Prueba de campo para el diagnóstico precoz de la gestación en cerdas, mediante el ablandamiento del folículo piloso
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
La disminución de los días abiertos de las cerdas no gestantes es uno de los objetivos que pretende un plan de manejo sanitario y reproductivo de un hato porcino fundamental de cualquier sistema productivo. De acuerdo con esto los días abiertos suponen un elevado costo en la producción porcina, que se incrementa en la medida que sean vueltas a cubrir las reproductoras y uno de los mayores problemas en la producción porcina en Colombia es el diagnostico de la gestación con métodos de bajo costo de fácil implementación. Las pérdidas económicas representativas para los productores de ganado porcino no solo están sesgadas bajo el aumento de los días abiertos lo cual lleva a la disminución notable del número de camadas sino que además incluye gastos adicionales como lo son el consumo de medicamentos o el descarte de animales. Los métodos de diagnóstico de la gestación son importantes dentro de una explotación porcina destinada a la cría porque permiten identificar a las cerdas que no quedaron preñadas y reducir los días de retorno al estro post servicio. La investigación busca proponer un nuevo método de detección de la preñez más precoz, de fácil utilización, sensible e identificar causas de falla reproductiva de manera más precoz; que tiene como objetivo disminuir el tiempo improductivo partiendo del estudio de los métodos existentes de gestación y poder desarrollar sobre la experiencia y la observación un nuevo método de bajo costo que garantice una eficiencia reproductiva en menor tiempo. Se realizo un muestreo de 50 de cerdas reproductoras totalmente sanas en etapa productiva que se diagnosticaron por medio de un nuevo método, que se basa en la observación y se fundamenta en el ablandamiento del folículo piloso durante la fecundación, seguido por la caída del pelo. Este método fue verificado por medio de doppler. Se buscaba hacer un comparativo entre este nuevo método y entre los métodos ya existentes de diagnostico de gestación, así mismo buscar una opción para disminuir el retorno al estro postservicio, comprobando el método de ablandamiento del folículo piloso, el cual es precoz y económico.
The decrease of the not pregnant pigs open days is one of the targets that expect a sanitary and reproductive handle plan in a pig’s herd of any productive system. According to this the open days assume a high cost of the pig’s production that increase day by day. One of the main problems of the pig’s production in Colombia is the low cost of the pregnant diagnosis method of easy implementation. The most representative economic losses for the pig’s producers are not given only for the increase of the open days but also because there are additional expenses like medicine and outtake animals. The pregnant diagnosis methods are very important in a pig’s industry designed for obtain baby pigs, because this allows to indentify the pigs which are not pregnant and also it helps to reduce the days to return to the post service estro. (Estro post servicio). The investigation tries to propose a new and easy pregnant diagnosis method to detect the early pregnancy and identify some defects during the reproduction and before give birth; this has as an objective to reduce the unproductive time and probably create a low cost new method that could guarantee a better reproductive efficiency and also it would spend less time than before. A random sampling was done to 50 pigs totally healthy during productive time using a new method which is based in observation especially in strength loss of the hair follicle during the fertilization period followed by the hair loss. This method was verified using a doppler. What it was looking for, was a comparative exercise between this new method against the old methods already created of gestation’s diagnosis to find another option to decrease the return to the post service estro (estro post servicio).
The decrease of the not pregnant pigs open days is one of the targets that expect a sanitary and reproductive handle plan in a pig’s herd of any productive system. According to this the open days assume a high cost of the pig’s production that increase day by day. One of the main problems of the pig’s production in Colombia is the low cost of the pregnant diagnosis method of easy implementation. The most representative economic losses for the pig’s producers are not given only for the increase of the open days but also because there are additional expenses like medicine and outtake animals. The pregnant diagnosis methods are very important in a pig’s industry designed for obtain baby pigs, because this allows to indentify the pigs which are not pregnant and also it helps to reduce the days to return to the post service estro. (Estro post servicio). The investigation tries to propose a new and easy pregnant diagnosis method to detect the early pregnancy and identify some defects during the reproduction and before give birth; this has as an objective to reduce the unproductive time and probably create a low cost new method that could guarantee a better reproductive efficiency and also it would spend less time than before. A random sampling was done to 50 pigs totally healthy during productive time using a new method which is based in observation especially in strength loss of the hair follicle during the fertilization period followed by the hair loss. This method was verified using a doppler. What it was looking for, was a comparative exercise between this new method against the old methods already created of gestation’s diagnosis to find another option to decrease the return to the post service estro (estro post servicio).
Palabras clave
Obstetricia veterinaria, Ganado porcino, Inseminación artificial