Optimización del sistema de potabilización de la vereda San Antonio del municipio de Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
El presente trabajo expone el resultado de la evaluación del sistema de abastecimiento de la vereda San Antonio en el municipio de Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, con el objetivo de establecer una alternativa al problema identificado durante la fase de diagnóstico, con base en los análisis fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos de la calidad del agua se identificó que el agua no es apta para consumo humano por lo que se diseñaron dos alternativas de plantas de tratamiento. Por medio de una matriz DOFA se definió cual alternativa era la indicada para satisfacer las necesidades de la vereda y finalmente se determinó la viabilidad económica de su implementación. Lo anterior se llevó a cabo por medio de 5 fases: la primera de ellas, un diagnóstico general y recopilación de información técnica; luego la toma de muestras y caracterización del agua, planteamiento de alternativas para mejorar la calidad del agua, posteriormente realizar una evaluación a la alternativa seleccionada y por último realizar un análisis financiero. Al cumplir a cabalidad con las cinco fases mencionadas anteriormente la alternativa seleccionada fue una planta de tratamiento convencional, compuesta por un desarenador, dos tanques de filtración, una unidad de desinfección y finalmente dos tanques de almacenamiento.
The present work explains the result of the evaluation of the supply system of the village San Antonio, in the municipality of Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, with the objective of establishing an alternative to the problem identified during the diagnostic phase, based on the physicochemical and microbiological water quality was identified that water is not suitable for human consumption so two alternative treatment plants were designed, by means of a SWOT matrix was defined which alternative was indicated to satisfy the needs of the path and finally, the economic viability of its implementation was determined. This was done establishing 5 phases: the first of them, a general diagnosis and collection of technical information, then taking samples and water characterization, planning alternatives to improve water quality, to afterwards evaluate the selected alternative and finally carry out a financial analysis. When fully complying with the five phases previouly mentioned, the alternative selected was a conventional treatment plant, consisting of a sand trap, two filtration tanks, a disinfection unit and finally two storage tanks.
The present work explains the result of the evaluation of the supply system of the village San Antonio, in the municipality of Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, with the objective of establishing an alternative to the problem identified during the diagnostic phase, based on the physicochemical and microbiological water quality was identified that water is not suitable for human consumption so two alternative treatment plants were designed, by means of a SWOT matrix was defined which alternative was indicated to satisfy the needs of the path and finally, the economic viability of its implementation was determined. This was done establishing 5 phases: the first of them, a general diagnosis and collection of technical information, then taking samples and water characterization, planning alternatives to improve water quality, to afterwards evaluate the selected alternative and finally carry out a financial analysis. When fully complying with the five phases previouly mentioned, the alternative selected was a conventional treatment plant, consisting of a sand trap, two filtration tanks, a disinfection unit and finally two storage tanks.
Palabras clave
Acueducto, Potabilización, Almacenamiento, Calidad, Distribución, Aqueduct, Potabilization, Storage, Quality, Distribution