Propuesta de documento técnico de soporte para un instrumento normativo de residuos inorgánicos aprovechables para el ingreso de Colombia a la OCDE
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un documento técnico de soporte (DTS) bajo los lineamientos establecidos para el ingreso de Colombia a la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) que apoye el diseño de un instrumento normativo de residuos inorgánicos aprovechables en Colombia. El desarrollo metodológico se realiza por etapas, en la primera etapa (Descriptiva) se realiza la descripción de los antecedentes normativos de residuos y se realiza el inventario de las instalaciones de gestión de residuos inorgánicos aprovechables en Colombia, mediante la información suministrada por los planos de gestión integral de residuos sólidos (PGIRS). Luego de esto, se da comienzo a la segunda etapa (Evaluativa), en donde se evalúan las instalaciones en la muestra representativa tomada en Bogotá por medio de muestreo aleatorio simple y así identificar por medio del desarrollo de una ficha técnica, en la que se incluyen los lineamientos establecidos por los elementos centrales de desempeño (CPE) , las características, condiciones, capacidades y necesidades de las instalaciones, con el fin de determinar las deficiencias y el estado técnico y operativo de las mismas. Por último, se desarrolla la tercera etapa (Formulativa) donde se dejan establecidas las consideraciones finales y recomendaciones pertinentes que sirven de apoyo para la gestión de la propuesta de instrumento normativo de residuos inorgánicos aprovechables a nivel nacional en donde se contemplen los estándares exigidos para el ingreso de Colombia a la OCDE
The objective of this thesis is to propose a technical support document (DTS) under the guidelines established for Colombia's entry to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to support the design of a policy tool usable inorganic waste Colombia. The methodological development is done in stages, the first stage (descriptive) a description of the regulatory history of waste is carried out and inventory management facilities usable inorganic waste in Colombia is performed by the information provided by the plans integrated solid waste management (PGIRS). After this, the start is given to the second stage (Evaluative), where the facilities are evaluated in the representative sample taken in Bogota by simple random sampling and identify through the development of a data sheet, in which They include the guidelines established by the central elements of performance (CPE's), the characteristics, conditions, capacities and needs of the facilities, in order to identify gaps and technical and operational state of the same. Finally, the third stage (formulative) where the final considerations and recommendations that support for the management of the proposed policy tool usable inorganic waste at the national level where contemplated left set develops the standards required for entry of Colombia to the OECD
The objective of this thesis is to propose a technical support document (DTS) under the guidelines established for Colombia's entry to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to support the design of a policy tool usable inorganic waste Colombia. The methodological development is done in stages, the first stage (descriptive) a description of the regulatory history of waste is carried out and inventory management facilities usable inorganic waste in Colombia is performed by the information provided by the plans integrated solid waste management (PGIRS). After this, the start is given to the second stage (Evaluative), where the facilities are evaluated in the representative sample taken in Bogota by simple random sampling and identify through the development of a data sheet, in which They include the guidelines established by the central elements of performance (CPE's), the characteristics, conditions, capacities and needs of the facilities, in order to identify gaps and technical and operational state of the same. Finally, the third stage (formulative) where the final considerations and recommendations that support for the management of the proposed policy tool usable inorganic waste at the national level where contemplated left set develops the standards required for entry of Colombia to the OECD
Palabras clave
Gestión ambiental, Aprovechamiento de residuos, Compuestos inorgánicos, Protección del medio ambiente, Environmental management, Inorganic compounds, Environmental protection