Implementación y manejo de 20.000 plántulas de café (Coffea arábica) con buenas prácticas agronómicas con enfoque comercial e investigativo en la vereda El Playón, Municipio San Agustín - Huila
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ingeniería Agronómica
Este trabajo se realizó en la finca La Cabaña de la vereda del playón del municipio de San Agustín Huila, donde se manejó en vivero 20.000 plántulas de café (Coffea arábica) mediante técnicas agronómicas con fines comerciales, con este proyecto se buscó generar impacto positivo a la comunidad, El manejo en semillero ayuda a mitigar aquellos factores que influyen en la producción, ya que en campo la germinación de la semilla puede verse afectada por las condiciones ambientales y labores culturales, produciendo daño mecánico (Arcila et al. 2007). Como investigación se evaluaron diferentes calibres de polisombra buscando en sí cuál de estos le generaba un mejor desarrollo a las plántulas de café, donde se manejó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar, con cuatro tratamientos, incluyendo el testigo y cinco repeticiones, donde esta idea de investigación tuvo como resultado, que el mejor porcentaje de sombrío para las plántulas de café fue el de 35%. Como aporte social se realizó el acompañamiento de agricultores de la vereda la Pradera, de municipio de San Agustín Huila, con la tecnología 4.0, apoyando desde un análisis de suelos, como también la toma de fotografías de alta resolución, encaminados a conocer sus cultivos teniendo una vista amplia, también presentarles las nuevas tecnologías que pueden ayudar a mejorar sus rendimientos y reducir costos en sus cultivos.
This work was carried out at the La Cabaña farm in the village of El Playón in the municipality of San Agustín Huila, where 20,000 coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica) were managed in a nursery using agronomic techniques for commercial purposes. This project sought to generate a positive impact on the community. Seedling management helps to mitigate those factors that influence production, since in the field the germination of the seed can be affected by environmental conditions and cultural work, producing mechanical damage (Arcila et al. 2007). As a research, different calibers of poly-shade were evaluated in order to determine which of these generated a better development of the coffee seedlings, where a completely randomized block design was used, with four treatments including the control and five replications, where this research idea resulted in the best percentage of shade for the coffee seedlings being 35%. As a social contribution, we accompanied farmers in the village of La Pradera, in the municipality of San Agustín Huila, with 4.0 technology, supporting them with a soil analysis as well as taking high resolution photographs, aimed at getting to know their crops with a broad view, also introducing them to new technologies that can help improve their yields and reduce costs in their crops.
This work was carried out at the La Cabaña farm in the village of El Playón in the municipality of San Agustín Huila, where 20,000 coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica) were managed in a nursery using agronomic techniques for commercial purposes. This project sought to generate a positive impact on the community. Seedling management helps to mitigate those factors that influence production, since in the field the germination of the seed can be affected by environmental conditions and cultural work, producing mechanical damage (Arcila et al. 2007). As a research, different calibers of poly-shade were evaluated in order to determine which of these generated a better development of the coffee seedlings, where a completely randomized block design was used, with four treatments including the control and five replications, where this research idea resulted in the best percentage of shade for the coffee seedlings being 35%. As a social contribution, we accompanied farmers in the village of La Pradera, in the municipality of San Agustín Huila, with 4.0 technology, supporting them with a soil analysis as well as taking high resolution photographs, aimed at getting to know their crops with a broad view, also introducing them to new technologies that can help improve their yields and reduce costs in their crops.
Palabras clave
Producción de cultivos, Implementación, Sistemas agrícolas, Crecimiento de plántulas, Café, Trabajo Social