Espacios comunes urbanos: Una oportunidad para dignificar el hábitat en territorios de alta pendiente y contextos marginales. Las Colinas, Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Arquitectura
Todas las ciudades Colombianas se caracterizan por tener un gran porcentaje de informalidad dentro de sí, por esto se enmarcan dentro de las ciudades latinoamericanas las cuales por debidos procesos económicos y sociales que evocaron la migración, la pobreza y otras características de la marginalidad se concentran asentamientos en las periferias de las mismas donde se evidencia la segregación social, unas dinámicas sociales basadas en lo ilícito, la precariedad, las pésimas condiciones de habitabilidad urbana y el déficit de infraestructura se evidencia más. Bogotá no puede quedarse atrás de esta problemática y ¿Cómo desde una disciplina como la arquitectura se pueden dar soluciones a esta? La respuesta a esta pregunta se quiere dar por medio de esta investigación cuyo resultado final es de nivel proyectual urbano y arquitectónico en un territorio característico por haberse fundado geográficamente en alta pendiente de una montaña que se concebía como pliegue de Los Cerros orientales de Bogotá que fue deteriorada por la inminente industrialización de las ciudades en los años 60. Es allí donde entran los espacios comunes urbanos desde la simplicidad de las calles a la complejidad del espacio para la reunión de las comunidades donde se trabaja con un objetivo de crecimiento personal y colectivo para lograr territorios más conscientes, armoniosos, agradables y sostenibles. Por ende el planteamiento lineal conceptualizado en la Axialidad dinámica brindo un sentido urbano y arquitectónico para que este territorio fuera más funcional y amenizara las relaciones urbano-ambientales y urbano-sociales
All Colombian cities are characterized by having a large percentage of informality within themselves, for this reason they are framed within Latin American cities which due to economic and social processes that evoked migration, poverty and other characteristics of marginality are concentrated in settlements on the peripheries where social segregation is evident, social dynamics based on the illicit, The precariousness, poor urban living conditions and lack of infrastructure are more evident. Bogota cannot stay behind of this problematic and how from a discipline like the architecture can give solutions to this? The answer to this question is to be given by means of this research whose final result is question is intended to be given by means of this investigation whose final result is of urban and architectural project level in a territory characteristic for having founded geographically on high slope of a mountain that was conceived as a fold of the eastern Hills of Bogota was damaged by the imminent industrialization of cities in the 1960s. It’s here that the urban common spaces enter from the simplicity of the streets to the complexity of the space for the meeting of communities where one works with a goal of personal and collective growth to achieve more conscious territories, harmonious, pleasant and sustainable. Therefore the linear approach conceptualized in the dynamic Axiality provides an urban and architectural sense for make this territory more functional and liven up urban-environmental and urban-social relations
All Colombian cities are characterized by having a large percentage of informality within themselves, for this reason they are framed within Latin American cities which due to economic and social processes that evoked migration, poverty and other characteristics of marginality are concentrated in settlements on the peripheries where social segregation is evident, social dynamics based on the illicit, The precariousness, poor urban living conditions and lack of infrastructure are more evident. Bogota cannot stay behind of this problematic and how from a discipline like the architecture can give solutions to this? The answer to this question is to be given by means of this research whose final result is question is intended to be given by means of this investigation whose final result is of urban and architectural project level in a territory characteristic for having founded geographically on high slope of a mountain that was conceived as a fold of the eastern Hills of Bogota was damaged by the imminent industrialization of cities in the 1960s. It’s here that the urban common spaces enter from the simplicity of the streets to the complexity of the space for the meeting of communities where one works with a goal of personal and collective growth to achieve more conscious territories, harmonious, pleasant and sustainable. Therefore the linear approach conceptualized in the dynamic Axiality provides an urban and architectural sense for make this territory more functional and liven up urban-environmental and urban-social relations
Palabras clave
Espacio común, Marginalidad, Dignificar, Hábitat, Revitalizar, Common space, Marginality, Dignify, Hábitat, Revitalize