Evaluación del efecto de la harina de semilla de moringa como coadyudante en el proceso de coagulación para el tratamiento de aguas residuales provenientes del proceso de pelambre de una curtiembre en Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
La industria del curtido es una de las industrias más antiguas, su alta complejidad se caracteriza porque sus vertimientos tienen una alta DBO, DQO, sólidos suspendidos, sólidos sedimentables, sulfuros, cloruros y cromo, lo cual la convierten en una de las industrias más contaminantes y que mayor impacto ambiental causa sobre suelos y aguas. La coagulación- floculación es una de las técnicas en el tratamiento fisicoquímico más importante utilizada en la industria de curtiembres para poder reducir los materiales suspendidos y coloidales responsables de la turbidez de las aguas residuales. Durante la última década, se ha dado un mayor interés al uso de coagulantes naturales en la coagulación para el tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales debido a que estos no generan un cambio significativo en su pH y además son biodegradables. En esta investigación se evaluará el efecto de la harina de semilla de Moringa Oleífera como coagulante natural en el proceso de coagulación en el tratamiento de aguas residuales, la evaluación se hará en aguas residuales provenientes del proceso de pelambre de una curtiembre ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá, en el sector de San Benito. Para desarrollar la evaluación primero se realizó a las semillas de Moringa un proceso de separación, secado y triturado de éstas, para luego mezclarla con éter de petróleo para extraer la grasa de la moringa. de esta manera se obtuvo la harina lista para mezclarla con NaCl consiguiendo la solución patrón. Luego se realizó la caracterización de la calidad de agua a tratar evaluando los siguientes parámetros fisicoquímicos: temperatura, pH, color real, turbiedad, conductividad eléctrica, DQO, DBO5 sólidos sedimentables, sólidos suspendidos totales, alcalinidad, cloruros, grasas y aceites. Para encontrar la dosis óptima de la moringa se realizó test de jarras a partir de una solución madre de 50.000 ppm a su vez también se realizó lo mismo con el sulfato de Aluminio tipo B para tener una referencia del proceso. Se utilizaron 20 concentraciones a una dosificación de 25 ml en cada litro de agua a tratar y se evaluaron en tres pH 6.5, 7.2 y 8. El mejor resultado obtenido con Moringa fue con una concentración de 240 ppm en un pH 6.5 en la que se obtuvo una turbidez de 161,7 NTU, a esta agua se procedió a realizar los mismos análisis de la caracterización inicial, obteniéndose una eficiencia de remoción de turbiedad de 93,9%, color 90,8%, DQO 74,3% DBO5 66,4% y Sólidos Suspendidos Totales (SST) 96,2%, luego se realizó la comparación del cumplimiento con las resoluciones 0631 de 2015, y 3957 de 2009. Se encontró un cumplimiento normativo de los parámetros DQO y solidos suspendidos totales. Para el desarrollo del diseño experimental se realizó mediante un análisis ANOVA por dos factores (concentración y pH) cada factor conto con tres niveles y con tres repeticiones de (DQO, SST, y turbiedad). Se utilizaron tres concentraciones las cuales fueron 200, 700 y 1700 ppm. Posteriormente se compararon los resultados entre los dos tratamientos, mediante un análisis estadístico de varianza ANOVA, en donde se aceptó la hipótesis alterna comprobando que, si existen diferencias significativas entre los parámetros identificados, para diferentes dosis de coagulante aplicada en la muestra de agua en distintas turbiedades, DQO y SST iniciales se obtuvieron diferentes valores finales en la muestra.
The tanning industry is one of the oldest industries, its high complexity is characterized because its discharges have a high BOD, COD, suspended solids, settle able solids, sulfides, chlorides and chromium, which make it one of the most polluting industries and what greater environmental impact they cause on soils and waters. Coagulation- flocculation is one of the most important pH physicochemical treatment techniques used in the tanneries industry to reduce the suspended and colloidal materials responsible for the turbidity of wastewater. During the last decade, there has been more interest in the use of natural coagulants in coagulation in the treatment of industrial wastewater because they do not generate significant changes in the water to be treated in terms of pH and they are also biodegradable. This research will evaluate the effect of moringa seed flour as a natural coagulant in the coagulation process in the treatment of wastewater, for this purpose the evaluation will be made in wastewater from the furring process of a tannery located in the Bogota city, in the San Benito sector. To develop the evaluation, the Moringa seeds were first subjected to a separation, drying and crushing process, then mixed with petroleum ether to extract the fat the Moringa, in this way, the flour was ready to be mixed con NaCl, obtaining the standard solution. Then the characterization of the water quality to be treated was carried out in which the following physicochemical parameters were evaluated: temperature, pH, apparent and real color, turbidity, conductivity, COD, sedimentable solids, total suspended solids, alkalinity, fats and oils, and chlorides. To find the optimal dose of the moringa jar test was performed from a stock solution of 50,000 ppm in turn was also done with aluminum sulfate to have a reference process, 20 concentrations were made at a dosage of 25 ml for evaluation in three pH 6.5-7.2 and 8, From the best jar dosed with Moringa which is 240 ppm we proceeded to perform the analyzes of (real color, COD, sedimentable solids, total suspended solids, alkalinity, fats and oils and chlorides) these data were recorded in a table and the Comparison of compliance with resolutions 0631 of 2015, and 3957 of 2009. It was found that the three best jars are those of concentrations of 200, 700 and 1700 ppm of these proceeded to perform the removal efficiency giving percentages of removal of 80.85 and 95% According to the methodology for the design of experiments, a factorial design of two factors (concentration and pH) was developed. Each factor will have three levels and three repeats (COD, SST, and turbidity) evaluating the effect of each independent parameter. Afterwards, the results were compared between the two treatments, by means of a statistical analysis of variance ANOVA, where the alternative hypothesis was accepted, verifying the highest efficiency of removal.
The tanning industry is one of the oldest industries, its high complexity is characterized because its discharges have a high BOD, COD, suspended solids, settle able solids, sulfides, chlorides and chromium, which make it one of the most polluting industries and what greater environmental impact they cause on soils and waters. Coagulation- flocculation is one of the most important pH physicochemical treatment techniques used in the tanneries industry to reduce the suspended and colloidal materials responsible for the turbidity of wastewater. During the last decade, there has been more interest in the use of natural coagulants in coagulation in the treatment of industrial wastewater because they do not generate significant changes in the water to be treated in terms of pH and they are also biodegradable. This research will evaluate the effect of moringa seed flour as a natural coagulant in the coagulation process in the treatment of wastewater, for this purpose the evaluation will be made in wastewater from the furring process of a tannery located in the Bogota city, in the San Benito sector. To develop the evaluation, the Moringa seeds were first subjected to a separation, drying and crushing process, then mixed with petroleum ether to extract the fat the Moringa, in this way, the flour was ready to be mixed con NaCl, obtaining the standard solution. Then the characterization of the water quality to be treated was carried out in which the following physicochemical parameters were evaluated: temperature, pH, apparent and real color, turbidity, conductivity, COD, sedimentable solids, total suspended solids, alkalinity, fats and oils, and chlorides. To find the optimal dose of the moringa jar test was performed from a stock solution of 50,000 ppm in turn was also done with aluminum sulfate to have a reference process, 20 concentrations were made at a dosage of 25 ml for evaluation in three pH 6.5-7.2 and 8, From the best jar dosed with Moringa which is 240 ppm we proceeded to perform the analyzes of (real color, COD, sedimentable solids, total suspended solids, alkalinity, fats and oils and chlorides) these data were recorded in a table and the Comparison of compliance with resolutions 0631 of 2015, and 3957 of 2009. It was found that the three best jars are those of concentrations of 200, 700 and 1700 ppm of these proceeded to perform the removal efficiency giving percentages of removal of 80.85 and 95% According to the methodology for the design of experiments, a factorial design of two factors (concentration and pH) was developed. Each factor will have three levels and three repeats (COD, SST, and turbidity) evaluating the effect of each independent parameter. Afterwards, the results were compared between the two treatments, by means of a statistical analysis of variance ANOVA, where the alternative hypothesis was accepted, verifying the highest efficiency of removal.
Palabras clave
ANOVA, Coagulante natural, Moringa, Curtiembre, Test de Jarras, Industrial Residual Water, Natural Coagulant, Moringa, Tannery, Jar Test