Comprensión crítica de concepciones y enfoques de desarrollo desde Trabajo Social. Estudio documental
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
Este documento constituye el informe final de la investigación “Comprensión crítica de concepciones y enfoques de Desarrollo desde Trabajo Social: estudio documental” (3 libros, 20 artículos de revista y 17 ponencias de la profesión, escritos entre 1964 y 2007). Los objetivos específicos fueron: discernir el significado de conceptos de Desarrollo por concepciones, contextualizar los enfoques de Desarrollo y dilucidar propuestas de intervención de Trabajo Social referidas al Desarrollo. La investigación cualitativa es de carácter critico y enfoque histórico – hermenéutico. La recolección de información se realizó a través de RATS y fichas temáticas; el proceso de interpretación, mediante análisis de contenido. Se identificaron concepciones tradicionales en que se inscriben los enfoques de Desarrollo económico y social: la intervención de Trabajo Social se realiza desde una perspectiva funcional estructuralista, referida a crear condiciones necesarias para “adaptar” las y los sujetos al los procesos de modernización y progreso mediante la ejecución de políticas, planes, programas y proyectos. Concepciones alternativas como opciones para superar el énfasis economicista del Desarrollo; se refieren enfoques de Desarrollo sostenible, humano, local e integral. Las propuestas de intervención de Trabajo Social están referidas a promover procesos de sostenibilidad, el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, la satisfacción de las necesidades fundamentales y hacer del territorio local y sus actores agentes del Desarrollo. Por último concepciones emergentes con el enfoque de postdesarrollo, desde el cual se propone superar el Desarrollo como universo de referencia, construir y visibilizar otras racionalidades a partir de los conocimientos de las comunidades en contextos locales. Este enfoque se proyecta como un campo de acción para los y las profesionales de Trabajo Social interesados en la deconstrucción del Desarrollo. La investigación se presenta en tres (3) capítulos: El primero presenta el diseño de la propuesta: antecedentes, planteamiento del problema, objetivos, justificación y diseño metodológico; El segundo da cuenta de los referentes: teórico, conceptual y contextual; el primero se aborda para presentar la posición del grupo respecto al Desarrollo; en la parte conceptual se define fundamentación, concepto, concepción, enfoque; y en el contextual se esboza la configuración de valores de la modernidad – modernización como antecedentes de la consolidación del Desarrollo. En el último se abordan los resultados: concepciones y enfoques de Desarrollo identificados. Las concusiones se presentan por objetivo.
The present document constitutes the final report of the critical investigation "Understanding of conceptions and focuses of Development from Social Work: documental study." The objective of the investigation is to interpret conceptions and focuses of Development and its appropriation critically from Social Work (books, magazine articles and reports of the profession, writings between 1964 and 2007). The specific objectives are: to discern the meaning of the concepts of Development, interweaving the focuses of Development and to elucidate the proposals of intervention of Social Work referred to the Development. This qualitative investigation of character criticizes and historical focus – hermeneutic, its registers in the mark of the construction line to discipline of the ability of Social Work of the La Salle University. The gathering of information was carried out through the elaboration of RATS and thematic records, and the interpretation process, under the technique of content analysis. Product of the interpretation was identified conceptions and focuses of Development: traditional conceptions in which register the focuses of economic and social Development, where the intervention of Social Work is carried out from a perspective functional estructuralism, referred to create the necessary conditions to adapt those subject to the modernization processes and progress by means of the execution of political, plans, programs and projects. Alternative conceptions in those that refer focuses of Development, sustainable, human, local and integral, this focuses are presented as alternative in front of the economic development. The proposals of intervention of Social Work in front of these focuses are referred to promote sustainable processes and, the improvement of the quality of life, the satisfaction of the fundamental necessities, and to make of the local territory and their actors agents of the Development. Finally the emergent conceptions with the post-development focus, from which intends the superation of the Development like reference universe, and the construction and visibilización of other rationalities starting from the local communities knowledge and the social fellows. This approach projects like a battle area for the professionals of Social Work interested in the deconstrucción of the Development.
The present document constitutes the final report of the critical investigation "Understanding of conceptions and focuses of Development from Social Work: documental study." The objective of the investigation is to interpret conceptions and focuses of Development and its appropriation critically from Social Work (books, magazine articles and reports of the profession, writings between 1964 and 2007). The specific objectives are: to discern the meaning of the concepts of Development, interweaving the focuses of Development and to elucidate the proposals of intervention of Social Work referred to the Development. This qualitative investigation of character criticizes and historical focus – hermeneutic, its registers in the mark of the construction line to discipline of the ability of Social Work of the La Salle University. The gathering of information was carried out through the elaboration of RATS and thematic records, and the interpretation process, under the technique of content analysis. Product of the interpretation was identified conceptions and focuses of Development: traditional conceptions in which register the focuses of economic and social Development, where the intervention of Social Work is carried out from a perspective functional estructuralism, referred to create the necessary conditions to adapt those subject to the modernization processes and progress by means of the execution of political, plans, programs and projects. Alternative conceptions in those that refer focuses of Development, sustainable, human, local and integral, this focuses are presented as alternative in front of the economic development. The proposals of intervention of Social Work in front of these focuses are referred to promote sustainable processes and, the improvement of the quality of life, the satisfaction of the fundamental necessities, and to make of the local territory and their actors agents of the Development. Finally the emergent conceptions with the post-development focus, from which intends the superation of the Development like reference universe, and the construction and visibilización of other rationalities starting from the local communities knowledge and the social fellows. This approach projects like a battle area for the professionals of Social Work interested in the deconstrucción of the Development.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo social, Desarrollo comunitario, Desarrollo humano, Desarrollo rural