Determinación de riesgos en una cadena avícola granja La Diana, Tocancipá Cundinamarca, vereda Canavita
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
Durante las últimas décadas, los servicios de inspección, vigilancia y control en sanidad animal y en salud pública veterinaria en Colombia han enfrentado una pérdida de capacidad operativa, originada en la reestructuración del Estado. En la medida en que un país cuente con un servicio de inspección veterinario sólido y capaz, mayor será la confianza que recibirá de los consumidores nacionales y de sus contrapartes en los países importadores, por lo tanto, accederá más fácilmente a los mercados internacionales. En este sentido, se pretende revisar con la mayor atención y profundidad temática el análisis de riesgos en la cadena avícola, desde la granja, transporte de pollos vivos, faneamiento, transporte de canales y vísceras, expendio. Se dio un mayor énfasis al análisis en la granja, que incluyo el manejo de medicamentos, manejo de la bioseguridad y sanidad, la alimentación, el uso de biológicos y la provisión apropiada de servicios veterinarios entre otros (Gasco, 2000) Si bien el mercado internacional es restringido, Colombia no podría competir en él, sino ofrece productos con los requisitos de seguridad alimentaria y que cumplan con la normatividad internacional en monitoreo de alimentos, además de la legislación de los países de los cuales importamos nuestros productos (Houndonougbo, 2008). La presente investigación se centrara en la Granja avícola LA DIANA en el Municipio de Tocancipa (Cundinamarca) que contiene 150.000 pollos de engorde de la línea Ross 308, donde se trabajan 3 edades con diferencias de 3 a 4 días. Estos 150.000 pollos están separados en 9 galpones uniformes donde se determinaran los riesgos sanitarios en salud pública para cada una de las etapas en la granja avícola, por medio de encuestas a las personas involucradas a las actividades de la granja y observación sobre el manejo que se da a los animales desde que llegan a la granja hasta que son sacrificados, también se tendrá en cuenta el manejo sanitario de las instalaciones. Para finalmente brindar las bases para la toma de medidas de prevención y control de estos riesgos.
During the last decades, inspection, surveillance and control services in animal and public health in Colombia had been facing a lost in operational capacity, by the result of the downsizing and restructuring of the State. By the ability of a country having an inspection veterinary service solid and capable, more would be the trust that it would get from its national consumers and its opposing parties in international markets, Taking this in to consideration, we would like to review with the mayor atention and deeply matter the risk analysis on the poultry chain, from the farm, living chicken transportation,sacrifice, logistic, entrails and retail. Focus on farm analysis that included the medical drugs management, biosecurity and health management, feeding, biologics use and properly veterinary service supply among others. It is well known tha the international market is restricted and Colombia can not go after it, instead Colombia offers the product according food security standards and meeting international standards on food control, besides of the normativity on the countries where we import our products. This research focus on the poultry farm LA DIANA on the Municipio of Tocancipa (Cundinamarca) which has 150.000 broiler chickens on the Ross 308 line. These 150.000 broiler chickens are separated in 9 uniform sheds where health risks on publich health would be determinated for all stages on the poultry farm, using survey with the people involved on the farm activities and observation on the animal handle since they arrive to the farm until they are sacrificed, Also will be taken into account the management health of facilities among others. To ultimately provide a basis for taking measures to prevent and control these risks.
During the last decades, inspection, surveillance and control services in animal and public health in Colombia had been facing a lost in operational capacity, by the result of the downsizing and restructuring of the State. By the ability of a country having an inspection veterinary service solid and capable, more would be the trust that it would get from its national consumers and its opposing parties in international markets, Taking this in to consideration, we would like to review with the mayor atention and deeply matter the risk analysis on the poultry chain, from the farm, living chicken transportation,sacrifice, logistic, entrails and retail. Focus on farm analysis that included the medical drugs management, biosecurity and health management, feeding, biologics use and properly veterinary service supply among others. It is well known tha the international market is restricted and Colombia can not go after it, instead Colombia offers the product according food security standards and meeting international standards on food control, besides of the normativity on the countries where we import our products. This research focus on the poultry farm LA DIANA on the Municipio of Tocancipa (Cundinamarca) which has 150.000 broiler chickens on the Ross 308 line. These 150.000 broiler chickens are separated in 9 uniform sheds where health risks on publich health would be determinated for all stages on the poultry farm, using survey with the people involved on the farm activities and observation on the animal handle since they arrive to the farm until they are sacrificed, Also will be taken into account the management health of facilities among others. To ultimately provide a basis for taking measures to prevent and control these risks.
Palabras clave
Granjas, Manejo e instalaciones, Estrés en aves, Industria avícola, Control de calidad, Alimentación de aves