Determinación de la prevalencia de huevos de parásitos zoonóticos y los factores de riesgo en niños y sus mascotas del colegio Friedrich Naumann sede B, el Codito, localidad de Usaquén, Bogotá, Colombia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
Las parasitosis zoonóticas en Colombia, son enfermedades parasitarias a la cuales las entidades de vigilancia epidemiológica del país y las secretarias de salud, no le han dado la importancia real que requieren en el campo de la salud pública; la tenencia irresponsable de mascotas dentro de un hogar y las condiciones socioeconómicas e higiénico sanitarias precarias, constituyen una fuente importante de infección para el ser humano, especialmente para la población infantil, adultos mayores e inmunosuprimidos (VIH positivos). Estos factores de riesgo en conjunto pueden incrementar la transmisión e infestación de diversos parásitos, entre los cuales se encuentran Toxocara spp., Ancylostoma spp., Dipilidium caninum, Giardia spp., Taenia spp., y Entamoeba hystolitica, entre otros. El presente estudio se realizó con el objeto de determinar la prevalencia de huevos de parásitos zoonóticos y los factores de riesgo, en niños y sus mascotas en el colegio Friedrich Naumann Sede B del barrio El Codito, localidad de Usaquén en la ciudad de Bogotá, en niños que cumplieran con dos condiciones: la primera, niños que estén viviendo en el barrio El Codito y la segunda, niños con mascota canina. La población de estudio, fueron 130 niños, de los cuales se tomo muestra (prevalencia) a priori del 30% (p30%), con un margen de error del 5% y una confiabilidad del 95%, mediante el programa epidemiológico Epi-Info 6.0, el cual determinó una muestra de 95 niños o familias para la realización de la encuesta epidemiológica a un adulto y toma de materia fecal de aproximadamente de 4 gr. para los niños y caninos de la primera deposición del día, la cual fue tomada por el adulto responsable; las muestras fueron rotuladas y se transportaron al laboratorio refrigeradas para su análisis mediante un examen coprológico por medio de las técnicas de Shealther en los caninos y en los niños mediante la técnica directa; las familias fueron seleccionadas por medio de muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple y el análisis estadístico se realizo bajo el programa Statistix. Se determino en el análisis de la materia fecal como en la encuesta epidemiológica, que la mayoría de niños con mascotas y sin mascota no tuvieron factores de riesgo en su gran mayoría una alta significancia y la tenencia de mascota no tuvo una diferencia altamente significativa (p=0.056) factores como la frecuencia del lavado de manos, la frecuencia de aseo en el hogar, la frecuencia de desparasitación, caminar descalzo, hábitos de tratamiento al enfermar, edad y estrato en lo relacionado con los niños- familia y en lo relacionado con los caninos, la frecuencia de desparasitación, frecuencia de salida a la calle, el habito de besar a los caninos, frecuencia de baño tuvieron diferencias altamente significativas. En relación a los parásitos de mayor prevalencia en niños fueron G. lamblia , B. hominis, Entamoeba coli, Taenia sp y E. hystolitica para ambos grupos de niños siendo mayor su presentación en niños con mascota, la E. hartmani tuvo mayor prevalencia en el grupo de niños con mascota, en el caso de los caninos los parásitos con mayor prevalencia fueron T. canis, D. caninum, E. hystolitica, A. canis, Taenia sp, Blastocystis y la mayor prevalencia fue Giardia canis. Es por esto que la presencia de mascota y su deficiencia en su plan vacunal y de desparasitación y lo relacionado con los diferentes hábitos de cada familia pueden llegar a exponer a la población infantil a los diversos factores de riesgo en la transmisión e infección de parásitos zoonóticos a un así no se haya podido demostrar estadísticamente la asociación estadística significativa.
Zoonotic parasites in Colombia, are parasitic entities to which the country's epidemiological surveillance and health secretariats, have given no real importance in the field requiring public health; irresponsible pet ownership within a household and socioeconomic conditions and hygienic sanitary precarious, are an important source of infection for humans, especially among children, the elderly and immunocompromised (HIV positive). These risk factors can increase the overall transmission and infestation of various parasites which are found between Toxocara spp. Ancylostoma spp. Dipilidium caninum, Giardia spp. Taenia spp,. and Entamoeba hystolitica, among others. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of zoonotic parasite eggs and risk factors in children and their pets in school Friedrich Naumann See section B The Codito, Usaquen in Bogotá, in children that met two conditions: first, children who are living in the Neighbourhood Codito and second, children with canine pet. The study population were 130 children, of which sample was taken (prevalence) a priori 30% (p30%), with a margin of error of 5% and a reliability of 95%, using the epidemiological software Epi-Info 6.0, which resulted in a sample of 95 children or families for conducting epidemiological survey of adult and feces making about 4 gr. for children and dogs of the first day's deposition, which was taken by the responsible adult, the samples were labeled and transported refrigerated to the laboratory for analysis by a stool test through Shealther techniques in dogs and children through direct technical; families were selected through simple random probability sampling and statistical analysis was carried out under the program Statistix. It was determined in the analysis of stool as in the epidemiological survey, most children with pets and without pets had no risk factors for the most high significance and pet ownership was not a highly significant difference (p = 0.056) factors as the frequency of hand washing, the frequency of toilet at home, frequency of deworming, walking barefoot, the ill treatment habits, age and stratum in relation to family and children, in relation to canines, worming frequency, output frequency to the street, the habit of kissing the dogs, bathing frequency differences were highly significant. Regarding most prevalent parasites in children were G. lamblia, B. hominis, Entamoeba coli, E. hystolitica and, Taenia sp for both groups of children was higher in children with presentation pet, E. hartmani was more prevalent in the group of children with pet, in the case of canines most prevalent parasites were T. canis, D. caninum, E. hystolitica, A. canis, Taenia sp, Blastocystis and the highest prevalence was Giardia canis. That is why the presence of pet and its deficiency in vaccination and deworming plan and about the different habits of each family can reach to children exposed to various risk factors in the transmission of zoonotic parasites and infection a well has not been able to demonstrate statistically significant statistical association.
Zoonotic parasites in Colombia, are parasitic entities to which the country's epidemiological surveillance and health secretariats, have given no real importance in the field requiring public health; irresponsible pet ownership within a household and socioeconomic conditions and hygienic sanitary precarious, are an important source of infection for humans, especially among children, the elderly and immunocompromised (HIV positive). These risk factors can increase the overall transmission and infestation of various parasites which are found between Toxocara spp. Ancylostoma spp. Dipilidium caninum, Giardia spp. Taenia spp,. and Entamoeba hystolitica, among others. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of zoonotic parasite eggs and risk factors in children and their pets in school Friedrich Naumann See section B The Codito, Usaquen in Bogotá, in children that met two conditions: first, children who are living in the Neighbourhood Codito and second, children with canine pet. The study population were 130 children, of which sample was taken (prevalence) a priori 30% (p30%), with a margin of error of 5% and a reliability of 95%, using the epidemiological software Epi-Info 6.0, which resulted in a sample of 95 children or families for conducting epidemiological survey of adult and feces making about 4 gr. for children and dogs of the first day's deposition, which was taken by the responsible adult, the samples were labeled and transported refrigerated to the laboratory for analysis by a stool test through Shealther techniques in dogs and children through direct technical; families were selected through simple random probability sampling and statistical analysis was carried out under the program Statistix. It was determined in the analysis of stool as in the epidemiological survey, most children with pets and without pets had no risk factors for the most high significance and pet ownership was not a highly significant difference (p = 0.056) factors as the frequency of hand washing, the frequency of toilet at home, frequency of deworming, walking barefoot, the ill treatment habits, age and stratum in relation to family and children, in relation to canines, worming frequency, output frequency to the street, the habit of kissing the dogs, bathing frequency differences were highly significant. Regarding most prevalent parasites in children were G. lamblia, B. hominis, Entamoeba coli, E. hystolitica and, Taenia sp for both groups of children was higher in children with presentation pet, E. hartmani was more prevalent in the group of children with pet, in the case of canines most prevalent parasites were T. canis, D. caninum, E. hystolitica, A. canis, Taenia sp, Blastocystis and the highest prevalence was Giardia canis. That is why the presence of pet and its deficiency in vaccination and deworming plan and about the different habits of each family can reach to children exposed to various risk factors in the transmission of zoonotic parasites and infection a well has not been able to demonstrate statistically significant statistical association.
Palabras clave
Parásitos zoonóticos, Factores de riesgo, Prevalencia, Salud pública