Método para establecer rangos de contaminación visual urbana en la UPZ 99 Chapinero
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Existe un tipo de contaminación que afecta sustancialmente el paisaje y la estética de la ciudad, provocando cambios o desequilibrios debido al uso desmesurado e inapropiado de elementos urbanos: la “contaminación visual urbana”. alta influencia comercial que sugiere el uso de Publicidad Exterior Visual (PEV) y los elementos funcionales de la estructura urbana; para desarrollar un método nuevo y práctico que caracterice los mayores o menores impactos de contaminación según como se presentan los elementos urbanos por su tamaño, cantidad y calidad en las distintas fachadas producto del recorrido por el eje vial de la Carrera 13 y puntos de muestreo previamente seleccionados desde la calle 40 hasta la calle 63. La metodología general para la consecución de los objetivos se basó en la observación y el diseño, que explica cómo a partir del área total de la fachada, se divide en partes iguales según una cuadricula y finalmente se hace una serie de cálculos que determinan el porcentaje de área ocupada por los elementos. Los rangos se obtienen no solo por la cantidad de los elementos sino por el porcentaje de área que ocupan
There is a type of pollution that substantially affects the landscape and aesthetics of the city, causing changes or imbalances due to excessive and inappropriate use of urban elements: the "urban visual pollution" .The focus of the research was to find a route or area high commercial influence to suggest using Visual Outdoor Advertising (ENP) and the functional elements of the urban structure; previously to develop a new and practical method to characterize the higher or lower depending on how pollution impacts of urban elements are presented by size, quantity and quality in the different facades product tour of the road axis of Carrera 13 and sample points selected from 40th Street to 63rd Street. The general methodology for achieving the objectives based on observation and design, explaining how from the total area of the facade is divided equally according to a grid and finally a series of calculations that determine the percentage is the area occupied by the elements. The ranges are obtained not only by the number of elements but by the percentage of area occupied
There is a type of pollution that substantially affects the landscape and aesthetics of the city, causing changes or imbalances due to excessive and inappropriate use of urban elements: the "urban visual pollution" .The focus of the research was to find a route or area high commercial influence to suggest using Visual Outdoor Advertising (ENP) and the functional elements of the urban structure; previously to develop a new and practical method to characterize the higher or lower depending on how pollution impacts of urban elements are presented by size, quantity and quality in the different facades product tour of the road axis of Carrera 13 and sample points selected from 40th Street to 63rd Street. The general methodology for achieving the objectives based on observation and design, explaining how from the total area of the facade is divided equally according to a grid and finally a series of calculations that determine the percentage is the area occupied by the elements. The ranges are obtained not only by the number of elements but by the percentage of area occupied
Palabras clave
Contaminación visual urbana, Elementos urbanos, Rangos, Urban visual pollution, Urban elements, Ranges