the application of this in professional practice. This work is hoping to expand the existing study offered in this field, exploring other aspects of animal science that allow us to construct a more holistic and integrated approach. I view this as an opportunity to create a tool that will facilitate the consultation and application of knowledge, and its relationship with our existence. The global tendency is directed towards greater consciousness and sensitivity with regards to scientific and technological progress; from here do we observe society’s preoccupation with its role in the face of these motors, affected also by a crisis afflicting our value system and general guidance surrounding collective behavior, encompassing rights, including the right to life. It is why we require normative ethics, not to force action but to provide a reference unto which we can analyze and plan our actions as professionals facing our social reality, and our relationship with others. Including Animal Rights as part of ethics and bio-ethics within the field of social formation of the professional confirms an interest in opening up areas of reflection and discussion regarding human personal and professional behavior, framed by our responsibilities and duties towards continued technological and biotechnological development and the social and political responsibility which we hold true. In proceeding in a manner that befits this responsibility, we will help to ensure that in the future, mistakes committed in the past are not repeated, and that we continue to advance and progress living in a world in which man and animal can live in harmony in what is a finite planet. 5 In the past it was assumed that Animal Law was associated purely with the affinity, affection and sentiment held by humans towards other species, today the issue is formulated and characterised by a judicial, philosophical, political and also moral character that constitutes an area that causes much controversy within these fields. From here the importance of a different point of view and of greater depth is permeated through this work: this paper is comprised of two fundamental parts, a strong theoretical base where a wide selection of academic material (historical precedents, animal law and International law theory, professional ethics and responsibilities) coupled with a personal viewpoint that builds on this base. Following the aforementioned structure, a semi structured interview format is developed and employed as a qualitative method of investigation that allows us to obtain answers and points of view of the professionals involved, thus allowing for the tabulation, presentation and analysis of responses, and comparisons using a wide array of matrices. The second stage will see a comparative analysis conducted of the concepts managed by the professionals interviewed, developing monographed data from which a series of recommendations can be elaborated with a view to the implementation of animal law in the professional realm. This work does not pretend to explore and compile obscure issues of analysis for veterinary professionals, on the contrary it seeks to be a measured study that questions veterinarians over their knowledge of ethics and regulation, disciplinary and judicial. It seeks to identify knowledge observed and utilised, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that arise from this practice. It is with this approach that I seek to stimulate debate and the development of increased consciousness of the importance that is developing, understanding and applying animal law, itself becoming an important element of professional practice in the clinical treatment of animals, with the aim of providing an improved professional practice. “We cannot face contemplating the continued suffering of animals as something afar, nor can we stay blind to the many ways we are able to cause damage to this world” Marc Bekoff.
Palabras clave
Bienestar animal, Protección de animales, Cría y manejo, Trato de animales, Legislación