Evaluación de riesgos físicos y biológicos para las áreas críticas del Hospital María Auxiliadora del municipio de Mosquera, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
El proyecto se realizó con el propósito de evaluar los riesgos físicos y biológicos para las áreas críticas del hospital María Auxiliadora del municipio de Mosquera en Cundinamarca, esto se desarrolló mediante muestreos en las áreas identificadas como críticas, teniendo en cuenta estudios anteriores y la identificación de riesgos mediante la herramienta GTC-45; para los riesgos biológicos se utilizó el método de impactación de Andersen el cual consiste en adsorber una cantidad de aire que impacta una caja de Petri con el medio de cultivo mediante la utilización de equipo Mas-100Eco. Por otro lado, para laización de los riesgos físicos se utilizaron equipos según el parámetro a identificar, es decir, para ruido se hizo un sonómetro, la determinación de estrés térmico mediante un panel de estrés térmico,
The project was carried out in order to assess the physical and biological risks for the critical areas of the María Auxiliadora hospital in the municipality of Mosquera in Cundinamarca, the evaluation was carried out through spot sampling in the areas already identified as critical, taking into account previous studies and risk identification using the GTC-tool45; for biological risks was used the Andersen impact method which consists in adsorbing a determined amount of air impacting on a Petri dish with the desired culture medium which was made by the use of Mas- 100Eco equipment. On the other hand, for the characterization of the physical risks equipment was used according to the parameter to be identified, that is, for noise a sound level meter was used, the determination of thermal stress by means of a thermal stress panel, The concentration of dust received during 8 hours was obtained by means of the Gilian personal sampling pump and the luminosity by means of a luxometer.
The project was carried out in order to assess the physical and biological risks for the critical areas of the María Auxiliadora hospital in the municipality of Mosquera in Cundinamarca, the evaluation was carried out through spot sampling in the areas already identified as critical, taking into account previous studies and risk identification using the GTC-tool45; for biological risks was used the Andersen impact method which consists in adsorbing a determined amount of air impacting on a Petri dish with the desired culture medium which was made by the use of Mas- 100Eco equipment. On the other hand, for the characterization of the physical risks equipment was used according to the parameter to be identified, that is, for noise a sound level meter was used, the determination of thermal stress by means of a thermal stress panel, The concentration of dust received during 8 hours was obtained by means of the Gilian personal sampling pump and the luminosity by means of a luxometer.
Palabras clave
Riesgo, Hospital, Bioaerosoles, Ruido, Luminosidad, Polvo, Estrés Térmico