Narrativas de los ciudadanos habitantes de calle, frente al desarrollo humano, en el centro de acogida Javier Molina de la SDIS durante el 2014 - 2015 en el marco del proyecto 743
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
El presente trabajo de grado, tuvo como propósito conocer el aporte que el proyecto 743 de la SDIS hace al desarrollo humano de las y los ciudadanos (as) habitantes de calle a partir de sus narrativas. Para responder a este objetivo, se definió la metodología como cualitativa con enfoque fenomenológico, de tipo descriptiva, utilizando la entrevista semi estructurada como técnica de recolección de información y el análisis de contenido como técnica de análisis. La población sujeto de la investigación fueron ocho ciudadanos habitantes de calle. Para la sistematización de la información se utilizó la matriz categorial, intrasujeto e intersujeto; posteriormente, todo se resumió en una matriz general. El análisis e interpretación de los resultados se realizaron a partir de la triangulación de la información obtenida de las narrativas de las y los entrevistados. Conforme a la contrastación entre los resultados y los autores en relación a las categorías se encontró que: Las capacidades permiten en los participantes el fortalecimiento de sus habilidades físicas y mentales, para el mejoramiento y construcción del proyecto de vida desde la decisión y la iniciativa. El desarrollo de oportunidades en la población permite un mayor empoderamiento que viabiliza la mejora de su calidad de vida, a través de capacitación, estudio, trabajo, entre otros componentes. Las libertades se consideran como un estado del ser, ya que, de acuerdo a sus narrativas exponen la necesidad de tener una condición de libertad para sentirse con el derecho y la oportunidad de pensar y actuar como ellos deseen. Palabras clave: Habitante de calle, narrativas, desarrollo humano, capacidades, libertades y oportunidades.
This research of grade, had intended to know the contribution that the project 743 of the SDIS makes human development of citizens (as) street dwellers from their narratives. To respond successfully to this objective, the methodology was defined like qualitative, with phenomenological approach, of descriptive type, used the semi-structured interview as a technique for data collection and the content analysis like analysis technique. The target population of the study were eight citizens of street dwellers. To systematize of the information was used the categorical matrix, intrasubject and intersubject; later, everything was summarized in a general matrix. The analysis and interpretation of the results were made from the triangulation of information obtained of the narratives of those interviewed. According to the contrast between the results and the authors in relation to categories it was found that: The capabilities allow participants the strengthening their physical and mental habilities, for the improvement and construction of the life project from the decision and initiative. The development of opportunities in the population allows for greater empowerment that enables the improvement of their quality of life, through training, study, work, among other components. The freedoms are considered as a state of being, because, according to their narratives expose the need for a condition of freedom to feel right and the opportunity to think and act as they wish. Keywords: Street dweller, narratives, human development, capabilities, freedoms and oportunities.
This research of grade, had intended to know the contribution that the project 743 of the SDIS makes human development of citizens (as) street dwellers from their narratives. To respond successfully to this objective, the methodology was defined like qualitative, with phenomenological approach, of descriptive type, used the semi-structured interview as a technique for data collection and the content analysis like analysis technique. The target population of the study were eight citizens of street dwellers. To systematize of the information was used the categorical matrix, intrasubject and intersubject; later, everything was summarized in a general matrix. The analysis and interpretation of the results were made from the triangulation of information obtained of the narratives of those interviewed. According to the contrast between the results and the authors in relation to categories it was found that: The capabilities allow participants the strengthening their physical and mental habilities, for the improvement and construction of the life project from the decision and initiative. The development of opportunities in the population allows for greater empowerment that enables the improvement of their quality of life, through training, study, work, among other components. The freedoms are considered as a state of being, because, according to their narratives expose the need for a condition of freedom to feel right and the opportunity to think and act as they wish. Keywords: Street dweller, narratives, human development, capabilities, freedoms and oportunities.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo humano, Asistencia pública, Pobres, Calles, Empoderamiento, Calidad de vida, Habilidad