Sistema de generación eléctrica a partir de energía solar para una planta potabilizadora
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Eléctrica
El desarrollo de este trabajo de grado tomó como referencia para el diseño la energía que conlleva producir agua apta para el consumo a partir de agua de mar (AM) y agua salobre (AS); a su vez, las plantas que se han tratado de implementar en el corregimiento y que presentan inconvenientes por la falta de mantenimiento en las plantas eléctricas que generan la energía para la potabilización del agua. Para lograr lo anterior, se propone el diseño de un sistema de generación fotovoltaico para suplir la energía que demanda la planta de tratamiento de agua evaluando la viabilidad técnica y financiera del proyecto. En antecedentes teóricos, se reconoce a La Guajira como un departamento con gran potencial energético solar. Así, se realizó una simulación para mostrar la eficiencia de la generación solar de la zona donde se propone instalar el proyecto a partir de la capacidad de potencia requerida por la planta desalinizadora de agua, haciendo uso de los datos obtenidos en los mapas del Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) y de la base de datos del software de simulación sobre irradiación, horas solar pico y demás cifras necesarias.
The developmento of this senior Project. The energy involved in producing water suitable for consumption from seawater (SW) and brackish water (BW) was taken as a reference for the design; at the same time, the plants that have been tried to be implemented in the district and that present inconveniences due to the lack of maintenance in the power plants that generate the energy for the purification of the water. To achive the above, the design of a photovoltaic generation system is proposed to supply the energy required by the water treatment plant, evaluating the financial and technical viability of the 8roject. In theoretical background, La Guajira is recognized as a department with great solar energy potential. Thus, a simulation was performed to show the efficiency of solar generation in the area where the project is to be installed based on the power capacity required by the water desalination plant, making use of the data obtained from the maps of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM, for its acronym in spanish) and the simulation software database on irradiation, peak solar hours and other necessary figures.
The developmento of this senior Project. The energy involved in producing water suitable for consumption from seawater (SW) and brackish water (BW) was taken as a reference for the design; at the same time, the plants that have been tried to be implemented in the district and that present inconveniences due to the lack of maintenance in the power plants that generate the energy for the purification of the water. To achive the above, the design of a photovoltaic generation system is proposed to supply the energy required by the water treatment plant, evaluating the financial and technical viability of the 8roject. In theoretical background, La Guajira is recognized as a department with great solar energy potential. Thus, a simulation was performed to show the efficiency of solar generation in the area where the project is to be installed based on the power capacity required by the water desalination plant, making use of the data obtained from the maps of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM, for its acronym in spanish) and the simulation software database on irradiation, peak solar hours and other necessary figures.
Palabras clave
Energía solar, Generación de energía, Planta potabilizadora, Coches eléctricos, Agua potable, Conservación de energiá