Reutilización del efluente del reactor UASB que trata las aguas azucaradas generadas en gaseosas Colombianas S.A. Sur, a partir de la evaluación del desempeño del sistema de tratamiento

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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria


El desarrollo del proyecto de grado sobre la reutilización del efluente proveniente del Reactor UASB que trata las aguas azucaradas provenientes de la elaboración de gaseosas, a partir de la evaluación del desempeño del sistema, es producto de las necesidades ambientales que Gaseosas Colombianas S.A Sur presenta. La industria se ha preocupado por demostrar ante la autoridad ambiental y comunidad un apropiado desempeño ambiental, esto los ha llevado a crear estrategias que minimicen los impactos generados al medio ambiente. La verificación del desempeño del Reactor UASB, se realizó mediante la evaluación del funcionamiento del sistema con base a los parámetros establecidos en la literatura y la comparación hecha con los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio. La revisión bibliográfica y recopilación de datos del año 2003, determinaron las variables de operación y de control, que eran esenciales para el desempeño del Reactores.

The development of the final project to obtain the degree as Environmental Engineer, regarding the reuse of the reactor effluent that treats the sweetened waters coming from the elaboration of carbonated beverages, and the evaluation of the system performance, as a result of the environmental needs Gaseosas Colombianas S.A. presents. The industry is concerned about demonstrating adequate environmental performance before the environmental authorities as well as before. Begin this the cause to create strategies that minimize the impacts on the environmental. The UASB reactor performance verification was carried out through the evaluation of the behavior of the system compared to the parameters established in literature with the results obtained in the laboratory. The bibliographic review and the 2003´s data compilation determined the operation and control variables essential to the reactor performance. The reactor performance efficiency after an evaluation, of the system, was 97%, value that exceeds the 80 - 90 % rank stimated by authors such as: “Jorge Baez Noguera”, “Jairo Romero Rojas”, “Amelia Escudero Fonseca”, “Maria Consuelo Diaz Baez”, “Hernan Cuervo Fuentes”, thus guaranteeing and adequate removal of organic matter, an optimal biogas production, hence, stabilizing the system. Through this evaluation, the quality of the effluent to be reused was known. Its characteristics are: 78 BOD 116 mg/l and TSS mg/l. According to the regulations, this effluent must have concentrations of 25 mg/l BOD and TSS In order to obtain this water quality, a filtration system must be used, taking into account that the removal efficiency must be between 40 - 60 %, so an activated carbon filter fulfilling these parameters was chosen, after a coagulation (flocculation) sedimentation unit. After evaluating the alternatives for reusage through the mathematical weighting matrix which defines positive and negative aspects as well as financial viability of each studied alternative, the car wash activity was considered the most, to be developed in the industry. This alternative reduces a 2% of the water to disposed into the sewer system and saves 450 m3 /month of water, amount that is being wasted irrationally.


Palabras clave

Aguas azucaradas, Sistema de tratamiento


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