Propuesta para la planeación estratégica en la subgerencia de redes de distribución eléctrica en una empresa del sector energético
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Maestría en Ingeniería
La planeación estratégica de las organizaciones es propuesta e implementada por los directivos, pero su implementación no siempre es adoptada por todos los colaboradores, esto acarrea la perdida de los objetivos, metas y crecimiento de la organización.El presente trabajo está enmarcado en la elaboración de la planeación estratégica, planeada desde la base (Personal operativo) hasta la alta gerencia, involucrando las necesidades, expectativas y oferta valor de cada uno de los procesos, que interactúan en la Subgerencia de Redes. Con esta información, se plantea la misión y visión, en la que los integrantes se sientan identificados y su trabajo reconocido como base fundamental para el desarrollo del producto final y los intereses de la compañía.Teniendo los lineamientos corporativos de la subgerencia, realizaremos el diagnóstico macro, micro, externo e interno de los subgerencia de redes, para identificar y aprovechar las fortalezas, potenciar las oportunidades y mitigar las debilidades y amenazas.Con los lineamientos corporativos de la subgerencia y el diagnóstico realizado y analizado, se elabora el mapa estratégico que nos permite plantear los retos y proyectos estratégicos, las cuales son el resorte principal para el desarrollo prospectivo de la Subgerencia de Redes
The strategic planning of organizations is proposed and implemented by the managers, but its implementation is not always adopted by all the collaborators, this entails the loss of the objectives, goals and growth of the organization.This work is framed in the elaboration of the strategic planning, planned from the base (operational staff) up to the top management, involving the needs, expectations and offer value of each of the processes that interact in the Networking Department. With this information, the mission and vision are created, where the members feel identified and their work is recognized as fundamental basis for the development of the final product and the interests of the company.Taking the corporate guidelines of the Department, the macro, micro, external and internal diagnosis of the department of networks will be made, in order to identify and take advantage of the strengths, enhance the opportunities and mitigate the weaknesses and threats.With the corporate guidelines of the Department and the diagnosis made and analyzed, the strategic map is made; this map allows considering the challenges and strategic projects, which are the main spring for the prospective development of the Department of Networks
The strategic planning of organizations is proposed and implemented by the managers, but its implementation is not always adopted by all the collaborators, this entails the loss of the objectives, goals and growth of the organization.This work is framed in the elaboration of the strategic planning, planned from the base (operational staff) up to the top management, involving the needs, expectations and offer value of each of the processes that interact in the Networking Department. With this information, the mission and vision are created, where the members feel identified and their work is recognized as fundamental basis for the development of the final product and the interests of the company.Taking the corporate guidelines of the Department, the macro, micro, external and internal diagnosis of the department of networks will be made, in order to identify and take advantage of the strengths, enhance the opportunities and mitigate the weaknesses and threats.With the corporate guidelines of the Department and the diagnosis made and analyzed, the strategic map is made; this map allows considering the challenges and strategic projects, which are the main spring for the prospective development of the Department of Networks
Palabras clave
Maestría en ingeniería, Planificación estratégica, Análisis de redes eléctricas, Distribución de energía eléctrica - Empresa - Sector energético – Colombia, Planificación estratégica - Lineamientos corporativos - Subgerencia de redes