Evaluación de dos sistemas de pastoreo rotacional en la producción de carne en la finca Playa Rica ubicada en el municipio de Maní, departamento de Casanare
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El proyecto se desarrolló en la Finca Playa Rica ubicada en el municipio de Maní, Casanare (N4 50.349 W72 22.841). La finca se encuentra a una altitud de 200m.s.n.m, presenta una precipitación promedio anual es de 3900 mm con un patrón conformado por una época lluviosa (abril a noviembre) y una seca (diciembre a marzo), la temperatura media anual es de 27° C y la humedad relativa de 75%. El área total de pastoreo de la finca fue de 98 ha, distribuidas en cuatro radiales; los dos primeros con tres potreros y los últimos con cuatro potreros, cada radial con un área de 19.5 ha. El área restante estaba en cuatro potreros individuales, los cuales no fueron aprovechados en la época de lluvias ya que se inundaban. Para la realización del trabajo se utilizó el área de los radiales, en los cuales predomina una mezcla de especies forrajeras (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria dictoneura, Brachiaria humidicola, Panicum maximum, Brachiaria arrecta). La fase de ceba se llevó a cabo con machos enteros cebú comercial que provienen de la región, al momento de ingresar a la finca los animales se identificaron, desparasitaron y se alimentaron con pasto y sal mineralizada a voluntad. Para la investigación se utilizaron siete lotes (292 animales en total), los cuales fueron de la misma raza, machos, enteros, ingresaron con un peso promedio de 340 kg y se llevaron al sacrificio con un peso aproximado de 495 kg de peso en promedio. Se trabajó con dos tratamientos; el T1 (n=151) para Pastoreo Rotacional con periodo de ocupación de 8 a 15 días y T2 (n=141) para Pastoreo Rotacional en Franjas el cual se realizó con un periodo de ocupación de un día, el periodo de recuperación se ajustó según la curva de crecimiento del pasto, mediante aforos realizados a los 8, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 y 60 días de edad de la pastura, de manera que el área asignada a cada franja suplía los requerimientos de los animales. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con 14 dos tratamientos (sistema de pastoreo) y tres repeticiones (lotes de animales) por tratamiento. Se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de varianza y comparaciones de medias para las variables evaluadas, se utilizó el software Infostat®. La evaluación se realizó durante dos años; el primer año se utilizó el área de los radiales bajo pastoreo rotacional, con tres lotes de animales, el segundo año esta área se trabajó bajo pastoreo rotacional en franjas con cuatro lotes de animales. Las variables que se midieron fueron Momento óptimo de pastoreo para la cual se obtuvo 25 días con una producción de 0.95 ± 0.15 kg/m2; Producción de forraje verde consumible 5965.38 ± 909.88 kg/corte/Ha y una materia seca consumible de 0.14 ± 0.02 kg/m2 con 14.6 cortes al año ; en cuanto a ganancia de peso se obtuvo 554 ± 65.08 gr/día para el T1 y 702 ± 134.37 gr/día para el T2; para la producción de carne se obtuvo 218.71 kg/Ha/año para el T1 y 739.92 kg/Ha/año para el T2, siendo notoria la ganancia y eficiencia con la implementación del pastoreo rotacional en franjas.
The project was made in the farm PLAYA RICA located in the town Mani, Casanare Colombia (N4 50.349 W72 22.841). The land is located at an altitude 200m.s.n.m and has an average annual rainfall of 3900 mm with a pattern formed by a rainy season (April to November) and dry season (December to March), the average annual temperature is 27 ° C and relative humidity of 75%. The total area of grazing was of 98 hectare, distributed in four radial, the first two of three paddocks and the last with four pastures, each radial area of 19.5 ha. The remaining area, were four individual pastures, which were not utilized in the rainy season, because there were inundated. For the made of this project used of area the radial, where is a predominate this specie of forage (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria dictoneura, Brachiaria humidicola, Panicum maximum, Brachiaria arrecta). The fattening phase was carried out with commercial bulls coming from the region, start to the investigation were identified, dewormed and fed with grass and mineralized salt at will. For the investigation used seven batches (292 animals in total), which were of the same race, male, whole, entered with an average weight of 340 kg and took the sacrifice with an approximate weight of 495 kg on average . It worked with two treatments, T1 (151 animals) rotational grazing, which was performed with a period of a 8 to 15 days of occupation, and T2 (141 animals) to rotational strip grazing, which was performed with a period of a day of occupation, the recovery period was adjusted according to the growth curve, appraisals made through the: 8, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 and 60 days of age of the pasture, so the area assigned to each strip supplied the requirements of the animals. Was used completely randomized design with two treatments (grazing system) and three replicates (groups of animals) per treatment. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and mean comparisons for the evaluated variables was used Infostat ® software. The evaluation was conducted over two years, the first year used the area under rotational grazing radials, with three groups of animals, the second year this area is worked under rotational grazing in strips with four groups of animals. The variables measured were, optimal timing of grazing for 25 days which was obtained with a production of 0.95 ± 0.15 kg/m2; production consumable green forage 5965.38 ± 909.88 kg/cut/Ha and consumable dry material to 0.14 ± 0.02 kg/m2 with 14.6 harvest pear year. Respect to gain to weight was obtained 554 ± 65.08 gr/day with T1 and 702 ± 134.37 gr/day with T2; For meat production obtain 218.71 kg/Ha/year with T1 and 739.92 kg/Ha/year with T2. Its evident more gain and efficient with the second treatment.
The project was made in the farm PLAYA RICA located in the town Mani, Casanare Colombia (N4 50.349 W72 22.841). The land is located at an altitude 200m.s.n.m and has an average annual rainfall of 3900 mm with a pattern formed by a rainy season (April to November) and dry season (December to March), the average annual temperature is 27 ° C and relative humidity of 75%. The total area of grazing was of 98 hectare, distributed in four radial, the first two of three paddocks and the last with four pastures, each radial area of 19.5 ha. The remaining area, were four individual pastures, which were not utilized in the rainy season, because there were inundated. For the made of this project used of area the radial, where is a predominate this specie of forage (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria dictoneura, Brachiaria humidicola, Panicum maximum, Brachiaria arrecta). The fattening phase was carried out with commercial bulls coming from the region, start to the investigation were identified, dewormed and fed with grass and mineralized salt at will. For the investigation used seven batches (292 animals in total), which were of the same race, male, whole, entered with an average weight of 340 kg and took the sacrifice with an approximate weight of 495 kg on average . It worked with two treatments, T1 (151 animals) rotational grazing, which was performed with a period of a 8 to 15 days of occupation, and T2 (141 animals) to rotational strip grazing, which was performed with a period of a day of occupation, the recovery period was adjusted according to the growth curve, appraisals made through the: 8, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 and 60 days of age of the pasture, so the area assigned to each strip supplied the requirements of the animals. Was used completely randomized design with two treatments (grazing system) and three replicates (groups of animals) per treatment. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and mean comparisons for the evaluated variables was used Infostat ® software. The evaluation was conducted over two years, the first year used the area under rotational grazing radials, with three groups of animals, the second year this area is worked under rotational grazing in strips with four groups of animals. The variables measured were, optimal timing of grazing for 25 days which was obtained with a production of 0.95 ± 0.15 kg/m2; production consumable green forage 5965.38 ± 909.88 kg/cut/Ha and consumable dry material to 0.14 ± 0.02 kg/m2 with 14.6 harvest pear year. Respect to gain to weight was obtained 554 ± 65.08 gr/day with T1 and 702 ± 134.37 gr/day with T2; For meat production obtain 218.71 kg/Ha/year with T1 and 739.92 kg/Ha/year with T2. Its evident more gain and efficient with the second treatment.
Palabras clave
Ganado vacuno, Sistemas de pastoreo, Aspectos económicos, Tierras de pastoreo, Pastoreo rotacional