Sistematización de la caracterización de las unidades productivas de la localidad Ciudad Bolívar
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Este trabajo se desarrolló en la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá DC), en 11 predios de la Vereda Mochuelo Alto y 15 predios de la vereda Pasquilla. En este trabajo lo que se realizó la sistematización y caracterización de cada uno de las unidades productivas vinculadas en el convenio 221 de la Universidad de la Salle con la Secretaria Distrital de Desarrollo Económico (SDDE), donde se aplicó el formato implementado por la Oficina Asesora de Planeación: Sistema de Identificación y Caracterización de los Ciudadanos (as) y Unidades Productivas (SICCUP), este formato incluía preguntas de índole productivo, social y económico, encontrándose que el 73% de ellos solo tienen estudios hasta la básica primaria incompleta, en la mayoría de los predios trabajan de 3 a 4 familias con la participación de 3 a 4 personas por núcleo familiar, se puede también que los promedios máximos en ventas mensuales fueron de $ 2.000.000- $ 2.500.000 con un 38%, y solo el 62% de los encuestados venden sus productos por medio de intermediarios y pasteurizadoras. Hay que destacar que estas personas son de estratos 1 y 2, donde solo el 15% de ellos tiene un subsidio fuente como alterna de ingreso, pero al observar sus ingresos mensuales no son tan favorables para cada uno de ellos, puesto que las ganancias que tienen no alcanzan a llegar a un salario mínimo legal vigente.
This work was developed in the town of Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota), in 11 farms in the village of Alto owl and 15 farms in the village Pasquilla. In this work, which was intended to make was the systematization and characterization of each of the production units the implementation of the Convention 221 of the Universidad de la Salle with the District Department of Economic Development (EDS), where the format implemented by the Advisory Planning Office applied: System Identification and Characterization of Citizens (as) and Production Units (SICCUP), this format included questions of productive, social and economic nature, finding that 73% of them only studies to have primary or left incomplete in most of the properties of 3-4 working families with the participation of 3-4 persons in the household, was also observed that the maximum average monthly sales were $ 2,000,000 - $ 2.5 million with 38%, and only 62% of respondents sell their products through brokers and pasteurizing. Note that these people are at levels 1 and 2, where only 15% have a grant as an alternative source of income but to observe their monthly income is not as favorable for each of them, since the profits they do not reach a legal minimum wage.
This work was developed in the town of Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota), in 11 farms in the village of Alto owl and 15 farms in the village Pasquilla. In this work, which was intended to make was the systematization and characterization of each of the production units the implementation of the Convention 221 of the Universidad de la Salle with the District Department of Economic Development (EDS), where the format implemented by the Advisory Planning Office applied: System Identification and Characterization of Citizens (as) and Production Units (SICCUP), this format included questions of productive, social and economic nature, finding that 73% of them only studies to have primary or left incomplete in most of the properties of 3-4 working families with the participation of 3-4 persons in the household, was also observed that the maximum average monthly sales were $ 2,000,000 - $ 2.5 million with 38%, and only 62% of respondents sell their products through brokers and pasteurizing. Note that these people are at levels 1 and 2, where only 15% have a grant as an alternative source of income but to observe their monthly income is not as favorable for each of them, since the profits they do not reach a legal minimum wage.
Palabras clave
Abastecimiento de alimentos, Sistematización de unidades productivas, Localidad Ciudad Bolívar, Desarrollo empresarial