Sistema de producción, composición de la leche y sanidad de la ubre en vacas de la raza criolla, Chino Santandereano
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Maestría en Agrociencias
La raza de ganado criollo Chino Santandereano está en alto riesgo de extinción debido al reducido número de ejemplares. Se considera doble propósito y exhibe características como rusticidad, longevidad, fertilidad y mansedumbre que la hacen ideal para los sistemas de producción familiar. El estudio desarrollado es descriptivo de corte transversal y tuvo como objetivo comprender el sistema de producción y aportar información sobre la composición de la leche, la sanidad de la ubre y los patógenos asociados en los casos de mastitis. Se aplicó una encuesta para recopilar información de los predios y una lista de chequeo para conocer el proceso de ordeño. Las muestras de leche se tomaron a la totalidad de vacas lactantes en el departamento, la composición se analizó mediante espectroscopia infrarroja (MilkoScan) y el recuento de células somáticas (RCS) por citometría de flujo (Fossomatic). La leche presentó grasa promedio de 3,0%, proteína de 3,5%, lactosa de 4,9% y sólidos totales de 12,0%. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la composición de la leche entre vacas (p
The Chino Santandereano creole cattle breed is at high risk of extinction due to the small number of specimens. It has a dual purpose and exhibits characteristics such as rusticity, longevity, fertility, and meekness that make it ideal for family production systems. This study is descriptive, cross sectional and its purpose was to understand the production system and to provide information on the composition of the milk, the health of the udder and the associated pathogens in cases of mastitis. A survey was applied to collect information on the farms and a checklist to learn about the milking process. Milk samples were taken from all lact ating cows in the department, the composition was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (MilkoScan) and somatic cell count (SCC) by flow cytometry (Fossomatic). The milk had an average fat of 3.0%, protein of 3.5%, lactose of 4.9% and total solids of 12.0%. Si gnificant differences were found in the composition of the milk between cows ( p lactose content (
The Chino Santandereano creole cattle breed is at high risk of extinction due to the small number of specimens. It has a dual purpose and exhibits characteristics such as rusticity, longevity, fertility, and meekness that make it ideal for family production systems. This study is descriptive, cross sectional and its purpose was to understand the production system and to provide information on the composition of the milk, the health of the udder and the associated pathogens in cases of mastitis. A survey was applied to collect information on the farms and a checklist to learn about the milking process. Milk samples were taken from all lact ating cows in the department, the composition was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (MilkoScan) and somatic cell count (SCC) by flow cytometry (Fossomatic). The milk had an average fat of 3.0%, protein of 3.5%, lactose of 4.9% and total solids of 12.0%. Si gnificant differences were found in the composition of the milk between cows ( p lactose content (
Palabras clave
Chino Santandereano, Composición de la leche, Microorganismo, Recuento de células somáticas, Sanidad de la ubre