Relación entre la edad, el peso y la eficiencia reproductiva en hembras Brahaman de competencia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Con el objetivo de determinar la eficiencia reproductiva de las hembras Brahman de competencia, se revisó la base de datos de la Asociación Colombiana de Criadores de Ganado Cebú ASOCEBU, para extractar de allí las fechas de nacimiento, los pesos individuales a diferentes edades junto con las fechas de los diferentes partos de las hembras que participaron en ferias ganaderas y fueron juzgadas en el periodo comprendido entre los años de 1997 a 2004. Para la evaluación de los parámetros de fertilidad, se contó con un total de 1427 registros de partos individuales, mientras que para la determinación de las variables de crecimiento se acudió a un total de 4222 registros individuales. Con los datos proveídos por ASOCEBU se calculó la edad al primer parto y a los diferentes partos, el intervalo entre partos general y de cada parto y la ganancia diaria de peso, además de un modelo de crecimiento basado en la ecuación propuesta por Gompertz. De la misma manera se midió el grado de asociación entre las variables edad al parto e intervalo entre partos con la ganancia diaria de peso. Los parámetros zootécnicos obtenidos fueron comparados con los reportados en otros estudios para Colombia encontrándose diferencias entre unos y otros. Por una parte, la edad promedio al primer parto fue menor a la encontrada en la literatura, mientras que el intervalo entre partos promedio fue ampliamente mayor al encontrado en diferentes zonas de Colombia. Adicionalmente se encontró un porcentaje relativamente alto de la población que presenta una eficiencia reproductiva inferior no solo a la de la población motivo del presente estudio sino en general a los estándares de la raza Brahman en el país, lo que lleva a recomendar el tener en cuenta los registros de rendimiento reproductivo individual como un criterio adicional para la premiación de participantes en las ferias ganaderas del país.
To the propose of determine reproductive efficient of Brahman females was done a revision of the Asociación Colombiana de Criadores de Ganado Cebú ASOCEBU data base in order to summarize from there the individuals weight and different ages with different births of females that take part in the cattle mark and were judged between the period of 1997 to 2004. For the evaluation of fertility were 1427 females and 4222 for the growth evaluation. With the dates given for ASOCEBU it was estimated the age of the first birth, general births and each one birth and dairy gross profit, also a growth model based on the Gompertz equation. In the same way was measured the grade of affectation of the variable age and birth and interval between birth with dairy gross profit. The zootecnic parameters obtained were compared with anothers from the investigations for Colombia were there are differences between this and that. On the other hand on an average from the first birth was less than we see in the literature about whereas the interval between the averages of births was longer than those found in the differents places of Colombia. So it was found a high percent of cattle with a level reproductive less than this group that have been studied here not only but also in general according to the Brahman’s standardized in Colombia.
To the propose of determine reproductive efficient of Brahman females was done a revision of the Asociación Colombiana de Criadores de Ganado Cebú ASOCEBU data base in order to summarize from there the individuals weight and different ages with different births of females that take part in the cattle mark and were judged between the period of 1997 to 2004. For the evaluation of fertility were 1427 females and 4222 for the growth evaluation. With the dates given for ASOCEBU it was estimated the age of the first birth, general births and each one birth and dairy gross profit, also a growth model based on the Gompertz equation. In the same way was measured the grade of affectation of the variable age and birth and interval between birth with dairy gross profit. The zootecnic parameters obtained were compared with anothers from the investigations for Colombia were there are differences between this and that. On the other hand on an average from the first birth was less than we see in the literature about whereas the interval between the averages of births was longer than those found in the differents places of Colombia. So it was found a high percent of cattle with a level reproductive less than this group that have been studied here not only but also in general according to the Brahman’s standardized in Colombia.
Palabras clave
Ganado cebu, Ganado Brahman, Reproducción, Ganado de competencia