Imaginarios de la capacidad del cuidado de la vida en docentes de educación media de cuatro instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia
El presente trabajo de investigación inscrito en la línea de investigación Saber Educativo Pedagógico y Didáctico de la Universidad de La Salle, se interesó por indagar acerca de los imaginarios referidos a la capacidad del cuidado de la vida a partir de las experiencias de cinco docentes de educación media de cuatro instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Bogotá teniendo como punto de partida el enfoque de capacidades de la filósofa estadounidense Martha Nussbaum el cual constituye una alternativa al enfoque de competencias. De esta manera, se abordó la comprensión del cuidado como capacidad desde los planteamientos teóricos acerca de la ética del cuidado de Noddings (2009), las tecnologías del yo y el cuidado de sí, de Foucault (1996), la ética de la alteridad de Levinas (1999), los imaginarios sociales de Castoriadis (1998), los arquetipos y el inconsciente colectivo de Jung (2010), las estructuras antropológicas del imaginario de Durand (2004), y los imaginarios sociales modernos, de Taylor (2006). Es así como se pusieron en marcha ciertas herramientas que indagaron por la búsqueda de signos vivos en las experiencias docentes. Estas fueron la entrevista semiestructurada y la redacción de una autobiografía, las cuales fueron analizadas con el fin de ahondar en la presencia de la capacidad del cuidado de la vida en las prácticas docentes
The present research work inscribed in the Educational Knowledge Pedagogical and Didactic research line of the University of La Salle was interested in investigating about the imaginaries referred to the capacity of life care from the experiences of fivesecondary school teachers of four educational institutions in the city of Bogota, having as a starting point the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s capacities approach which constitutes an alternative to the competencies approach. In this way, the understanding of care as a capacity was worked and analyzed taking into account the theoretical approaches about the Ethics of Care by Noddings (2009), The Technologies of Self and Self-care, by Foucault (1996), the ethics of otherness by Levinas (1999), the social imaginaries by Castoriadis (1998), the Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by Jung (2010), The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary by Durand (2004), and Modern Social Imaginaries, by Taylor (2006). In this way, certain tools were put in place to look into some living signs in teaching experiences. These were the semi-structured interview and the writing of an autobiography, which were analyzed in order to delve into the presence of the capacity of life care in teaching practices
The present research work inscribed in the Educational Knowledge Pedagogical and Didactic research line of the University of La Salle was interested in investigating about the imaginaries referred to the capacity of life care from the experiences of fivesecondary school teachers of four educational institutions in the city of Bogota, having as a starting point the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s capacities approach which constitutes an alternative to the competencies approach. In this way, the understanding of care as a capacity was worked and analyzed taking into account the theoretical approaches about the Ethics of Care by Noddings (2009), The Technologies of Self and Self-care, by Foucault (1996), the ethics of otherness by Levinas (1999), the social imaginaries by Castoriadis (1998), the Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by Jung (2010), The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary by Durand (2004), and Modern Social Imaginaries, by Taylor (2006). In this way, certain tools were put in place to look into some living signs in teaching experiences. These were the semi-structured interview and the writing of an autobiography, which were analyzed in order to delve into the presence of the capacity of life care in teaching practices
Palabras clave
Cuidado, Capacidad, Imaginarios, Ética del cuidado, Care, Capacity, Imaginaries, Ethics of care, Ética profesional, Prácticas de la enseñanza, Instituciones educativas, Professional ethics, Student teaching, Educational institutions, Docencia, Teaching