Evaluación de las características seminales y capacidad de criopreservación de semen de caprinos importados y nacidos en la sabana de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
En el presente trabajo se probaron diferentes protocolos de congelación de semen caprino, mediante el uso de tres dilutores de preservación: Tris-glicina-yema de huevo-glicerol, leche entera-glicerol y leche descremada-glicerol. El mejor dilutor fue la leche descremada-glicerol con un porcentaje de motilidad individual post descongelación del 76.65% y 51% de espermatozoides vivos. Se evaluaron machos caprinos de diferentes razas y su origen ya sea importado, o su descendencia nacida en Colombia en las explotaciones de la Sabana de Bogotá. Los machos presentaron buen estado físico de 3 años de edad y un peso promedio de 73 Kg, con tendencia de cortejo activa para la monta. El semen fue colectado en vagina artificial, dando como resultado un volumen eyaculado de 0.68 ml de color amarillento, con movimiento de la ola excelente, mientras el porcentaje de motilidad individual fue de 91% con una concentración de 3.7x109 espermatozoides/ml y 91.8% de espermatozoides vivos.
In the present work, different freezing protocols for goat semen were tested using three preservation diluents: Tris-glycine-egg yolk-glycerol, whole milk-glycerol and skim milk-glycerol. The best diluent was skim milk-glycerol with a post-thawing individual motility percentage of 76.65% and 51% live sperm. Goat males of different breeds and their origin, either imported or their offspring born in Colombia in the farms of the Sabana de Bogotá, were evaluated. The males presented good physical condition of 3 years of age and an average weight of 73 kg, with an active courtship tendency for mating. The semen was collected in an artificial vagina, resulting in an ejaculate volume of 0.68 ml of yellowish color, with excellent wave movement, while the percentage of individual motility was 91% with a concentration of 3.7x109 spermatozoa/ml and 91.8% of live spermatozoa.
In the present work, different freezing protocols for goat semen were tested using three preservation diluents: Tris-glycine-egg yolk-glycerol, whole milk-glycerol and skim milk-glycerol. The best diluent was skim milk-glycerol with a post-thawing individual motility percentage of 76.65% and 51% live sperm. Goat males of different breeds and their origin, either imported or their offspring born in Colombia in the farms of the Sabana de Bogotá, were evaluated. The males presented good physical condition of 3 years of age and an average weight of 73 kg, with an active courtship tendency for mating. The semen was collected in an artificial vagina, resulting in an ejaculate volume of 0.68 ml of yellowish color, with excellent wave movement, while the percentage of individual motility was 91% with a concentration of 3.7x109 spermatozoa/ml and 91.8% of live spermatozoa.
Palabras clave
Semen de ganado caprino, Espermatogénesis, Congelación de semen, Aparato reproductivo