Inclusión en la dieta de terneras prerumiantes fuente de proteína de origen animal o vegetal en la lechería especializada La Cañada Tuta Boyacá Fase 1
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Para el inicio de este trabajo se analizaron los requerimientos de los animales de cría en las lecherías especializadas obteniendo resultados de déficit proteico, este es uno de los mayores problemas en las explotaciones comerciales lecheras, puesto que es en este momento cuando se deben sentar las bases para un correcto desarrollo del aparato digestivo en los pre-rumiantes hasta lograr las dimensiones y proporciones que tendrán en su vida adulta; siendo fundamental cumplir con los requerimientos nutricionales de su primera etapa de vida, por lo cual el experimento se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Boyacá, municipio de Tuta, donde se utilizaron 12 terneras clasificadas como cruces comerciales para producción de leche; cada tratamiento contó con 4 animales en un periodo total de 90 días del nacimiento al destete, donde en el tratamiento testigo se consumieron 8 litros de leche diarios a una temperatura de 37 grados centígrados, distribuidas en 2 tomas, consumo a voluntad de pasto kikuyo estimado de 10 kg, sal mineralizada y agua, luego el tratamiento numero uno de suplementación se realizó con harina de pescado (60 grs.) el tratamiento numero dos o torta de soya (80 grs.) disueltos en la leche para garantizar su paso al abomaso distribuidos en dos tomas, mañana y tarde, además se realizaron los análisis químicos para determinar el valor nutritivo de estos suplementos, y la variable ganancia de peso diaria se analizó usando el modelo estadístico de S.A.S, En el primer y segundo mes de vida la ganancia acumulada fue similar entre tratamientos (P>0.05), Al final del tercer mes del período experimental se observaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos, donde los animales que recibieron torta de soya exhibieron una ganancia acumulada que fue 30.7% superior a la de las terneras sin suplementar (P
The calves represent one of the major problems in the commercial exploitations of milk production farms, since it is in this moment when the foundations for a correct development of the digestive system in pre-ruminant must be settled, until reaching the dimensions and proportions that the different parts of the digestive system will have in the adulthood, being essential to full fill the nutritional requirements of their first stage of life, for this reason the experiment was made in Tuta, Boyacá, where 12 calves classified as commercial for the milk production were used, in every treatment 4 calves were used during a period of 70 days, where in the witness treatment 8 liters of milk at 37°C were consumed, divided into two intakes, voluntary consumption of kikuyu grass, mineralized salt, and water, then the supplementation treatment was made with fish meal (60 gr) or soybean meal (80 gr) dissolved in the milk, distributed in two intakes, morning and afternoon, and chemical analysis were made on these supplements to determine their nutritional value, and the weight gain variable was analyzed using the SAS, In the first and second month of life the cumulative gain was similar between treatments (P> 0.05), at the end of the third month of the experimental period no significant differences between treatments were found, where animals receiving soybean cake exhibited a cumulative gain was 30.7% higher than for calves with no supplement (P
The calves represent one of the major problems in the commercial exploitations of milk production farms, since it is in this moment when the foundations for a correct development of the digestive system in pre-ruminant must be settled, until reaching the dimensions and proportions that the different parts of the digestive system will have in the adulthood, being essential to full fill the nutritional requirements of their first stage of life, for this reason the experiment was made in Tuta, Boyacá, where 12 calves classified as commercial for the milk production were used, in every treatment 4 calves were used during a period of 70 days, where in the witness treatment 8 liters of milk at 37°C were consumed, divided into two intakes, voluntary consumption of kikuyu grass, mineralized salt, and water, then the supplementation treatment was made with fish meal (60 gr) or soybean meal (80 gr) dissolved in the milk, distributed in two intakes, morning and afternoon, and chemical analysis were made on these supplements to determine their nutritional value, and the weight gain variable was analyzed using the SAS, In the first and second month of life the cumulative gain was similar between treatments (P> 0.05), at the end of the third month of the experimental period no significant differences between treatments were found, where animals receiving soybean cake exhibited a cumulative gain was 30.7% higher than for calves with no supplement (P
Palabras clave
Dieta de rumiantes, Alimentos y alimentación de terneros, Proteína de origen animal