Economía naranja como potencializador de innovación en los proyectos de emprendimiento generados al interior del Programa de Finanzas y Comercio Internacional de la Universidad de La Salle de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible – FEEDS. Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
El propósito de esta investigación es realizar un análisis de la Economía Naranja (economía creativa) y de su incidencia en la sociedad colombiana, enfocándose en el programa de Finanzas y Comercio Internacional de la Universidad de La Salle. La problemática que se evidencia actualmente radica en la desinformación, en la falta de conocimiento sobre la economía naranja en las instituciones y en el poco bagaje que tiene la aplicación de esta economía en los proyectos de emprendimiento de la universidad. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia entender los beneficios y el crecimiento económico que lleva consigo la ejecución de proyectos enfocados en el desarrollo de estas industrias, también en el fomento de la creatividad, la innovación y el fortalecimiento de la cultura y el desarrollo social. Respecto a esta investigación, es de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptiva exploratoria y de corte transversal, ya que se aplican las encuestas en un solo momento de la investigación. Por ende, se espera lograr de este trabajo ampliar la visión y las perspectivas que existen sobre los beneficios que se pueden obtener, también se espera conocer hasta qué punto los estudiantes conocen sobre la economía naranja, y así mismo, proponer un esquema de apropiación para los proyectos de emprendimiento que se generen al interior del programa y la comprensión de las oportunidades que se pueden presentar en diferentes ámbitos.
The purpose of this research is to perform an analysis of the Orange Economy (creative economy) and its impact on Colombian society, focusing on the Finance and International Trade program at the University of La Salle. The problem that is currently evident lies in misinformation, in the lack of knowledge about the orange economy in the institutions and in the little baggage that the application of this economy has in the entrepreneurship projects of the university. Therefore, it is vital to understand the benefits and economic growth that comes with the execution of projects focused on the development of these industries, also in the promotion of creativity, innovation and the strengthening of culture and social development. Regarding this research, it is a quantitative approach, descriptive exploratory type and cross-sectional, since the surveys are applied in a single moment of the investigation. Therefore, it is expected to achieve from this work to expand the vision and perspectives that exist on the benefits that can be obtained, it is also expected to know to what extent the students know about the orange economy, and likewise, propose a scheme of appropriation for Entrepreneurship projects that are generated within the program and the understanding of the opportunities that can be presented in different areas.
The purpose of this research is to perform an analysis of the Orange Economy (creative economy) and its impact on Colombian society, focusing on the Finance and International Trade program at the University of La Salle. The problem that is currently evident lies in misinformation, in the lack of knowledge about the orange economy in the institutions and in the little baggage that the application of this economy has in the entrepreneurship projects of the university. Therefore, it is vital to understand the benefits and economic growth that comes with the execution of projects focused on the development of these industries, also in the promotion of creativity, innovation and the strengthening of culture and social development. Regarding this research, it is a quantitative approach, descriptive exploratory type and cross-sectional, since the surveys are applied in a single moment of the investigation. Therefore, it is expected to achieve from this work to expand the vision and perspectives that exist on the benefits that can be obtained, it is also expected to know to what extent the students know about the orange economy, and likewise, propose a scheme of appropriation for Entrepreneurship projects that are generated within the program and the understanding of the opportunities that can be presented in different areas.
Palabras clave
Economía naranja, Industria, Cultura, Creatividad, Innovación, Emprendimiento, Orange economy, Industry, Culture, Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship