Evaluación y estandarización de los diferentes métodos de sacrificio de codornices Coturnix Coturnix Japónica acorde al rendimiento en canal en Fusagasugá Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Actualmente en Colombia, la mayoría de las explotaciones que se dedican a la coturnicultura, cuentan con una población animal reducida y no hay datos que confirmen si hay diferencias drásticas de peso en cuanto al rendimiento en canal según la forma de sacrificio que se utilice en las codornices. Teniendo este precedente y con la posibilidad de acceder a granjas coturnícolas en el municipio de Fusagasuga (Cundinamarca), se planteó evaluar y estandarizar los diferentes métodos de sacrificio de codornices (coturnix coturnix japónica) que en este lugar se practican y determinar el mejor según el rendimiento en canal. Para lograr este objetivo, primero se elaboró y aplicó una encuesta a los productores de codorniz de la zona, en la que se determinaron los procedimientos que utilizan para sacrificar estas aves y se concluyó principalmente que la mayoría de coturnicultores no pesan los animales antes de sacrificarlos, no realizan ningún procedimiento para aturdirlos y el método en el que tradicionalmente sacrifican las aves es por torsión del cuello. Posteriormente para la evaluación del rendimiento en canal de las aves, se plantearon 4 procedimientos de sacrificio: el tratamiento 1 en el cual se empleó un aturdimiento eléctrico con aturdidor de aves; el tratamiento 2, donde se sacrificó las aves por ahogamiento; el tratamiento 3, torciendo el cuello del animal y por último el tratamiento 4, en el cual se sacrificó degollando el ave. En total se sacrificaron 120 codornices para los 4 tratamientos. Los resultados en cuanto a las mermas y rendimiento en canal concluyeron que no afecta el método de sacrificio empleado en esta investigación, ya que no existen diferencias de peso estadísticamente representativas entre los tratamientos. Posteriormente se realizó una encuesta a consumidores de codorniz para evaluar las características organolépticas de las canales obtenidas en los tratamientos y se determinó que el color, la textura y la apariencia no presentan diferencias estadísticamente representativas entre los métodos de sacrificio empleados, excepto el aroma y tamaño en el que existió preferencia por el tratamiento en el que se aturdió las aves con choque eléctrico. Por ser estas las dos únicas características en las que se diferenciaron los tratamientos, se recomendó y estandarizó el tratamiento en el que se sacrificó por torsión del cuello del animal, debido a los altos costos que representan para los pequeños productores adquirir el equipo necesario para aturdir las codornices y aprovechando la ventaja de que no se ve afectado el rendimiento en canal de las aves y es el procedimiento que más utilizan los productores para el sacrificio.
At the moment in Colombia, most of the operations that are dedicated to the coturnicultur, they count on a reduced population animal and there are no data that confirm if there are drastic differences of weight as far as the yield in channel according to the sacrifice form that is used in the quails. Having this precedent and with the possibility of acceding to coturnícolas farms in the municipality of Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca), one considered to evaluate and to standardize the different methods from sacrifice of quails (coturnix coturnix japónica) that in this place practice and to determine the best one according to the yield in channel. In order to obtain this objective, first elaborated and applied survey to producers of quail of zone, in that the procedures were determined that use to sacrifice these birds and it concluded mainly that most of coturnicultores the animals do not weigh before sacrificing them, do not make no procedure to stun them and the method in which traditionally they sacrifice the birds is by torsion of the neck.Later for the evaluation of the yield in channel of the birds, 4 procedures of sacrifice considered: the treatment 1 in which an electrical daze with deafening was used of birds; treatment 2, where one sacrificed the birds by ahogamiento; treatment 3, twisting the neck of the animal and finally the treatment 4, in which it was sacrificed cutting the throat of the bird. Altogether 120 quails for the 4 treatments sacrificed themselves. The results as far as the decreases and yield in channel concluded that it does not affect the method of sacrifice used in this investigation, since statistically representative differences of weight between the treatments do not exist. Later a survey to quail consumers was made to evaluate the characteristics of the channels obtained in the treatments and it determined that the color, the texture and the appearance do not present/display statistically representative differences between the used methods of sacrifice, except the aroma and size in which preference by the treatment existed in which it stunned the birds with electrical shock. Being these the two only characteristics in which the treatments were different, the treatment was recommended and standardized in which it was sacrificed by torsion of the neck of the animal, due to the high costs that represent them small producers to acquire the equipment necessary to stun the quails and taking advantage of the advantage which it is not affected the yield in channel of the birds and is the procedure that the producers for the sacrifice use more.
At the moment in Colombia, most of the operations that are dedicated to the coturnicultur, they count on a reduced population animal and there are no data that confirm if there are drastic differences of weight as far as the yield in channel according to the sacrifice form that is used in the quails. Having this precedent and with the possibility of acceding to coturnícolas farms in the municipality of Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca), one considered to evaluate and to standardize the different methods from sacrifice of quails (coturnix coturnix japónica) that in this place practice and to determine the best one according to the yield in channel. In order to obtain this objective, first elaborated and applied survey to producers of quail of zone, in that the procedures were determined that use to sacrifice these birds and it concluded mainly that most of coturnicultores the animals do not weigh before sacrificing them, do not make no procedure to stun them and the method in which traditionally they sacrifice the birds is by torsion of the neck.Later for the evaluation of the yield in channel of the birds, 4 procedures of sacrifice considered: the treatment 1 in which an electrical daze with deafening was used of birds; treatment 2, where one sacrificed the birds by ahogamiento; treatment 3, twisting the neck of the animal and finally the treatment 4, in which it was sacrificed cutting the throat of the bird. Altogether 120 quails for the 4 treatments sacrificed themselves. The results as far as the decreases and yield in channel concluded that it does not affect the method of sacrifice used in this investigation, since statistically representative differences of weight between the treatments do not exist. Later a survey to quail consumers was made to evaluate the characteristics of the channels obtained in the treatments and it determined that the color, the texture and the appearance do not present/display statistically representative differences between the used methods of sacrifice, except the aroma and size in which preference by the treatment existed in which it stunned the birds with electrical shock. Being these the two only characteristics in which the treatments were different, the treatment was recommended and standardized in which it was sacrificed by torsion of the neck of the animal, due to the high costs that represent them small producers to acquire the equipment necessary to stun the quails and taking advantage of the advantage which it is not affected the yield in channel of the birds and is the procedure that the producers for the sacrifice use more.
Palabras clave
Sacrificio de codornices, Codornices, Coturnicultura, Aves