Identificación de los problemas dermatológicos de las tortugas carey Eretmochelys imbricata en el acuario Ceiner
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
No se han encontrado reportes de estudios clínicos de tortugas marinas en vida silvestre en Colombia, por lo que se considera que con este estudio se da el punto de partida en el desarrollo de protocolos aplicados a las condiciones in-situ. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar las lesiones dermatológicas en tortugas carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) pertenecientes al programa de conservación desarrollado por el acuario Ceiner, isla San Martín de Pajarales – Parque Nacional Natural Islas del Rosario, en el caribe colombiano. Se tomó una población de tortugas en cautiverio que presentaban lesiones dermatológicas a nivel del cuello. El estudio se llevó a cabo en agosto de 2004, abril y noviembre de 2005 donde se realizaron tres muestreos respectivamente, donde solo se tuvieron en cuenta los animales que presentaban las lesiones dermatológicas más significativas. No se tuvo en cuenta la incidencia ni la prevalencia de la enfermedad por tratarse este estudio básicamente de la identificación del agente etiológico de las lesiones dermatológicas. Como herramienta diagnóstica se diseñó un protocolo de examen clínico dermatológico, en el cual se consignó la descripción del examen físico para luego realizar la toma de biopsias y cultivos microbiológicos. Durante el tercer muestreo se realizó una observación directa de las condiciones en que se encontraban las tortugas y el comportamiento que estas presentan al estar en cautiverio, con el fin de identificar si existía una relación entre su comportamiento y la presentación de las lesiones dermatológicas. Paralelamente se tomaron diariamente los factores fisicoquímicos del agua para identificar una posible alteración del medio en el que se encontraban las tortugas.
In Colombia clinical studies regarding sea turtles in wildlife haven’t been done, making this study the beginning point to start developing protocols which can be applied to conditions in situ. The goal of this investigation was the identification of the etiology of dermatological diseases in hawksbill turtles (eretmochelys imbricata) which belong to the Ceiner´s aquarium national program located on San Martín de Pajarales island- islas del rosario national park, caribbean ocean. It took a group of sea turtle in captivity with dermatologic injuries on the neck. the study took place in august of 2004,april and november of 2005 the three cohorts were just the animals which had the most significative lesions. The incidence or prevalence of the disease were not studied because the goal of this study was the identification of the etiologic agent of the dermatologic disease. . A dermatological clinical exam protocol was created as a diagnostic tool in which the description of the physical exam was entered. Biopsies and cultures were then carried out.During the third period, there was direct observation of the conditions in which the turtles were found and their behavior in captivity. The objective was to identify a link between their behavior and the dermatological lesions. Concurrent daily physical and chemical characteristics of the water were studied to identify any changes in the turtles' environment.
In Colombia clinical studies regarding sea turtles in wildlife haven’t been done, making this study the beginning point to start developing protocols which can be applied to conditions in situ. The goal of this investigation was the identification of the etiology of dermatological diseases in hawksbill turtles (eretmochelys imbricata) which belong to the Ceiner´s aquarium national program located on San Martín de Pajarales island- islas del rosario national park, caribbean ocean. It took a group of sea turtle in captivity with dermatologic injuries on the neck. the study took place in august of 2004,april and november of 2005 the three cohorts were just the animals which had the most significative lesions. The incidence or prevalence of the disease were not studied because the goal of this study was the identification of the etiologic agent of the dermatologic disease. . A dermatological clinical exam protocol was created as a diagnostic tool in which the description of the physical exam was entered. Biopsies and cultures were then carried out.During the third period, there was direct observation of the conditions in which the turtles were found and their behavior in captivity. The objective was to identify a link between their behavior and the dermatological lesions. Concurrent daily physical and chemical characteristics of the water were studied to identify any changes in the turtles' environment.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades en tortugas, Taxonomía de animales, Tortuga carey