Caracterización de sistemas productivos bovinos en el municipio de Amalfi Antioquia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en la realización de un estudio de caracterización de los sistemas productivos bovinos en el Municipio de Amalfi, Antioquia en el cual se observaron las características agroecológicas y el fin productivo predominante en el municipio, se dieron a conocer las prácticas de manejo zootécnico, las prácticas administrativas y registros zootécnicos que se manejan en el municipio de Amalfi. La investigación se desarrolló en todo el Municipio de Amalfi, Antioquia que se encuentra localizado en la cordillera central de los Andes, en el nordeste antioqueño. El municipio tiene una extensión de 1.210 km² a una altura de 1550 msnm y la temperatura promedio es de 22ºC. El municipio de Amalfi cuenta con 719 fincas ganaderas registradas en el segundo ciclo de vacunación de 2011, de las cuales se tomó una muestra de 80 fincas equivalente al 11,12% de la población total para el proyecto de investigación.Se ejecutaron encuestas con preguntas categóricas realizando un muestreo inicial de 40 encuestas y aumentando a 80 encuestas tratando de cubrir las zonas representativas del municipio.A partir la información recogida en las encuestas, se construyó una base de datos con la que se determinó el número total de variables, clasificándolas de acuerdo a los aspectos de la explotación. Del total de variables clasificadas se seleccionaron sacando promedios y desviación estándar de cada variable, seguido por un análisis de frecuencias de presentación de cada variable y categoría, luego se establecieron los tipos más frecuentes conformando grupos representativos de aquellas con mayor representación de la actividad en estudio. Dentro del ítem de extensión total para las 80 fincas seleccionadas al azar y por encuesta; se encontró que 37 fincas (46,25%) fueron mayores de 50 hectáreas, evidenciando que las producciones son de tipo extensivo y que se debe de correlacionar con el número de animales presentes en las fincas. Los aspectos socio-culturales son muy importantes para determinar el manejo y selección de las variables a desarrollar, es así como un 75% de los integrantes de las familias poseen solo educación primaria o secundaria, y solo 6 personas de todas las encuestadas presentaban nivel universitario. Esto se correlaciona también con el número de personas que integran las familias pertenecientes a las fincas evaluadas y se obtiene que el 60% de las fincas poseen de 2 a 4 habitantes, que el rango de edad establecido en un 65% de las fincas son personas que están o sobrepasan los 26años de edad. Para las 80 fincas evaluadas, la actividad productiva se evidencia como una oportunidad de la consecución de dinero al día y por esta razón las 80 fincas (100%) tienen en su nivel de producción la lechería como prioridad, así mismo también se encuentra dentro de la producción de ceba como un punto importante para su subsistencia, con la consecuente cría y levante como fines productivos ideales, es así como en la mayoría de las fincas manejan un sistema de producción completo con diferentes razas genéticas (cruces en 57 fincas) y en algunas ocasiones con genética adecuada para las zonas onduladas de la región. Los estudios de caracterización y evaluación nos permiten realizar una mejor planificación y distribución más eficiente de los recursos destinados a mejorar el funcionamiento de los diferentes sistemas productivos en el Municipio de Amalfi.
The objective of this work consisted of a study of characterization of the bovine production systems in the municipality of Amalfi Antioquia in which is obseved characteristics agroecological and the predominant productive end in the municipality, were unveiled the practices of handling zootechnical, practices administrative and records zootechnical are handled in the municipality of Amalfi. The research development on all the municipality of Amalfi (Antioquia) that is located in the central cordillera of the Andes, in the northeastern Antioquia. The municipality has an extension of 1,210 km2 at an altitude of 1550 metres above sea level and the average temperature is 22 ° c. The municipality of Amalfi has 719 registered ranches which took a sample of 80 estates equal to the 11.12 total population for the research project. Executed surveys with questions categorical performing an initial sampling of 40 surveys and increasing to 80 surveys trying to cover areas of the municipality. From the information collected in the surveys, was built a database that was determined the total number of variables, classifying them according to the aspects of the operation. Total classified variables were selected taking averages and standard deviation of each variable, followed by an analysis of frequency of presentation of each variable and category, then settled the most frequent types forming groups representing those with highest representation of activity in study. Within the item of total length for the 80 farms selected at random and by survey; they found that 37 farms (46,25) were over the age of 50 hectares, demonstrating that the productions are extensive and that should correlate with the number of animals present on the farm. The socio-cultural aspects are very important to determine the management and selection of the varibales to develop, so as a 75 members of the families of posen only primary or secondary education, and only 6 people of all those surveyed had university level. This also correlates with the number of members of the families belonging to the evaluated properties and gets the 60 farms to have 2 to 4 people, that the age range established in a 65 farms are people who are or exceeding 26 years of age. For evaluated 80 farms, productive activity is evidenced as an opportunity for the attainment of money per day and for this reason farms 80 (100) have in their production dairy a priority level, so same also lies within the production of fattening as an important point for their subsistence, with consequent breeding and levante as ideal productive purposes, so how in the majority of farms managed a production system complete with different races Genetics (crosses on 57 farms) and on some occasions with genetics suitable for curved areas of the region. The characterisation and assessment studies allow us to make better planning and more efficient distribution of resources aimed at improving the functioning of the different production systems in the municipality of Amalfi.
The objective of this work consisted of a study of characterization of the bovine production systems in the municipality of Amalfi Antioquia in which is obseved characteristics agroecological and the predominant productive end in the municipality, were unveiled the practices of handling zootechnical, practices administrative and records zootechnical are handled in the municipality of Amalfi. The research development on all the municipality of Amalfi (Antioquia) that is located in the central cordillera of the Andes, in the northeastern Antioquia. The municipality has an extension of 1,210 km2 at an altitude of 1550 metres above sea level and the average temperature is 22 ° c. The municipality of Amalfi has 719 registered ranches which took a sample of 80 estates equal to the 11.12 total population for the research project. Executed surveys with questions categorical performing an initial sampling of 40 surveys and increasing to 80 surveys trying to cover areas of the municipality. From the information collected in the surveys, was built a database that was determined the total number of variables, classifying them according to the aspects of the operation. Total classified variables were selected taking averages and standard deviation of each variable, followed by an analysis of frequency of presentation of each variable and category, then settled the most frequent types forming groups representing those with highest representation of activity in study. Within the item of total length for the 80 farms selected at random and by survey; they found that 37 farms (46,25) were over the age of 50 hectares, demonstrating that the productions are extensive and that should correlate with the number of animals present on the farm. The socio-cultural aspects are very important to determine the management and selection of the varibales to develop, so as a 75 members of the families of posen only primary or secondary education, and only 6 people of all those surveyed had university level. This also correlates with the number of members of the families belonging to the evaluated properties and gets the 60 farms to have 2 to 4 people, that the age range established in a 65 farms are people who are or exceeding 26 years of age. For evaluated 80 farms, productive activity is evidenced as an opportunity for the attainment of money per day and for this reason farms 80 (100) have in their production dairy a priority level, so same also lies within the production of fattening as an important point for their subsistence, with consequent breeding and levante as ideal productive purposes, so how in the majority of farms managed a production system complete with different races Genetics (crosses on 57 farms) and on some occasions with genetics suitable for curved areas of the region. The characterisation and assessment studies allow us to make better planning and more efficient distribution of resources aimed at improving the functioning of the different production systems in the municipality of Amalfi.
Palabras clave
Caracterización, Ganado, Productivo, Amalfi