Diseño, construcción y arranque de un Reactor Anaerobio de flujo a Pistón (RAP) con guadua como medio de soporte, para el tratamiento de agua residual doméstica de un campamento de trabajadores de una piscícola
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Ante la necesidad de mejorar la calidad de los vertimientos de agua residual doméstica realizados a la represa de Betania por Coolfish, una agroindustria del sector piscícola, se diseñó y construyó un sistema de tratamiento compuesto por una canastilla para la retención de sólidos gruesos, un sedimentador con la función de remover grasas y sólidos sedimentables, un Reactor Anaerobio de flujo a Pistón (RAP) con guadua como medio de soporte para la remoción de materia orgánica, y un sedimentador secundario para retener los sólidos provenientes del tratamiento biológico. Con el fin de darle arranque al RAP se realizó la inoculación con estiércol de caballo; la toma de muestras se ejecutó a la cuarta y quinta semana después del arranque, en donde se midieron cuatro (4) parámetros in – situ: pH, temperatura, sólidos sediméntales y caudal, y tres (3) parámetros ex – situ: Alcalinidad, Demanda Química de Oxigeno (DQO) y Sólidos Suspendidos Totales (SST). En cuanto a resultados se obtuvieron porcentajes de remoción de 29.3% y 34.5% para la DQO y de 58.0% y 58.3% para los SST, evidenciando un buen arranque debido al aumento en la remoción pasados ocho (8) días, lo cual indica que muy posiblemente los microorganismos se encontraban en la fase de adaptación y crecimiento, aunque se sugiere realizar la medición de los parámetros analizados en este proyecto hasta alcanzar un porcentaje de remoción del 80% para cumplir los criterios de diseño y los requerimientos exigidos por la normatividad ambiental.
Given the need to improve the quality of domestic wastewater discharged by the fish farming industry, Coolfish, to the Betania dam, It was designed and built a treatment system consists of: one manual cleaning basket for retention of coarse solids, a settler with the function of removal fats and settling solids, Plug Flow Anaerobic Reactor (PFAR) with bamboo as support media for the removal of organic matter and a secondary settler of removal solids form the biological treatment. Whit the final purpose of Start the PFAR was made the inoculation with horse manure, where four (4) parameters were measured in - situ pH, temperature, sediméntales solid and flow, and three (3) parameters ex - situ: alkalinity, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). As for results removal percentages of 29.3% and 34.5% for COD and 58.0% and 58.3% for the SST were obtained, showing a good start due to the increase in the last removal eight (8) days, indicating that quite possibly the microorganisms were in the phase of adaptation and growth, although it is suggested that the measurement of the parameters analyzed in this project until a removal percentage of 80% to meet the design criteria and the requirements demanded by environmental regulations.
Given the need to improve the quality of domestic wastewater discharged by the fish farming industry, Coolfish, to the Betania dam, It was designed and built a treatment system consists of: one manual cleaning basket for retention of coarse solids, a settler with the function of removal fats and settling solids, Plug Flow Anaerobic Reactor (PFAR) with bamboo as support media for the removal of organic matter and a secondary settler of removal solids form the biological treatment. Whit the final purpose of Start the PFAR was made the inoculation with horse manure, where four (4) parameters were measured in - situ pH, temperature, sediméntales solid and flow, and three (3) parameters ex - situ: alkalinity, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). As for results removal percentages of 29.3% and 34.5% for COD and 58.0% and 58.3% for the SST were obtained, showing a good start due to the increase in the last removal eight (8) days, indicating that quite possibly the microorganisms were in the phase of adaptation and growth, although it is suggested that the measurement of the parameters analyzed in this project until a removal percentage of 80% to meet the design criteria and the requirements demanded by environmental regulations.
Palabras clave
Aguas de albañal, Biodegradación de aguas de albañal, Diseño - Reactor anaerobio - Aguas de albañal, Construcción - Reactor anaerobio - Aguas de albañal