Estudio caso: mortalidad temprana en lechones lactantes en una granja porcícola en Puerto Gaitán Meta
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Este proyecto se realizó en una granja porcicola ubicada en Puerto Gaitán, Meta, el segundo semestre del año 2014, el objetivo de este proyecto es determinar la causa de la mortalidad temprana en lechones lactantes con el fin de mejorar los parámetros productivos del sitio 1b, ya sea sugiriendo adecuaciones en las prácticas de los operarios, programa de alimentación, selección de las madres, entre otros aspectos. Se realizaron unos registros donde se reportaron los resultados obtenidos, que permitían evaluar el manejo de hembras gestantes y lactantes, manejo de neonatos, que implica el encalostramiento y causas de mortalidad. De acuerdo a lo observado y analizado, los operarios tienen una labor de gran importancia para prevenir la mortalidad temprana de lechones, ya que algunas veces no se sigue el protocolo básico de parideras lo cual es realizar en la etapa de lactancia procedimientos técnicos como lo es el encalostramiento, traspasos y aceptaciones para que no afecte el crecimiento normal del lechón y no se cometan errores como la mala atención al parto, ubicación de las hembras en la sala , aparte de esto no se identifica o se hace un seguimiento al comportamiento animal pre- parto y post- parto, seguido a esto se analiza que los movimientos de hembras paridas se hace de manera errónea y con consecuencias en la mortalidad en lactancia de la granja; se llega a la conclusión que buen manejo en la paridera, una alimentación adecuada, entender el comportamiento animal ya sea en el parto o post-parto puede reducir la mortalidad en lactancia considerablemente hasta en un 2% de los nacidos totales para así cumplir el objetivo del sitio 1B. (Destetos hembra año).
This project took place in a pig farm located in Puerto Gaitán, Meta during the second semester of 2014, the main goal of this project is to analyze and evaluate early mortality in piglets which will improve production parameters in the assessment site, either suggesting adjustments in the practices of operators in the feeding program, the selection of mothers among other aspects. Some explanatory tables at which to keep track of all results obtained in the site where they also will detail and analyze each of the aspects to be evaluated with respect to management of infants, management of pregnant females and infants were performed, implications of colostrum and mortality causes. The output of this project is that operators have great incidence in early mortality in piglets because sometimes the basic protocol in farrowing crates, which include technical procedures such as colostrum, transfers and acceptance is not being followed. Besides that a regular follow-up pre and post birth is not being conducted, moreover it is analyzed that the movements of parous is wrongly done and with consequences on nursing mortality in the farm. It is last that with good management in the farrowing, feeding properly, and understanding of the animal behavior either in childbirth or postpartum can reduce breastfeeding mortality considerably up to 2% of total births in the farm, favoring meet the primary goal of the study sites which is a number of weaned of a particular female per year.
This project took place in a pig farm located in Puerto Gaitán, Meta during the second semester of 2014, the main goal of this project is to analyze and evaluate early mortality in piglets which will improve production parameters in the assessment site, either suggesting adjustments in the practices of operators in the feeding program, the selection of mothers among other aspects. Some explanatory tables at which to keep track of all results obtained in the site where they also will detail and analyze each of the aspects to be evaluated with respect to management of infants, management of pregnant females and infants were performed, implications of colostrum and mortality causes. The output of this project is that operators have great incidence in early mortality in piglets because sometimes the basic protocol in farrowing crates, which include technical procedures such as colostrum, transfers and acceptance is not being followed. Besides that a regular follow-up pre and post birth is not being conducted, moreover it is analyzed that the movements of parous is wrongly done and with consequences on nursing mortality in the farm. It is last that with good management in the farrowing, feeding properly, and understanding of the animal behavior either in childbirth or postpartum can reduce breastfeeding mortality considerably up to 2% of total births in the farm, favoring meet the primary goal of the study sites which is a number of weaned of a particular female per year.
Palabras clave
Cría de cerdos, Patología veterinaria, Mortalidad, Lactancia