Inventario documental como herramienta de difusión sobre el patrimonio cultural mueble
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Sistemas de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística
Utilizando como categorías el Patrimonio Cultural, Patrimonio Cultural Mueble e Inmueble, Inventarios Documentales y finalmente Difusión del patrimonio Cultural Mueble este estudio se centró en un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo, como método investigación documental, se usaron técnicas como la observación y el análisis documental y los instrumentos fueron dos matrices, una de ellas la matriz categorial y otra una matriz comparativa. Se analizaron aspectos como la estructura de los formatos, el perfil de quién elabora los inventarios, las fases de elaboración de este, sus usos, su accesibilidad, su difusión y las buenas prácticas que se usan en Colombia, España y Estados Unidos. Los resultados de los instrumentos revelan que la estructura de los formatos no tiene un léxico comprensible para los usuarios, no es fácil para un ciudadano acceder a la información ya que tiene que suscribirse en las bases de datos de las entidades que administran el patrimonio. Aun cuando en Colombia existe un programa en el que la alimentación de los inventarios documentales puede partir de ciudadanos, el perfil de las personas que los elaboran es profesional únicamente. Se evidencia que, aunque hay un manual para el diligenciamiento de esta herramienta esta no se usa con propósitos de difusión. Se puede concluir que el diligenciamiento de los inventarios como herramienta de difusión del PCMU debe tener en cuenta aspectos como la influencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), el léxico usado para registrar y acceder a la información, la interacción entre los diferentes perfiles que registran los datos y la manera de comunicar la información. Se recomienda rediseñar los formatos de los inventarios actuales, ajustar el léxico usado sin que pierda su tecnicidad, mejorar el dinamismo de las herramientas actuales y crear un programa de difusión que incluya este instrumento
Using Cultural Heritage, Movable and Property Cultural Heritage, Documentary Inventories and finally Diffusion of Movable Cultural Heritage as categories, this study focused on a qualitative approach, of a descriptive type, with a documentary research method, techniques such as observation and documentary analysis were used and the instruments were two matrices, one of them the categorial matrix and the other a comparative matrix. Aspects such as the structure of the formats, the profile of who prepares the inventories, the phases of elaboration of them, their uses, their accessibility, their dissemination and the good practices used in Colombia, Spain and the United States were analyzed. The results of the instruments reveal that the structure of the formats does not have an understandable vocabulary for the users, it is not easy for a citizen to access the information since they have to subscribe in the databases of the entities that administer the heritage. Even though in Colombia there is a program in which the supply of documentary inventories can start from citizens, the profile of the people who prepare them is only professional. It is evident that although there is a manual for completing this tool, it is not used for dissemination purposes. It can be concluded that the completion of inventories as a tool for the dissemination of documentary heritage must take into account aspects such as the influence of information and communication technologies (ICT), the vocabulary used to record and access information, interaction between the different profiles that record the data and the way to communicate the information. It is recommended to redesign the formats of current inventories, adjust the used vocabulary without losing its technicality, improve the dynamism of current tools and create a dissemination program that includes this instrument
Using Cultural Heritage, Movable and Property Cultural Heritage, Documentary Inventories and finally Diffusion of Movable Cultural Heritage as categories, this study focused on a qualitative approach, of a descriptive type, with a documentary research method, techniques such as observation and documentary analysis were used and the instruments were two matrices, one of them the categorial matrix and the other a comparative matrix. Aspects such as the structure of the formats, the profile of who prepares the inventories, the phases of elaboration of them, their uses, their accessibility, their dissemination and the good practices used in Colombia, Spain and the United States were analyzed. The results of the instruments reveal that the structure of the formats does not have an understandable vocabulary for the users, it is not easy for a citizen to access the information since they have to subscribe in the databases of the entities that administer the heritage. Even though in Colombia there is a program in which the supply of documentary inventories can start from citizens, the profile of the people who prepare them is only professional. It is evident that although there is a manual for completing this tool, it is not used for dissemination purposes. It can be concluded that the completion of inventories as a tool for the dissemination of documentary heritage must take into account aspects such as the influence of information and communication technologies (ICT), the vocabulary used to record and access information, interaction between the different profiles that record the data and the way to communicate the information. It is recommended to redesign the formats of current inventories, adjust the used vocabulary without losing its technicality, improve the dynamism of current tools and create a dissemination program that includes this instrument
Palabras clave
Difusión del patrimonio cultural, Patrimonio cultural mueble, Inventario documental, Dissemination of cultural heritage, Movable cultural heritage, Documentary inventory