Evaluación de la eficiencia en la degradación de nutrientes (nitrógeno y fósforo) en un prototipo de reactor de lecho móvil a partir de la variación de los tiempos de retención
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de nutrientes (nitrógeno y fósforo) a través de un prototipo de lecho móvil o MBBR (del ingles Moving Bed Biological Reactor) y compararlo con un prototipo de lecho suspendido (lodos activados). Este proyecto se realizó con las aguas residuales domésticas (ARD) provenientes de las áreas comunes, como lo es la zona administrativa (baños y cafetería) y la iglesia (baños y aguas de uso) de “El Paraíso” Parque Cementerio, ubicado en el kilómetro 1.5 Vía Autopista Medellín. El diseño de los reactores convencional y MBBR se desarrolló con las mismas dimensiones para garantizar condiciones similares; sin embargo, al reactor MBBR se agregaron soportes plásticos (portadores) en un volumen del 60% con el fin de inmovilizar los microorganismos encargados de la depuración biológica del agua residual. Adicionalmente, se adaptó un sistema de oxigenación para los reactores tomando una derivación de la red de aireación implementada en la PTAR del cementerio. Este mecanismo cumplió las funciones de airear los reactores y mantener en constante movimiento los soportes plásticos del reactor MBBR. Pasada la fase de diseño, se llevó a cabo la construcción y montaje del sistema; luego de esto se dio inicio a la operación, para lo cual fue necesario estabilizar las unidades biológicas durante 30 días. Transcurrido este periodo, se inició la toma de muestras de forma semanal y mensual, analizando parámetros fisicoquímicos (nitrógeno amoniacal, nitrógeno total y fósforo principalmente) durante 4 meses. El tiempo de retención fue un factor clave en el análisis por lo que se varió entre 4, 5, 6 y 5.5 horas cada mes respectivamente; esto con el fin de observar el comportamiento de los reactores y la eficiencia de remoción en relación con el tiempo de retención establecido. Con los resultados obtenidos en campo se determinó que el tiempo de retención con el cual se logra una mayor remoción de nutrientes corresponde al de seis (6 )horas; siendo así, el reactor MBBR, arroja una mayor eficiencia respecto al reactor convencional, el cual presentó un porcentaje de remoción de nitrógeno total del 80%, nitrógeno amoniacal del 100% y fósforo (medido como fosfatos) del 63%; esto debido a que, al tener un lecho al cual se adhieren las partículas contaminantes, permite una mayor remoción de nutrientes, por lo que se plantea esta tecnología altamente eficiente para ser utilizada en el tratamiento de ARD con altas concentraciones de contaminantes.
The main objective of this project is to assess the nutrient removal efficiency (nitrogen and phosphorus) through a moving bed prototype or MBBR (Moving Bed Biological Reactor) and compare it with a suspended culture prototype (activated sludge). This system worked with domestic wastewater (DWW) from common areas such as the administrative area (bathrooms and restaurant) and the church (restrooms and water use) of "El Paraíso" Cemetery Park. It’s located at kilometer 1.5 on the freeway to Medellín. The design of the conventional and MBBR reactors was made with the same dimensions to guarantee similar conditions. However, plastic media (carrier) were added to the MBBR reactor in a volume of 60% in order to immobilize the microorganisms in charge of the biological purification of the wastewater. Additionally, an aeration system was taken from the airline of the system in the cemetery WWTP. This mechanism fulfilled the functions of aerating the reactors and keeping the plastic supports of the MBBR reactor in constant motion. After the design phase, the construction and assembly of the system were carried out. The operation was started, and it was necessary to stabilize the process for 30 days. After this period, the samples were taken weekly and monthly, analyzing physicochemical parameters (nitrogen ammonia, total nitrogen, phosphorus, among others) for 4 months. The retention time was a key factor in the analysis, so it was varied between 4, 5, 6 and 5.5 hours each month respectively. This, in order to observe the behavior of the reactors and the removal efficiency in relation to the established retention time. Thanks to the results obtained, it was determined that the greater percentage of nutrient removal is achieved at 6 hours retention. Time thus, the MBBR reactor yields a greater efficiency with respect to the conventional reactor; which showed a percentage of removal of total nitrogen of 80%, nitrogen ammonia of 100% and Phosphorus of 63%. This happened because having a bed to which the contaminating particles adhere allows a greater removal of nutrients. In that way, this highly efficient technology is proposed to be used in the treatment of DWW with high pollution concentrations.
The main objective of this project is to assess the nutrient removal efficiency (nitrogen and phosphorus) through a moving bed prototype or MBBR (Moving Bed Biological Reactor) and compare it with a suspended culture prototype (activated sludge). This system worked with domestic wastewater (DWW) from common areas such as the administrative area (bathrooms and restaurant) and the church (restrooms and water use) of "El Paraíso" Cemetery Park. It’s located at kilometer 1.5 on the freeway to Medellín. The design of the conventional and MBBR reactors was made with the same dimensions to guarantee similar conditions. However, plastic media (carrier) were added to the MBBR reactor in a volume of 60% in order to immobilize the microorganisms in charge of the biological purification of the wastewater. Additionally, an aeration system was taken from the airline of the system in the cemetery WWTP. This mechanism fulfilled the functions of aerating the reactors and keeping the plastic supports of the MBBR reactor in constant motion. After the design phase, the construction and assembly of the system were carried out. The operation was started, and it was necessary to stabilize the process for 30 days. After this period, the samples were taken weekly and monthly, analyzing physicochemical parameters (nitrogen ammonia, total nitrogen, phosphorus, among others) for 4 months. The retention time was a key factor in the analysis, so it was varied between 4, 5, 6 and 5.5 hours each month respectively. This, in order to observe the behavior of the reactors and the removal efficiency in relation to the established retention time. Thanks to the results obtained, it was determined that the greater percentage of nutrient removal is achieved at 6 hours retention. Time thus, the MBBR reactor yields a greater efficiency with respect to the conventional reactor; which showed a percentage of removal of total nitrogen of 80%, nitrogen ammonia of 100% and Phosphorus of 63%. This happened because having a bed to which the contaminating particles adhere allows a greater removal of nutrients. In that way, this highly efficient technology is proposed to be used in the treatment of DWW with high pollution concentrations.
Palabras clave
Remoción de nutrientes, Aguas residuales domésticas, Plantas para tratamiento de aguas residuales