¿Qué genera dependencia a los bonos canjeables del proyecto 7745 en la localidad de Engativá?
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social de Bogotá en el área de la Dirección de Nutrición y de Abastecimiento para el Proyecto 7745 titulado “Compromiso por una alimentación integral en Bogotá”. La población objetivo de esta investigación fueron los beneficiarios de este proyecto que habitan en la localidad de Engativá, esta población se encuentra ubicada en el componente alimentario y social del proyecto en razón de lo cual les son suministrados bonos canjeables por alimentos, debido a su condición de vulnerabilidad y riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria. Esta propuesta pretende exponer las diferentes percepciones que tienen los participantes de los bonos canjeables referente a sus expectativas de ingreso, permanencia y egreso en el proyecto; así mismo se indagó sobre cómo generar acciones que sean exitosas para mejorar su calidad de vida en paralelo con los objetivos y lineamientos del proyecto 7745. Por otra parte, es importante evidenciar la perspectiva desde la cual las directivas y funcionarios de la dirección visualizan el proyecto 7745, con el fin de conocer los parámetros orientadores respecto a: debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas (DOFA). Se realizó una caracterización de la población para conocer las particularidades de los participantes y su núcleo familiar, así mismo, se contrastó su tiempo vinculación a la Secretaría de Integración Social para proponer acciones pertinentes que puedan ayudar a su desarrollo óptimo. Lo anterior con el fin de conocer y analizar los diferentes factores que influyen en el desarrollo del proyecto, los cuales en ocasiones generan procesos de asistencialismo y clientelismo social.
This research was carried out in the District Secretariat for Social Integration of Bogotá, in the area of the Nutrition and Supply Directorate for Project 7745 entitled "Commitment to a comprehensive diet in Bogotá." The target population of this research were the beneficiaries of this project who live in the town of Engativá, this population is located in the food and social component of the project, for which reason they are provided with vouchers exchangeable for food, due to their condition vulnerability and risk of food insecurity. It will seek to expose the different perceptions that participants have of the exchangeable bonds, regarding their expectations of entry, permanence and exit in the project; and likewise, inquire about how to generate actions that are successful to improve their quality of life in parallel with the objectives and guidelines of project 7745. On the other hand, it is important to highlight the perspective from which the directives and management officials view the project 7745, in order to know the guiding parameters regarding: weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats (DOFA). A characterization of the population was carried out to know the particularities of the participants and their family nucleus, likewise, their time linked to the Secretariat of Social Integration was contrasted to propose pertinent actions that can help their optimal development. The above in order to know and analyze the different factors that influence the development of the project, which sometimes generate processes of welfare and social patronage.
This research was carried out in the District Secretariat for Social Integration of Bogotá, in the area of the Nutrition and Supply Directorate for Project 7745 entitled "Commitment to a comprehensive diet in Bogotá." The target population of this research were the beneficiaries of this project who live in the town of Engativá, this population is located in the food and social component of the project, for which reason they are provided with vouchers exchangeable for food, due to their condition vulnerability and risk of food insecurity. It will seek to expose the different perceptions that participants have of the exchangeable bonds, regarding their expectations of entry, permanence and exit in the project; and likewise, inquire about how to generate actions that are successful to improve their quality of life in parallel with the objectives and guidelines of project 7745. On the other hand, it is important to highlight the perspective from which the directives and management officials view the project 7745, in order to know the guiding parameters regarding: weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats (DOFA). A characterization of the population was carried out to know the particularities of the participants and their family nucleus, likewise, their time linked to the Secretariat of Social Integration was contrasted to propose pertinent actions that can help their optimal development. The above in order to know and analyze the different factors that influence the development of the project, which sometimes generate processes of welfare and social patronage.
Palabras clave
Asistencialismo, Calidad de Vida, Necesidades Básicas, Factores, Corresponsabilidad, Bonos Canjeables, Seguridad alimentaria, Dependencia.